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Everything posted by Shaun

  1. But in allowing the hole to remain unpatched someone else might do something evil.
  2. And you thought that was a sensible suggestion for securing his system, did you? You don't think a suggestion to use encryption would be a bit simpler? It can still see the partition, it just can't interpret the data on it. Yes, which makes writing an entire filesystem to try and protect it even more crazy. I don't think he is trying to protect his stuff from normal users, he said: Which sounds like he means he's worried about malicious software which is unlikely to use a program to access another partition. Are you suggesting I seem like a 14 year old rich kid? I'm not the one who doesn't understand how to use capital letters. Can you point to any posts on this thread which are similar to that a 14 year old kid might have made?
  3. But surely you are putting systems at risk at your school and every other school that uses this software if a more malicious person were to discover it? Your not allowing this vulnerability to be patched for your own personal amusement could put other students' school work at risk, therefore surely you should report it? It's a matter of ethics, don't you know?
  4. Ah, it's about ethics is it? Not about how you don't want this to be patched so you can exploit it? Tell your admins and the company that develops the software then.
  5. When you go into My Computer it just shows the drives windows has assigned a drive letter to, it doesn't mean it can't see them (or "seem" them for that matter). Malicious software may not be able to read the files themselves on an ext3 partition (unless it is designed to do that), but it can still destroy the data. They could just use another program to access the ext3 drive, why would they have to use his? Do you suggest he writes his own filesystem as well? He could put the program on an encrypted USB flash drive or something else like that if this was a concern and he really wanted to password protect the program.
  6. It doesnt mount them, but try running diskmgmt.msc. Ordinary formatting (that is a high-level format) does not destroy data.
  7. But my point is if no one at your school would know about it how would it affect your school? Or are you saying the access to the C drive is via a vulnerability in some software which is widely used in schools, which you don't want to be patched? (This doesn't affect me personally by the way, I'm not in school).
  8. Ah, so the way that a country isn't free is if it deploys armed police after a terrorist attack, ready to ut their lives on the line to respond to subsequent attacks? (I don't condone shooting innocent Brazilians though).
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captive_portal
  10. There are already plenty of programs and filesystem drivers to access ext2 and 3 filesystems, some of which have taken years to develop, what's the point in writing another one just for this? Windows will still see the disk device itself and can still destroy the data on it regardless of whether it understands the fs. Having a NTFS partition and just not mounting it would achieve a similar thing, unless there was a very specialised virus which mounted all accessible NTFS filesystems and did something to them, which seems very unlikely and in which case it could still fuck up any partitions it didn't understand. Yup, this is a very strange way to go about trying to not lose data, backing up and not downloading stuff which is going to fuck your computer sounds like a better way.
  11. What particular thing in New York are you talking about?
  12. Are you suggesting someone from this forum is going to go to your school and damage the systems by "getting into C:" then?
  13. As Sparda said, I think people will know Microsoft's online when they see the website. Blocking pings doesn't really aid you when you are running a server which is supposed to be accessible to the general public. Yes you can, pinging them will still use their bandwidth, although less of it since they won't be replying. You'd need a massive botnet to take out Microsoft anyway, I doubt ping flooding would be the best DoS attack to use.
  14. A lot of that sounds impossible or at least infeasible. You could dual boot 2 installations of whatever OS you use (presumably the one for games at least will be Windows) and only mount a single drive by default (the one the installation is on) then if you needed to copy something across you could mount the other drive, copy it and then unmount it again. As far as I know there is no way to boot two operating systems at the same time and switch between them, barring use of some virtual machine. Having everything erased except programs installed with admins rights sounds difficult to do, and I can't think of any way to do it. Why do you need to be able to do it on log off anyway? I'm not sure what it is you are asking at some points what does "Any suggestions or thoughts on how I could get 2 operating systems on both harddrives" mean? Do you mean one installtion of an operating system on each drive? I'm watching something at the moment so I won't reply to the rest of the stuff at the moment, I'm sure someone smarter than me and not watching TV will reply though.
  15. How many people from your school read this forum then?
  16. What UNIX? On FreeBSD I don't need to su to use ping, although since they don't pay royalties to use the UNIX trademark it isn't technically UNIX.
  17. I thought he meant because of a Windows repair, although you would think moving a file would be less likely to cause data loss than reinstalling the OS.
  18. How would you ever find that out? Maybe we could try some sort of DRM system to stop people recording, those are so popular.
  19. This seems like it would be unenforceable to me. If you don't wanna get recorded while drunk on vent I would just avoid going on vent while drunk.
  20. Not really that funny, you didn't really seem to own anyone. The guys at Wal-Mart were just confused because you kept saying the same word over and over and they couldn't hear you properly. The golden dildo thing is crap - Spektormax is terrible at ad-libbing. No idea who Lorenzo is because I rarely go on the IRC channel, but it just seemed like you were picking on a kid. The second time you phoned Wal-Mart was quite funny, but only because the manager you spoke to got the better of you. The other calls to Wal-Mart confused the staff, but there wasn't really any humour resulting from the calls. I think you can trace Skype calls, since they keep traffic information and that will have your IPs, I don't see why Skype and your ISPs couldn't be subpoenaed or whatever. Spectormax is a massive dick for calling that woman a bitch when she's just doing her job.
  21. What actually stops you from making a RAID array from them? Do they not just appear as a normal disk to your controller then?
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