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Everything posted by Shaun

  1. Is that while walking around brandishing guns?
  2. No, it isn't. When you steal a television from a shop you are physically depriving the shop of that televison which they have paid for. When you pirate something no one is physically deprived of anything, they just lose a potential sale. A better analogy would be if you went into the shop, inspected the television and then built an exact duplicate yourself (not possible with a TV obviously, but it was a bad analogy to start with). Of course this isn't exactly the same because it still requires some effort from the copier which software piracy usually doesn't, but it's closer than stealing it.
  3. You know it's pretty unlikely you'd be sent to prison for piracy for personal use, at least in the UK where it must be shown that a person's copyright infringement has a noticeable effect on the business to prosecute for non-commercial piracy, so unless it is a tiny company it's not gonna happen. They can still sue you of course, but that's not quite the same as prison.
  4. Oh yeah, I'm always saying "winners don't do #serials2000".
  5. That defence doesn't work if you are watching snuff movies though...
  6. A MAC whitelist is just a way of only letting network cards (usually wireless) with certain MAC addresses connect to your network. It doesn't really provide much in the way of security since you can fake your MAC address, but it will deter unskilled people. It is a function of access points and routers, etc, not something you download. (Also VaKo I think if they crack your WPA then MAC filtering isn't gonna do much).
  7. First, you have to kill a man. When you've killed him, cut out his heart and take it to the darkest jungles of central Africa. There you must burn the heart and bury the ashes as a sacrifice to the gods of the dark continent. You must then wait 40 days and nights, then you may dig up the buried remains. If the gods have accepted your sacrifice there you'll find a copy of Flash 8 Professional where there was none before.
  8. There's a free 30 day trial from Adobe's site I think, other than that unless someone gives you it for free or you win it in a competition or something like that I don't think there is any way to legally get it for free (it would be kind of crazy is there was considering how much it costs). You can illegally get it for free the same way you can get all other software for free.
  9. I bet that's from Angel fanfic or something.
  10. Ah, so not like the complete opposites of VaKo's school making all the students apologise for slavery and the forced labour of political dissidents (among others) in Gulag camps in the Soviet Union under Stalin?
  11. Hah, that makes no sense since I edited my post.
  12. You obviously have a lot of knowledge on the history of communism Sparda. What parts in particular would you say are most similar to communism?
  13. You had to apologise for slavery? To anyone in particular? What kind of crazy school did you go to?
  14. Heh, I suck, although I was playing with a laptop touchpad rather than a proper mouse.
  15. The first rule of Hak.5 on VOIP is you do not talk about Hak.5 on VOIP. The second rule of Hak.5 on VOIP is available in a range of colours.
  16. You must never have met anyone from Liverpool. Edit: (I'm not saying metatron is from Liverpool, I have no idea where he's from, I just think scouse is a horrible accent).
  17. Yup. [shaun@shaun: ~] $ nc ascii-wm.net 2006 too many connections :) .. try later
  18. Well that isn't really racist, people of lots of different ethnic backgrounds have been slaves and slave masters (and still are in certain places).
  19. I don't care about the World Cup, but that is cool (assuming it works).
  20. Well that's obviously silly (although some things people claim as "political correctness gone mad!!!!!!" often aren't). Were the people/person you were actually talking about Mexicans or was it more a "our Mexican friends from Columbia" type thing? In the latter case it is kind of twatty to call all of "those people" Mexicans. It's like calling all white peole Americans or something. Although it's still stupid for a day of suspension just for that.
  21. You don't know if the OP is in a situation where he could change his/her proxy settings, so you can't say Tor is always the solution. It may be he/she has to go through the school's proxy to access the Internet.
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