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Silly question regarding the tactical kit for the Nano


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Apologies if this is obvious and I'm just doing something incredibly wrong but I haven't been able to figure out how the Pineapple Nano setup is intended to fit into the EDC case that comes with the tactical kit. It seems that the length of the device is way too long to latch the flap shut if you have USB cables attached. Even attempting to lightly close it with USB cables attached just feels like you're going to snap the USB connectors right off the thing. Without cables attached, it just baaaarely wants to shut. I've tried it with and without the USB adapter it comes with and tried flipping the Nano 180-degrees to put it in "upside down" into the case and it still won't shut with cables attached. Trying to fit the Pineapple Juice 4000 in there with it just makes things more awkward.

Surely, I'm doing something really ridiculous here. If any of you have instructions on how you get yours to fit with cables attached or have pictures to go along, it'd be appreciated.

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Hi Nargan,

The idea is that you attach the 180 degree connector to the NANO (male USB side) and the battery. This way the nano is laying flat on top of the battery.

Now you unskrew the bottom antenna and slide the whole thing in.

Re-attach the anteanna and you should be good. You'll also be able to plug a USB cable into the female port on the bottom of the case (hence the hole).

Best Regards,


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Feel free to file this one under 'further silly questions' :)

This is my first foray into Pineapple, so far I've been using my Nano connected to a netbook running Kali, and have been successfully running PineAP and recon from there. My Netbook has an ethernet connection that goes via my home router.

Now, what I can't get my head around is how I can use the Nano on the go, without a physical connection to my netbook. Say, for example I wanted to walk around and see what could be picked up, how do I go about setting this up? So far all my Nano experience has had the Netbook connection, so I can ssh or connect to the Pineapple Dashboard. The minute I am powering the Nano via battery, I can't connect.

It's got to be so simple, but in between work, study and tinkering with the Nano, I've not figured it out yet


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Thanks Barry - I can connect to the management AP that I set up, however I've got zero connection out of the Nano, and I'm not sure what I need to configure to achieve this. For this test I'm connecting via a Macbook to the AP set up at the start. when connected via the netbook I run the WP6.sh script to enable ICS.

Anyone have thoughts on this? Let me know what output I can provide here, and I will.

thanks in advance

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Thanks Barry - I can connect to the management AP that I set up, however I've got zero connection out of the Nano, and I'm not sure what I need to configure to achieve this. For this test I'm connecting via a Macbook to the AP set up at the start. when connected via the netbook I run the WP6.sh script to enable ICS.

Anyone have thoughts on this? Let me know what output I can provide here, and I will.

thanks in advance

The wp6.sh script works the same regardless of how you're connected to the NANO (Ethernet or WiFi) -- just specify the appropriate interface :)

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Feel free to file this one under 'further silly questions' :)

This is my first foray into Pineapple, so far I've been using my Nano connected to a netbook running Kali, and have been successfully running PineAP and recon from there. My Netbook has an ethernet connection that goes via my home router.

Now, what I can't get my head around is how I can use the Nano on the go, without a physical connection to my netbook. Say, for example I wanted to walk around and see what could be picked up, how do I go about setting this up? So far all my Nano experience has had the Netbook connection, so I can ssh or connect to the Pineapple Dashboard. The minute I am powering the Nano via battery, I can't connect.

It's got to be so simple, but in between work, study and tinkering with the Nano, I've not figured it out yet



I think you either need to connect to your phone, and use USB tethering with that to get your nano online, or plug in something like an alpha usb adapter (I got one with the booster antenna from the hakshop) and then you would hotspot your phone and have the nano connect online that way.

Then it's a matter of wandering around collecting ssids. Or sitting in an um, I think one other person might have mentioned, movie theatre. :)

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The WiFi Pineapple can be used standalone (meaning no Internet) or connected online through various means. As Thakkrad mentioned, Android app and USB WiFi adapter are common. Otherwise mobile broadband modems, USB Ethernet adapter or computer tethered are other ways. It really just depends on your deployment scenario. The WiFi Pineapple tries to be as versatile as possible. Don't dismiss standalone either -- there's plenty of opportunity for a successful pentest even without an Internet connection.

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  • 1 month later...

Saw this thread on the tactical case well Being a awesome modder that I am I picked up a cell phone case for a iPhone and modded it to house my nano.


I was able to find the 180 to 90 degree USB stub on amazon granted I paid about $17 for mine I seen it for under $6 now on amazon I also picked up a $8 battery pack it appears to handle the NANO just fine I'm still waiting to give it a test to see how it will handle with a lot of devices connected.

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I picked an iphone 6 case also, still waiting for it but it has 2 compartments. Raspberry Pineapple Pi 9000, coming soon to a local coffee shop near you! lol

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  • 2 years later...

@Darren Kitchen by any chance would you guys  be selling just the carrying case for the pineapple and battery? I lost mine a couple weeks back and need to find a replacement. 

Please let me know when you have a moment. 


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  • 1 month later...


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