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Everything posted by Shaun

  1. Yeah, but that doesn't mean anything, I want understand the logic to how that happens. Of course expecting logic or consistency from DW might be asking a bit much.
  2. I never understood how a race of time travellers could ever be wiped out, it seems to defy logic.
  3. No! The Doctor should never been sexual (although Paul McGann's doctor did kiss someone). Too much kissing going on in the new Doctor Who.
  4. Argh, I can't stand David Tennant's Doctor (although I liked him in Casanova), actually I don't really like the new Doctor Who at all, far too many pop references among other things.
  5. It was just a little prick.
  6. Wha? My point is if you put a image in url tags the image should act as a hyperlink.
  7. What? I know the tag is . How would I have posted those thumbnails if I didn't? Anyway, look:
  8. You look miserable in that photo, also standing your arms hanging limp looks silly. Edit: My girlfriend:
  9. Look at this mess. Larger image Larger image (Why won't putting an image inside tags work?)
  10. It seems like such a pointless thing to do, especially since everyone knows it's an English flag, and the point in a flag is that of a traditional symbol, it's hardly traditional if you go writing all over it. You'd hardly want a print of the Mona Lisa like this would you?
  11. I'm always childish, just sometimes I hide it better than other times. Yep, it's 32.9 °C in my bedroom. Why does it say England on the flag? That's so stupid. I suppose it isn't as bad as those flags which has corporate logos on them.
  12. That's your opinion that it's my opinion. (I can make pointless statements too!)
  13. I don't Well, yes, although I don't feel the English football team represents me at all a lot of people do. The reason I don't like the World Cup is it seems to create an increase in drunk people roaming the streets (as well as having no interest in football). I also find all the flags around quite uncomfortable, although I suppose shouldn't. In general I find putting flags everywhere weird, especially since I only ever seem to see the England flag when the football team are playing - surely if you are going to fly the flag there is something more worthy of pride or support than a football team? For me the flags (England's and the Union Flag) have overtones of imperialism, invasion, dominance and subjugation. Also they should put the dragon from the Welsh flag on the front of the Union Flag, the Welsh flag is by far the coolest of the flags and it would be funny to see the dragon on top of the St. George's cross (the dragon dominating George).
  14. Well I don't like them, but if the information is only available as a PDF (such as things like motherboard manuals) I don't have much choice.
  15. PDFs don't seem to render as well for me in xpdf.
  16. I used to have a level 62 necrophiliac.
  17. Well he did have a load of people murdered including a pregnant woman, so most people are probably right.
  18. Do you have PHP installed and Apche set up to use it?
  19. Well shouldn't you have both a index.html and index.php then? Presumably the first will have the buttons in it and the latter will have whatever PHP is supposed to be in there in it. WINDOWSSystem32 will be in your path, you could put it there.
  20. Can you get to it by typing http://localhost/index.php ? If so then you probably need to modify your DirectoryIndex directive to include index.php. Light.exe should be either somewhere in your PATH or in the working directory of the PHP script (getcwd will return that).
  21. Does it mean you don't know how to ask questions properly? And apparently like posting about the same problem 3 times.
  22. The RIAA will probably consider you telling us about the move copyright infringment :P MPAA.
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