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Everything posted by dr0p

  1. OpenBSD or FreeBSD, they are both insane OSs for running a server if you know what you're doing.
  2. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha This wins so hard. Props to whoever at cisco thought of this.
  3. It detected everything properly ^_^ Submitted my motherboard model.
  4. system(); with PHP. Just be sure to filter out the nasties ;p
  5. If you're just looking for 1 line input for like a yes/no then I'd recommend using scanf instead.
  6. dr0p

    April Fools

    You can use ettercap + a custom filter to inject the cornify code into any page so that it automatically loads. However please note that this is technically illegal since you don't have permission to do this on your network and it could result in you losing your job.
  7. I barely ever go over two gigs of RAM usage... o_o
  8. @digip: I actually laughed :3 Epic wallpaper
  9. That's because it has a newer kernel (I'm not sure which) that has better wireless support. If you used a distrobution with rolling releases you wouldn't have to wait for the next major release of the distrobution for a kernel update ;p
  10. Did not work for me when I tried to use it, might be because I'm stuck with some $30 earbuds to produce the sounds?
  11. TV... has what to do with current events? Also, try some grammar once in a while ^_^
  12. x10Hosting is actually a pretty good free host that allows you to use your own domains. It's a lot cheper to pay $8/yr for a domain than $100+ for hosting.
  13. Updated my wall & conky config a bit... Busy-ish: Clean:
  14. Because the BMW phsyically has more / better features, where as Apple's hardware has no physical advantages to it and they're still charging more. I like OSX and I love the design of Apple hardware, but it's just not worth the money to me. (And no, I'm not telling Apple to lower their prices because obviously it's working well for them so whatever.)
  15. Old episode is old ^_^ Side note: Comedy Central plans on releasing all future episodes in HD and also going back and re-rendering every epsisode into HD (not just upscaling.) This makes me very happy :3
  16. Personally, I really like Windows. XP was simply epic, fast and quite flexible; I really can't find a downside to it. Vista had quite a few downsides but those were solved pretty quickly after Vista's release, and SP1 basically fixed any real bugs it had. Win7 looks very promising but I've yet to be able to use it myself so I can't really talk. I have used a ton of flavors of linux, BSD, and I'm pretty familiar with OSX too even though I've never owned a Mac. They're all nice and have their strong points which is why they're deployed in different situations.
  17. Upload to an external site and post the link here...
  18. Your CPU is terrible for gaming, really need to get a new one of those if you want to play any modern games at all.
  19. Replace that expresscard slot with something more fun ^_^
  20. Medium to large companies usually have IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems) on their networks which detect this and many other network threats in real time. Other than that, not many networks have anything like that running.
  21. Yes, it can. There are tools that monitor the amount of ARP requests / responses and report if there are too many.
  22. dr0p

    Missing .dll file

    xfire is retarded, I hate it.
  23. @shonen: Clashing colors are clashing :x
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