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Everything posted by Shaun

  1. There are no laser or other radiation weapons anything like current guns. To make a laser an effective weapon requires a ridiculous amount of power which makes it pretty much impossible for any hand-held laser weapon to exist with any current or forseeable technology. There are already laws which attempt to control gangs, but pretty obviously they are completely ineffective.
  2. 1. People could never kill easy other on such a grand scale until guns (and bombs) were invented. 2. Yeah, I'm sure all the gang members who use guns (and children who find guns) all follow that little rule.
  3. I think guns also make killing somone a much more detached thing. When you stab someone you physically have to drive it into them and it's a much more viscious thing. With a gun it's just like pushing a button. It makes it a lot easier to kill someone on a crazy impulse when you emotions get out of control.
  4. Well uninventing something is pretty impossible anyway (at least when it's such a widewspread technology, I suppose if only one person knows about something they can uninvent it) so it's a bit of a moot point anyway.
  5. I think your only option is to cover it up by going into your company's server room late at night incognito, rip out the drives of all the servers in there and scarper. When you come in the next day you can appear shocked and blame it on corporate espionage. Shouldn't you have backups of your company's finances anyway? Like on tape or something? It seems a bit careless to only have one set of copies on a single machine.
  6. It looks ok, I suppose. I don't really understand what its function is though, it seems you've just made a USB hub less compact? Your post is so big because some javascript resized the images, but for some reason the post still takes up the amount of space it would have done without the resizing.
  7. I have a sort of contradictory view on guns, on one hand I sort of like the idea of having and firing a gun, it seems kind of cool, but on the other hand if I were given the chance I would probably uninvent them. I'm not sure how much progress they have brought us. Of course it would be implausible to uninvent them without us loosing knowledge which has brought progress such as that of using explosives for mining.
  8. So you have registered a domain and put a forum there for discussion of a topic which already has countless forums? I predict no one will use it. The name is confusing too, unless the forum is dedicated to discussion of unix background process development.
  9. Consider the lilies of the field? Edit: I think your answer is a Zoidberg answer, not a Jesus one, Sparda.
  10. I think if they can get there by themselves they can get home by themselves.
  11. Being on topic is overrated. Some of the most interesting discussion happens off-topic.
  12. Sheffield is the closest to me of all the suggestions, but do you honestly think people from abroad would want to go there? I doubt you'd be suggesting it if you didn't live in Sheffield. Especially if people are flying in from the US I think London is the best suggestion if it's in the UK, I mean do you think people would rather visit Sheffield: or London: I mean I don't have anything against Sheffield, but London is blatantly a much more interesting, cosmopolitan place.
  13. I think the double ROT13 thing is pretty obviously a joke. I've seen it before as a joke.
  14. :? OffT - Get over it, it's a fact of life... OnT - you could also just setup your OWN server with an IRC java client then password protect that page. I just meant (by the highly ambiguous smiley) that it seems to me there's something slightly dismissive about your comment, that just because she's a woman she has to be pre-menstrual to be irritated (I disagree with her original rant though).
  15. C89 is a C standard, not a nickname.
  16. Err... I'm still a bit confused, but OK.
  17. Is virulent supposed to be a compliment?
  18. Suggestions so far in this and the other thread: Somewhere in Belgium (Brussels?) London, England Nottingham, England Sheffield, England Paris, France Belfast, Northern Ireland Dublin, Republic of Ireland Dundee, Scotland I think the capitals are the most sensible solutions since they will be the most interesting for people coming from other countries. I mean Sheffield and Nottingham might be alright if it was just people from the UK attending since they can just stay for a day then go home, but people from abroad will probably want to stay for a while to make the trip worth it and I doubt Sheffield is going to be high on any visitor to the UK's places to visit.
  19. Do you live in Nottingham, by any chance?
  20. Albania has no legal drinking age, so that would keep everyone happy... except it's not in the EU... and I doubt anyone wants to go to Albania.
  21. But regardless of whether you move or not you wouldn't be able to fit 500 people in a bar anyway? What's your point?
  22. What's the answer to what?
  23. Well obviously 500 people won't turn up, but if they did it shouldn't really be up to anyone to help get them around, people would just have to be responsible for keeping themselves with everyone else if that's what they wanted to do. I don't see how that's an argument against only 18 and overs, it seems more like one for it. Edit; And how are you going to get 500 into a bar regardless of whether you are moving between bars or not?
  24. I think that's basically what my Tripod site I had in the late 90s was like, it was really awful. Animated gifs everywhere and as much javascript as I could copy and paste.
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