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Everything posted by Shaun

  1. Maybe you could get one of those prepaid debit cards or something? I don't know how widely US debit cards are accepted online, but PayPal probably accepts them.
  2. You know I could earn a lot more than $10 in two hours (actually that's equivalent to significantly less than UK minimum wage), and then just pay for a domain name and have money left over. Edit: Actually a domain for one year is worth less than $10, it's more like $7 or so, so that's even worse.
  3. Using Tor for P2P downloads is usually too slow and is discouraged as putting far too much load on the Tor network.
  4. ...I thought Tesla coils were High voltage, high freq, low amps. I don't really have much knowledge in electronics, but a friend explained to me that, due to the high frequency, the electricity would pass over your body, not through it. I think tt's a myth that the electricity will only flow over a human body and not through it (although there is some physics behind it, I think it's misintepreted).
  5. Well, despite my flippancy in my other post, there is such thing as illegal music in some countries (usually ones with theocratic governments). It's also possible music supporting Nazism would be illegal in Germany as well, and I suppose music inciting racial hatred might be illegal in the UK under the public order act. However I doubt the OP lives in under a theocratic regime and I doubt he is downloading Nazi music in Germany or racially hateful music in the UK (and I've never even heard of possession of any music being prosecuted in Europe anyway).
  6. Can you explain exactly what your ISP is doing? I've never heard of illegal music, it must be pretty radical to be banned. If what you actually mean is copyright infringement via P2P networks then a lot of modern Bittorrent clients support features like encryption to make it hard to tell what you are downloading.
  7. Are you asking how you can make game.haroldsearchnetworks.net act like a dynamic IP service thing? Well you can either use a DNS service that will let you update your IP through some sort of script or program or set up a CNAME record so game.haroldsearchnetworks.net points to whatever hsnclanserver.gotdns.com does.
  8. They almost certainly massively overcharge you for renewal or to transfer the domain away after the free year you get.
  9. You know neither of those are there anymore, right?
  10. Yeah, you could try reading Kevin Mitnick's first book, although when I tried to read it I didn't think it was that good and couldn't be bothered to finish it.
  11. Oh yeah, I missed that part some how. Well VNC wouldn't be the best solution, I'd just install an SSH server on your machine at work and then telnet from that machine to the server.
  12. Wasn't the previous question about MySQL? That makes this the first phpBB question.
  13. Shaun


    How much research have you done before asking this question? What keywords did you use on Google?
  14. Yeah, I saw that, but it doesn't really help in this situation, all it would help you do is login as someone else if you got on a PC they saved their password on, but he would still have the exact same problem that the machine is locked down and he can't do anything.
  15. Is there a machine at work you can run stuff on that's left all all the time? If so you could use an SSH reverse tunnel sort of thing (although maybe not quite that).
  16. No, you should since I made the EXE myself, but for all you knew I could have infected it with a virus or something.
  17. It's not illogical, if they've only ever used Windows before there's some perfectly good logic behind why they might expect Linux to be the same.
  18. Have any council actually said they are going to do that? I know it's a possibility, but at the moment the RFID chips (which have been in place for like a year now) have just been used for statistics so far. And on a slightly related note, what pisses me off is fucking Daily Mail readers saying RFIDing bins is an invasion of privacy, but doing nothing about the immeasurably more sinister ID cards and backend TIA database. Probably because they hate immigrants and they think ID cards will make them all go away.
  19. I've hacked the exe a bit and I think I've removed most of the restrictions, although it's a bit hard to test because I don't have an institution ID. You can download the new exe here if you trust executables posted on this forum.
  20. I like to respond to each post in an individual post.
  21. I like OllyDbg (technically a debugger with a disassembler). Some software has protection against reverse engineering though, and if you don't know anything about assembly then you probably won't get much out of looking at it in a disassembler (that's why I asked if you could put a copy up for us to look at, I wasn't sure if you'd be able to do anything yourself).
  22. It's a hash of something, but not necessarily the password. If it does always stay the same then he doesn't even need to know what it is, he just needs to mimic whatever the browser does.
  23. Wait, I just reread your first post, you actually have a copy of this browser at home? Have you tried opening it in a disassembler to see what it's doing? Edit: Also have you checked to see if that string is always the same? If it changes it probably isn't a hash of the password.
  24. :D[/OT] :) Thank you, I thought of it myself as well, unlike the people who use the old 10 types.
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