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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Visual Basic 6 (not sure about .net, haven't used it) allows you to embed an IE control in a project enabling you to create your own browser based on whichever IE you have installed.
  2. I just saved it... I posted that by accident while testing the bbcode lol
  3. w00 yeah! congrats on finishing guys! thanks for the shoutout too :p
  4. Tracked as in tracking or tracked as in recorded? Tracking (mod/s3m/it/xm/etc) ftw!
  5. The only thing I intentionally and regularly watch on TV is The Simpsons (Channel 4, UK, 18:00 weekdays) but they are re-running the first series AGAIN. IPTV ftw.
  6. As demonstrated by the original MSN (Microsoft Network).
  7. Once But Not Forever. The riches that you owned back then, The love, the wealth, the care, I never had that fortune, no, So proud to know you there, You wore the finest clothes and, The best that man could buy, Rich beauty that you walked encloaked in, I could but sit and cry, You my hero, love and lust, You my blinding star, Oh all that time, I held you high, But now you've fallen so far, The radiance, the sparkle, glint, The aura of your face, I classed you as the Lady then, Now you're mere disgrace, You fell like angels tumbled to hell, From the place that you held so dear, All I could do is just gaze and just wait, Only could I watch in fear, You my hero, love and lust, You my blinding star, How did those times, I hold you so high, How did you fall down so far, Once were you precious, Diamond in rough, Sparkling gem of the east, Now you are nothing, just lost in the wasteland, Long may you rest now in peace. Long may you rest on in peace. Christopher Dicker - MMVI In Memory.
  8. Come on people, use your brains, will you? Even if you can't be assed to search (which is advised on any forum before posting) at least check stickies - the Pandora stuff is *very* clearly labelled so please post in the correct threads.
  9. personally if I was gonna perform this procedure the screwdriver would be the last thing to worry about...
  10. it has to be literally identical in every way...
  11. moonlit

    New boards

    That might well be the case.
  12. Well I'm not in the greatest position to donate *but* I will say that based on that fact I don't have a problem with using adverts on the show to bump up the cash flow... I do object to having more adverts that content but I trust the guys know what they're doing and wouldn't let the adverts literally take over... I do get why shows use these ads and unless we accept them, some of these shows might not be here... so I say go for it!
  13. Actually all the Toshiba HDDs I've used have been fine... my laptop's 4GB Toshiba is still working well now.
  14. It's on a black background if you follow the link ;)
  15. I'll bet you a fiver you don't...
  16. It looked pretty in purple ;)
  17. Spam? What? Me? Nevah! http://dickerbeen.atspace.com/ProgrammerLament.htm Poetry for programmers...
  18. moonlit


    How unutterably embarassing...
  19. 8" Green Mono Apricot Display!
  20. Maybe some netting? Window netting? Inter Netting? Trucks? Tubes? Ted Stevens?
  21. Erm... Thanks for sharing?
  22. I will steal the sun and melt you if you don't gimme it :p
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