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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. /me grins, hands melodic his hat and cape and sends him forth to... to christen the dude's forums ;)
  2. I just assumed that leave == keep it...
  3. Could be any time really, but I usually sleep during daylight hours... Often my sleeping pattern is awake from about 2-4PM until about 4-7am and asleep for the remainder. All nighters are not unusual especially if college is involved.
  4. Erm... Pointless perhaps but there are often interesting or disturbing stories around nicks/handles/screen names etc... Besides, this thread was inspired by Darren ;) Where did your nick come from? Why did you choose it? What was your previous nick and why did you decide to change? My current nick came from when I began to use a WAP chat room from the mobile network O2 and since I am a creature of the night, usually on said chat service during the dark hours and only had 7 characters to play with I chose MLOIOTN... This, I found, caused people to constantly comment on how hard it was to read or ask what it meant so I corrected it to MOONLIT. My previous nick was 'dickerbeen'... while this might sound crude if you're in a certain frame of mind, it was actually formed when I signed up to the online currency site called 'beenz'. This site is long gone now.
  5. You... you forgot RiscOS! Awesome stuff - I've used it a fair bit and I've never managed to crash it... AmigaDOS/Workbench also rules, especially (as was mentioned earlier) with its Guru Meditation rather than BSoD :p Amiga fans rejoyce: http://www.errorwear.com/errorimages/huge-amiga-guru.jpg :D
  6. Yes you're correct, I have never spoken to him on skype. I just thought it was a bit hypocritical of you to refer to him as immature when you've created such topics on your own. </scarcasm> Erm... how was that post sarcastic? Edit: You actually wrote 'scarcasm' but I'm assuming you did actually mean 'sarcasm'...
  7. Did you mean that you change the boot order to only boot from the local C:, rather than anything other than the local C: ? Did you mean that there would almost certainly not be a discussion on this topic?
  8. /me rolls eyes, clicks, tuts, sighs, pouts, swings round and storms off... Really, does everything have to turn into a conversation about sex, sexuality, sexiness or sex bombs?
  9. Yeah don't let your lips create a seal around the bottle's neck and don't try to drink it too fast unless you plan on finishing it... :)
  10. C+G Computer Maintenance Lv 2 Currently studying Cisco IT Essentials... I think... I was... I am... I...
  11. I gotta say the best are 45 and 81 but I chose 45 just because I prefer it over 81 but only by a very small margin. /me refuses to comment on DarkSenay's comment.
  12. Yes, what the hell is going on? I've never heard of such heinous actions before. Why were emo/goth/any kids for that matter, being beat-up yesterday? And why for just the way they dress/act? What has happened to our youth? What has caused them to become so ignorant of other's lives and emotions that they blatantly disregard them? I’m only a year out of high school and is seems as though all hell has broken lose. Something is seriously wrong. I quite agree, even if I am going to get laughed at for doing so. It's screwed up, and it's not going to change in the foreseeable future either.
  13. Worms kicks ass! I don't care that it's old, it's real good fun and even the original Worms is still a classic. :D
  14. I made it this because I will come back to it with something else we start talking about... like "Chubs" or "Chuvs" i dont know its like the american equivalant of want to be gangsters.... haha That'll be chavs. Urgh. Anyways, I've checked again but first time round I could've sworn the topic said "Me and sparda in a vent...haha"
  15. Yeah, 'fraid I've got to agree with VaKo here... For educational purposes (or just screwing around with OSs) you not only don't want to look too hard for them, but you don't want to over-pay... Besides this, it's very hard to get original copies of old MS OSs anyhow... Also consider that it would be morally preferrable to steal than to pay for someone to steal, right? So, by that logic most of the copies on eBay are moral hotbeds :D All this combined, I say hell, pirate it... I mean MS aren't exactly gonna extract any more money from the older OSs anyhow and they don't even support some of them. Go to it man!
  16. /me agrees: Boot sales pwn for getting computer gear :D
  17. Heh... Me notes UT RAR on Dennis' desktop :p
  18. Sucky... my PC had that situation, then I just hid all the icons...
  19. Thanks for replying... It all seems ok now, maybe a freak surge or something, but all is fine and I have new monitors for my troubles :) 2 days suffering with a 14" VGA monitor = a new widescreen LCD and a new 19" CRT :D
  20. Well, he might notice when your cold hands grip his neck and... oh, wait... he'll be dead before... oh...
  21. My PC hasn't changed but my newly configured Mac is looking a little something like this: Oh, the image is one of my own creation in case anyone wonders :)
  22. /me nods in agreement /me sighs
  23. I would add though, that the RAM does not equal performance... one card carrying 128MB RAM might perform better that a card carrying 256MB so check out the other specs too if you're going for real-world performance.
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