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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. ;) I was aiming towards a totally customisable Teletext RSS podcast manager :D
  2. I was gonna really waste some time by making me an RSS > Teletext converter app... ...but I got delayed by having some fun :D
  3. uhh melodic? no... naughty... down boy! /me gets melodic on a leash (one of them spiky ones)... stop. enough. cease. desist. halt. woah. :)
  4. I was just a teensy bit underweight... pretty normal in fact... ...then I stopped going out, and now I'm definitely not underweight...
  5. uhh yeah dude, maybe you could ease up a bit ;) geez, hope Alli has a sense of humour... ...in fact, it doesn't matter, she's off galavanting with the Evil Server :(
  6. melodic and I, or Darren and Wess ;)
  7. possibly ;) /me does not mind, though Darren might ;) nope, keeping away from people I don't wanna talk to... unfortunately, I don't have the time, energy or available MSN-add-ons to block that many people :)
  8. ...you have /entire/ mags?! ...makes no comment, for fear of embarrasing Darren ;)
  9. indeed you are, melodic... and the biggest (and perhaps only) member who persistantly makes comments relating to aminal pr0n ;)
  10. ok, I guess I deserved that... ho-hum... :)
  11. right... *confiscates melodic's Wess pr0n...*
  12. I hope that was *screams* with a typo... :roll:
  13. Everything. Well, with the odd exception... I like (to save a huge list of bands)...: Rock, Pop, (some) Rap, anything with J in the genre (J-Rock, J-Pop etc), punk, classical, emo, 'goth', dance (most sub-genres - trance, hardcore, euro, acid etc), indie, jazz... ...I can't list all the genres, but just about the only thing I really don't like is avant garde... urgh...
  14. Maybe you could rent him out Darren... might take longer to get the cash, but the benefits could be greater... to whom, though, I'm not sure...
  15. shweet! dude, Cradle ROCK! /me plays Dance Macabre really really loudly... you know, the Cradle of Fear soundtrack version... :D
  16. /me joins Hak.5 last.fm upon the recommendation of VaKo
  17. w00t! Amiga FTW! Seriously though, I never saw the point in gaming laptops either... ...besides, those new-fangled passive-matrix LCD screens don't 'alf blur ;)
  18. nice guys, great to see some cool stuff coming up in here... keep writing!
  19. Hey all, just thinking it might be nice to have a thread to list a number of good podcasts/IPTV shows so we have somewhere to; a) post new ones as they are made, be they yours or someone elses b) go and check out new stuff, so if you haven't found it someone else might've c) remember all of the podcasts/IPTV you actually like! Ok, so I'll start with: IPTV: www.hak5.org : Hacking/Modding www.bsodtv.org : Phreaking (and hacking?) www.dl.tv : General Tech Podcasts: www.lifeinhex.com : Tech, Gaming, Anime www.thechrispirilloshow.com : General Tech
  20. Yay! Thanks whoever stickied this, it shall be read by all!
  21. Nice! Really makes the features stand out!
  22. Wow... Reboot... there's a name I haven't heard in a while!
  23. Nice! Interesting stuff people, keep it coming :)
  24. I think he meant 'bum'
  25. I think he was referring to me... :roll:
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