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Everything posted by Shaun

  1. Shaun

    over the internet

    I think you are switching between first person and third person mid sentence there. Anyway, you can use the Firefox extension Foxmarks to view your bookmarks online at the Foxmarks site, and it can also be used to keep your different computers' bookmarks synced. I don't know about history, Google Browser Sync can keep the histories on different computers in sync (as well as bookmarks, cookies and saved passwords), but I don't think you can view the history on a web page.
  2. If you really need more battery life you could buy one of those secondary batteries that plug into your laptop as if they were the AC adapter.
  3. All the information in this thread is a bit disorganised, it's kind of a mess of who is coming or might be coming, where it should be, when it should be and other issues. I think it would be better is there were separate threads for some of these elements, I think at least a thread where people can post if they are definitely coming and also a poll for when people can't come might be good. I don't really want to flood the Everything Else section with topics about this though. What about a temporary board for organising this? Or it could even stay and be used for organising other meetups if US people want to organise a meet for example.
  4. Can't you just make a custom installer with the wi-fi support foy your card?
  5. Shaun

    cat cam?

    Well, actually when you connect the batteries in parallel the current stays the same (since the resistance of the camera stays the same and I=V/R), which is a good thing. The amount of current it would be possible to draw does go up, but that's not the same thing. If current did actually increase proportional to the number of parallel batteries of cells then you wouldn't get any benefit in running time at all.
  6. Er... isn't it just post count? It was on the test forum anyway.
  7. Well English subs are good too, deaf people who speak English use them.
  8. I don't know about that, I think a 16 year old is still legally a child, albeit with some extra rights. A 16 year old can leave home with parental consent though (in fact even without it it's pretty rare for a judge to force a 16 or 17 year old to return home), so I guess going to this by themselves isn't really a legal problem. What kind of legal position are adults actually in if minors are at the meetup? Are they actually legally responsible just because they are attending the same meet? What about people who falsely claim to be over 18? Checking IDs would be crazy I think.
  9. They won't mess each other up.
  10. Shaun

    cat cam?

    PETA are hypocrites anyway, they kill thousands of animals and rehome a much smaller percentage of animals they take in than other animal charities (not to mention supporting criminals). And here's a lovely quote from Ingrid Newkirk, president of PETA: "Even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we'd be against it.".
  11. Shaun


    Hehe, when my "v" key came off on my old laptop I tried everything to get it back on, including glue as a last ditch method, which did work a bit, but it kept coming off again. In the end I had to buy a new keyboard for £60, damn Toshiba!
  12. Shaun

    Accessing C:\

    If the admins have any sense booting from CD will be disabled and the BIOS will be password protected, which would mean either flashing or hoping the BIOS has a backdoor password (do those still exist?).
  13. It seems the emoticon selection doesn't actually work.
  14. Oh wow, I didn't notice that setting, lovely. Edit: And people who don't know or don't care when swearing is appropriate are usually idiots, and not knowing when to use profanity is usually the least of their problems.
  15. Virtual calling card or video capture card is more likely.
  16. Shaun


    Which makes sense, since legally there is no violation of the DMCA unless the copyright holder actually complains. Edit: Actually that might just be in relation to the takedown provision. Anyway, helping people break bad laws isn't usually a bad thing. In most western countries it isn't illegal to tell them how to do it either.
  17. Yes. SmoothCriminal was joking obviously, but actually I have a bigger problem with the idea that adults can swear but children can't. I don't understand what parents are trying to eliminate in their child. To start with, children do swear, a lot. I know I was swearing by the time I was 6 at the latest (and I mean words like fuck and shit), but I knew not to swear around adults and I knew they were taboo words, if parents think children don't know that then they're idiots. I don't know if they think if they can stop their children swearing it will maintain their innocence or something, or that they can make them better people by stopping them swearing (or stopping them swearing in front of them). People swear, it's a fact of life, and language tends to be one of the things that is affected by one's peers far more than one's parents, and whether a person swears actually tells you very little about whether someone is a good person or not, or about their ability to use language in my experience. Shakespeare swore in his plays (both overtly and not so overtly, e.g. "Do you think I meant country matters?") and he is usually regarded as one of the greatest word smiths ever. Oh, and I preferred the emoticons that came with SMF.
  18. Shaun


    That makes no sense. Would you tell a person in China how to get around the government web filtering?
  19. And the solution to all problems is severe beatings!
  20. Hehe, that is very funny, and that little girl is so cute.
  21. You know you only took French for 1 more year than me, but I would never be able write anything close to that, I can just about introduce myself and say "I don't understand" and that's all I have to show for 4 years, which is pretty depressing.
  22. Wow, double necromanced? Does that make some sort of super zombie or something?
  23. I think it would be a good idea to have the place to meet up as the place where people will stay for several hours (or more likely all day until evening) regardless of conditions (it might rain or something, weather being pretty unpredictable), which means probably not a park or garage. My reasoning is that people could be arriving at various times throughout the day, and it would suck to arrive at the meet up point 5 minutes too late and miss the whole thing. Earlier in the thread it seemed like people were talking about using a single hostel as a "base of operations" at it were, which I think is a good idea providing a decent place with enough vacancies can be found. What is really needed is a definite list of people who are coming or are seriously considering it to get an idea of numbers for making enquiries. Since it's in the UK it shouldn't be too expensive for me to come (although I think the train is going to cost as much as my flight to Berlin in June), so I have decided to come now, I think Sparda is planning on coming as well although obviously I can't speak for him. Also there are still key decisions like length of the meet to consider, I think a weekend seems like a decent period, but I don't know about anyone else.
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