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Everything posted by Shaun

  1. You do exactly the same thing to the zip.dll file, but in two places with the other 2 addresses I mentioned (0000E638 and 0000E640). The first one is the name so should be the same as what you replaced Zip with in 7zG.exe and the second is the extension so that should probably be all lowercase.
  2. Shaun

    Proxy server

    You need to be a lot mroe specific about what you want. An HTTP proxy? A web proxy (as a lot of people have assumed)? A SOCKS proxy?
  3. I'm not going to do it for you, that's just pointless. I can't be bothered to record a video either. I don't know what you mean when you say you can't find the hex, you've managed to open 7zG.exe in Hex Workshop right? Press Ctrl+G.
  4. Well it is a waste of time, but it doesn't do any harm and if he learns a bit about hex editors and such in the process it's somewhat helpful.
  5. Edit -> Goto... Hex offset 00025858 from beginning of file. Make sure overwrite is on before you type (OVR in the botttom right corner will be black, if not hit the Insert key), do not overwrite what look like dots in the text, overwrite the Z, then move to the i and overwrite that, then the p. If you make a mistake just undo, backup the exe first as well.
  6. :roll: http://www.google.com/search?q=transcode+cluster http://www.transcoding.org/cgi-bin/transco..._Batch_Encoding
  7. I think it's pretty obvious he's using Windows.
  8. just depends on your meta tak words and who links to you mainly .... my homepage & clasite used to be on top or in the top of google when u searched for [WP4P] , the complete clan name , my nick : DLSS , etc too bad i dont have the domains anymore :cry: Meta tags don't actually make a lot of difference anymore after rampant abuse to improve rankings. In fact Google has always completely ignored meta keywords.
  9. The EXE doesn't need decompressing. I use Hex Workshop, but it doesn't make any difference what you use. I like Hackman as well. I also just tested Hexplorer which is free and that works. Edit: By the way, you didn't decompress it with UPX, if you try you get "upx: 7zG.exe: NotPackedException: not packed by UPX". In fact I just opened 7zG.exe with Resource Hacker with no errors about being compressed, so I've no idea how you managed to get that.
  10. It's easier to change an extension than add one if you want to modify the existing compiled application because if you add one it increases the file and section sizes and you end up having to change various things in the PE header and section table which I can't be bothered explaining how to do. Alternatively since it's open source you can modify the source and compile it yourself if you know how to do that. If you are satisfied with replacing the .zip extension with .hsn you can open zip.dll from the Formats directory in a hex editor and edit the name of the archive and the extension it uses. The name starts at 0xE638 and is 6 bytes (it's Unicode so for normal letters every other byte should be 0x00) and the extension starts at 0xE640 and is also 6 bytes. Edit: Oh, if you edit the name in zip.dll, you need to edit it in 7zG.exe as well, at 0x25858.
  11. The instructions on that page do exactly the same thing as you can do from the VLC GUI, so if it didn't work when you tried to set up a stream through the GUI I don't think trying the same thing but through the command line will do much (assuming you had the same settings on the GUI).
  12. Why won't it stream live? Presumably you have Stream/Save ticked and in settings you have selected one of the streaming output, what output are you using? Are you transcoding the video/audio? What encapsulation method? What are you trying to receive the stream with?
  13. Shaun

    Secure VOIP

    Depends what you use, Skype uses end-to-end encryption so the traffic itself is fairly secure, but you can still see where traffic is coming from and going to (although Skype is a P2P system so perhaps the P2P traffic gives you some plausible deniability).
  14. Not a very specific error. I'd guess a corrupted DLL somewhere or maybe dying hard drive. Google says pcAnywhere can interefere with some programs and ccause that error as well.
  15. Well in rankings it means something different, but in scoring it's usually higher number is better (e.g. score cards for diving and such).
  16. I've never done it before, I haven't even downloaded Inno Setup before and I can't really be bothered to, but from that FAQ section I'm guessing you need something like this in the setup config file: [Registry] Root: HKCR; Subkey: ".hsn"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "HSNArchive"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue Root: HKCR; Subkey: "HSNArchive"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "HSN Archive File"; Flags: uninsdeletekey Root: HKCR; Subkey: "HSNArchiveDefaultIcon"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "{app}7zFM.exe,0" Root: HKCR; Subkey: "HSNArchiveshellopencommand"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: """{app}7zFM.exe"" ""%1""" If you want the change the icon you'll need to change the icon (or one of the icons) of 7zFM.exe. Don't forget to set the [setup] section directive "ChangesAssociations" to "yes" as the FAQ says.
  17. People obviously have visited your site due to the number of times you have posted a link on this forum, but I bet they didn't visit it again until the next time you posted a link asking people to look at it. Edit: 3000 hits isn't a lot either, my web server which doesn't even have a front page - it's just the autogenerated Apache index - gets 3000 hits a month from Google traffic.
  18. Inno: http://www.jrsoftware.org/isfaq.php#assoc
  19. no it wouldn't because we live on the world we would be shaken too therefor we (depending on many factors) would not notice it at all and some program somewhere has got to have a shaky filter You could probably minimise your own shaking by using some sort of gyroscopically stabilised platform with dampers.
  20. Shaun


    I'm not saying that study is wrong (I don't know if it is or not), but it is 7 years old and a Microsoft study anyway. It didn't look good for Microsoft to be running FreeBSD and Solaris.
  21. Why is 5 the worst? I suspect some people won't read the question and will assume 5 is the best (since it's conventional for the higher number to represent the better end of whatever you're quantifying).
  22. You don't need a special application to open a zip file with a different extension, if the file is in zip format any application will understand it regardless of the extension. All one has to do is associate the .hsn extension with the zip application, but as VaKo said it's pointless and I wouldn't want to do it.
  23. You need to have something to put on the site before you make the site. Your site looks like you made a site and then didn't know what to put on it so just put various unrelated bit of content and scripts on it. If your site doesn't have a purpose or specific content no one will go to it.
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