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Everything posted by Shaun

  1. http://www.sfc.wide.ad.jp/~watari/FreeBSD/boot.html That's a bit out of date, you should use mdconfig instead of vnconfig and sysinstall is not in /stand anymore, but most of it still applies.
  2. English, I didn't even know there was a German version by Aqua.
  3. It's pretty hard to completely cut Windows out of the picture though. I mean I haven't booted Windows on my Main PC for months (the hard drive with it on isn't even connected), but I still have to run it on another PC for things that just can't be done in anything but Windows, e.g. I have to use Flash 8 for my job (the editor that is, it can supposedly run in Wine, but I've never been able to get it running). Dual booting really isn't a good solution if you actually want to get anything done (at least I found it a huge hassle to have to keep rebooting when I tried it), so if you don't have another machine to run Windows on it's not easy to use another OS. I suppose you can use VMWare or similar stuff, but that still doesn't allow you to use 3d acceleration and such.
  4. Intel MAC CPUs? Aren't they just Core Duos?
  5. What does VNCing into someone's mind entail? Do you get the full experience of being them? In that case I'd definitely like to try being a woman, I really can't imagine what that would be like. Also being a different race might be interesting to see if/how people treat me differently.
  6. Me too. But I hate straight people as well. There have been some long posts in this thread since I last read it, I might reply to them later when I can be bothered.
  7. What do you need VNC for? That means you will have to run X which seems kind of like a waste of system resources.
  8. Barbie Girl by Aqua on a loop.
  9. Sometime it is nessacary. Considering there's at least 1000000000 people out there who would happily slit your throat for what you have. 1 billion? Really? Although there are a lot of people living in extreme poverty, I'm not sure they would cut your throat happily, although I might be a bit naïve or optimistic if I said one 6th of people wouldn't kill you if they were guaranteed a western lifestyle for doing so, or maybe I'm being pessimistic and cynical in thinking that would naïve.
  10. Oops. Mixed Babylon 5 up with ST:DS9. DS9? I don't watch Star Trek, but I don't think Spock was in DS9. Wouldn't he be really old?
  11. I think I'll refrain from talking about EDT and BST here. It just confuses everyone.
  12. OK, well A) I never said psychology is a science B) You still haven't provided any reasoning for your beliefs. Now I did start writing a long post, but instead let me ask you this: If you don't think psychological studies are useful as empirical evidence, what do you base your beliefs on? In one of your earlier posts you seemed to by relying on anecdotal evidence (your friends being "chewed up and spit out by the gay scene"), now that's not very scientific is it? In fact I'd say that's far less scientific than psychological studies. Surely you have some empirical evidence to back you your beliefs, or you wouldn't be attacking my evidence as unscientific, would you?
  13. I don't think so. MythTV is an open source project and I don't really think it's really owned by anyone. Why would Yahoo pay for it if they could just use the source themselves for free? They certainly couldn't make it closed-source unless every person who had contributed to the code under the GPL agreed to licence it to Yahoo under another licence, which seems unlikely.
  14. Maybe you could respond to my points about that on page 2? I don't think scientists have proven that (in fact the male and female brain and not identical, males have larger brains, but I assume you mean mind rather than brain).
  15. Curb Your Enthusiasm doesn't have a script, and that kicks ass.
  16. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...MNG3N4RAV41.DTL Silo and Roy are, to anthropomorphize a bit, gay penguins. I think he referred to gay penguins based on the story about gay penguins in Germany I posted a link to earlier in the thread. I'm not exactly sure what point he was trying to make though.
  17. Have you actually read the thing I linked to? It has an extensive bibliography of where they drew their evidence from. The first study on the subject was in 1972. Yes, I have made up my mind - after doing some research on the matter. You appear to have made up your mind based on wild speculation and ignoring evidence I provide that is contrary to you beliefs. No, that's my argument against homosexuality being unnatural.
  18. Do you call an apple with a rotten half and a good half a good apple or a bad apple? No it was addressed to the other kid who said the "Old testament wasn't supposed to be followed... and they still are... yadda yadda yadda" So are you saying Christians don't have to follow the Old Testament? As I understand it this is a point of contention among different Christian groups. Maybe you don't think you should follow the Old Testament but there are some Christians who think they should (e.g. Christian Reconstructionists (I think)).
  19. I know there are sub-cultures people label as "the gay scene", but I'm saying I don't think that really is necessarily "the gay scene". It may be A "gay scene", but I don't know homosexuality or homosexuals can be defined by it. Do you have any evidence of that? Do you disagree with the findings of the American Psychological Association then?
  20. I wrote this which seems to work: #include <fstream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; int main ( int argc, char* argv[] ) { ofstream modem; modem.open ( "COM3" ); modem << "ATDT" << argv[1] << endl; modem.flush (); Sleep ( 5000 ); modem << "ATHn"; modem.flush (); modem.close (); return 0; } It takes the telephone number as it's first argument. You mgiht wanna stick some validation and stuff it there. It dials, waits 5 seconds then hangs up, my modem takes about 1.5 seconds to start dialing so I put quite a long wait to allow for long numbers.
  21. You need to send ATDT then the number to the com port the modem is on to dial. You can hangup by sending ATH. It's pretty simple to write a program to send something to a com port
  22. So what is your argument? All you have done is restated your stance on gay people having children i.e. they don't have the right to have them, without really adding anything to it. You haven't provided any reasoning behind your "I think a kid should have a mum and a dad". The last statement is just stupid and I take your winky to mean it's a joke. I have no idea what being chewed up and spit out by a scene constitues, so I'm not really sure how to argue this. To be honest I barely understand what people mean by the gay scene, I don't think there really is this all-encompassing scene that gay people are a part of. There are various sub-cultures which some gay people belong to yes, but a "gay scene"? I'm not so sure.
  23. [shaun@shaun: ~] $ uname -s -r FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE
  24. Why don't you think gay people should be able to have children? Solely because you think they'll find it hard to accept their parents' sexuality? I'm not certain what you mean by struggle, do you mean they found it hard to accept that they were gay? If that's the case I think the reason those people probably struggled with their sexuality is they grew up thinking there was something wrong with being gay, it seems less likely someone who grows up with gay parents would think that.
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