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Everything posted by dr0p

  1. @MuNk: I realize that a custom crypter does a muchmuchmuch better job at protecting an EXE but since he asked if changing a variable in the assembly info pane would protect his EXE, I didn't think he was quite up to it, so I offered easy solutions. Imho a segment about how crypters work and how to make a basic one that just does a simple xor routine or something would be simply amazing and an eye opener for a lot of people in this community, but for some reason I just don't see that happening :x
  2. Well here's the WinXP partition @gcninja: Looks epic, but I don't know if I'd want it permanently on me :x
  3. Pretty sure that has nothing to do with blocking reverse engineering. In all actuality, the toughest thing for a reverser to deal with is code virtualization (trust me on this one). Unless you're on a really old/slow machine, or you're doing some crazy math formula, your end user won't really notice that it's being virtualized so you don't have to worry about that. And of course you can always add anti-debug tricks such as IsDebuggerPresent() but those are easily bypassed and don't work nearly as well as code obfuscation / encryption. In the end though, if a reverser has enough time, there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop him or her from achieving his or her own goal. Some easy to use options for anti-reversing are EXECryptor, Armadillo, and Themida.
  4. Yeah it's C.C. ^_^ Where were you thinking about getting the geass tattooed? O_o
  5. Will be getting my lappy later this month, will post its desktop when I get it ^_^
  6. sudo apt-get install openssh privoxy I fail to see the complexity o_o Not to mention I don't trust a 3rd party with my traffic.
  7. Personally I would just use ettercap to inject iframes :3 If you're looking to just drop routers, I'd look into modifying the OpenWRT firmware.
  8. Perl - Easy, cross-platform scripting language. You should probably look into python though as it is a stronger language, I just personally haven't got around to learning it. C - Most open-source pentesting tools that aren't written in a scripting language are written in C so it's good to know so that you can edit these tools to your needs. ASM - Yay exploit development and hardcore debugging :3
  9. Conficker has many anti-debugging tricks built into it, anti-VM is one of those. According to what I've read, it uses Armadillo for it's packing which also has anti-debugging options, so remove the Armadillo protection from it and it should run on your VM without any problems.
  10. Agreed, MITM would be the best way to go about it.
  11. Those are quite possibly some of the worst arguments against OSX I have ever read.
  12. You're not going to be doing any gaming on either of those, let's be clear about that. Personally I'd go with the nVidia 6200 because it has better linux support.
  13. Muziic is a really easy thing to program, I just would have never thought of the idea, and that's what I'm generally envious of. I seriously lack creativity ._. Anyways, I try not to judge people based on any aspect that they can't control, but it happens.
  14. End of story, if we would figure out better ways of obtaining and re-using energy then we wouldn't have to turn our crap off ever. I did not observe last year and I don't plan on observing this year either.
  15. I am quite entertained by this, it will be interesting to see what comes of it :3
  16. I use SFTP ^_^ It's really really easy to setup and use.
  17. GroupHug is boring...
  18. I am still failing to see how someone's sexual orientation would have anything to do with whether or not that picture is offending...
  19. If you really want to customize how your desktop looks, you're gonna have to drop using distrobutions that force specific window managers and desktop environments on you, and yes, I know that you can change your WM on X\K\Ubuntu but it's a pain in the ass <_< Anyways... conky retrieves system information, and then displays what you ask for, such as CPU usage, free space on a partition, etc.; it parses the .conkyrc file in your home directory (unless otherwise specified) using its own basic syntax which you can pick up just by looking at one or two example configs, or by reading up on the documentation. The conky settings documentation is here and the variables that you can use to retrieve information is found here. I've uploaded my .conkyrc for anyone who cares to http://pastebin.com/f383f230c
  20. OS: Arch Linux x64 WM: Openbox Panel: Tint2 Terminal: urxvt IRC: irssi Stats: conky Music Player: mpd
  21. That is in no way offensive, you did nothing wrong. Anyways, here's my last update of the month
  22. dr0p

    BBC botnet

    People buy and sell botnets quite often. Not nearly as often as offering out the services, I agree, but it does happen.
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