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Everything posted by Shaun

  1. I don't understand how you bully someone on sites like this? I suppose they can be used to spread rumours or make fun of people, but then there still needs to be some real life component. Unless the bullied person is actually actively going to these sites on purpose. And plus students can still access these sites from home so I don't know how you would stop this. Anyway, you can make a lots of the web proxies useless by filtering on actual content, e.g. look at the source code and if it says Bebo in the title element then block it. This won't stop proxies which use HTTPS though, unless you force use of your own SSL/TLS certificates on the browsers so you can do a MITM type thing and filter the secure traffic too.
  2. Hah! Pick on you and put you down? I didn't even say anything about you, I just said your site has no content. And that's true. If you can't handle some critcism get off the Internet.
  3. Yeah I know what you mean, I was just using PodZinger as an example of the technology. Obviously PodZinger does have full transcripts of the show, since otherwise it wouldn't be very useful to searching podcast content, but whether they will give them to people is another matter (probably not).
  4. Yes, although the session ID is what's in the cookie, so they still rely on session IDs, just not in the URL. The patch creates a new session if the current session doesn't have the variable SERVER_GENERATED_SID set to something that evaluates as true, that's an arbitrary variable name which sessions now have to have set, obviously if someone just makes up a session ID it won't have had that variable set so the forum won't use it.
  5. No one uses it because your site has no content.
  6. Well, it's probably possible to do via the command line, but I don't know.
  7. How what works? The vulnerability or the patch?
  8. Can't you change that in services.msc or something so it just restarts the service instead of the entire machine? Of course you would need admin for that, so it might not be that useful.
  9. Isn't that kind of like the PodZinger thing that they interviewed some guys from in one of the Hak.5 episodes? That recognises the speech from podcasts and transcribes them so you can search on the actual podcast content. I'd say that could easily be used for film, perhaps less so for music since then it has to distinguish between music and lyrics, plus problems of multiple singers/backup singers and recognising words that a pronounced strangely to make them fit the music. Edit: Although it's not that good, here's a few bits from 2x10: "...some kind of disk imaging software I'd chose Acronis true image nine point one. Let anything just mentioned Maureen Meehan like all of that is homily sailing -- reward lots it is and others partition..." "...got -- org slash Wiki you can email me directly west of Hak five dot org. Now coming up we're going to have a prerecorded segment with our whole body move aches and his US..." "...say. Almost looks militarily. Weren't able to use that link slipped one point yeah but it wasn't as easy wasn't disease or is fun because we have gradient around corners -- We'll instantly very cool..."
  10. I think that might happen in the version I saw too actually, after his arms were bloody stumps.
  11. You know I think that's a truncated version, I'm sure I've seen a longer version of that where his arms end up as bloody stumps.
  12. Actually, it's because of the 1x1 image at http://images.freewebs.com/Members/Generat...nt/Black/bg.png being used for alpha transparency.
  13. I have 5 or so domain names, most of which I don't use for anything other than email. I used to have a personal site at one of them, but I decided to get rid of it because I couldn't be bothered to maintain it and there wasn't much point in it other than hosting a few pieces of shit software I had written.
  14. Yes. Anyway, I recommend people click on this link and login there (won't work if you already have a cookie set with a PHPSESSID for this domain, so make sure you clear those first).
  15. It's not necessarily the video codec as well, remember.
  16. Try VLC and see if it still crashes.
  17. Well Vista hasn't found a way around it, it just avoids changing what's in its ReadyBoost cache too often.
  18. I'm gonna guess bug in a codec. Did you try VLC?
  19. Here's an example of how those passwords are generated, it's in Python (I don't think I'd use Python to try to brute force them though). It uses hashlib so requires Python 2.5. import hashlib username = 'username_here'.encode('utf-16le') password = hashlib.new('md4', 'password_here'.encode('utf-16le')).digest() print hashlib.new('md4', password + username).hexdigest()
  20. Yeah, but every time you buy a Kit-Kat you kill an African baby. I still love the Kit-Kat Chunky bars though.
  21. Interestingly (sort of) I do like peanuts, but I don't particularly like peanut butter.
  22. They're cached domain passwords. They're not LM, they're not MD5. They're actually NTLM hashes concatenated with the username and then hashed again.
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