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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. IRC IS BACK UP! irc.hak5.org
  2. nah, for too cute for that :) yeah I'd be interested to see what you to your desktop Jalada :)
  3. Yeah sorry dude, but I know people have made that mistake and you never know ;)
  4. I suppose you might say that, yes.
  5. "The number is TOLL FREE: (866) 606-8255. You can remember that as (866) 606-TALK." Skype? :) Edit: Other VoIP clients are available ;)
  6. You're on the right server, yeah? If you connect to a server that does not have the room/channel you try to join, the channel will be created - this means that you would be the only person in the room...
  7. How do you mean 'compromised'? Ran it through Babel (which has crap Korean support) and the text seems to be the kind of stuff you'd see on a school website...
  8. [22:20] * Connect retry #99 irc.hak5.org (6667) - [22:21] * Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out) :( /me bangs head while suffering from withdrawal...
  9. urgh... I watched a part of the first 'everyone bundles into the house for the first day' show yesterday. urgh. I feel ill. I feel dirty. I feel... you get my view on it right there... I have never seen such a bunch of... *insert word* people since the last series... in fact, I think these are the worst yet... and who the hell has a guy (apparently) with tourettes on a show that can't have swearing before 9pm?!
  10. yup: 800MHz Duron w/256MB RAM and NV GF FX5200, Running Windows XP, iTunes and VLC, Storage is 9GB HDD and WiFi access to my main box, Controlled by a Saitek P2500 USB Game Controller and supplied keystroke emulation app. Connected to my TV via S-Video > SCART adaptor and to my Technics stack for audio. Soon to be upgraded to 1GHz Athlon.
  11. I have a generic Alba (rebranded OEM) MP3 player and use it only with iTunes... I just open the MP3 player in Explorer, drag files from iTunes into the folder and et viola... For podcasts though, you can just change your music folder to point to your MP3 player... download them right to the player :D
  12. exactly... I mean check out the 'bluetooth sniper rifle'... a security strength of BT is the extremely short range... some security feature...
  13. /me does not support RFID. Down with RFID.
  14. Poyboy: did you realise your Athlon64 user banner is mis-spelt?
  15. You don't like? You don't like what? lol
  16. Interesting... descriptive but not pr0nographic... Fair points made in there - good work that man... err... woman? ;)
  17. Me llamo Cristobal... Que tal?
  18. That show is scary shit... if I have the misfortune to catch a glimpse of it, I immediately cringe... any longer than about 15 seconds and I curl up into a ball twitching and screaming...
  19. I pwn noob. You pwn noob? We ALL pwn n00b!
  20. NEW MODEL ARMY!!!! oh, yeah... and Depeche Mode... :D
  21. ahh yeah! man, haven't read that stuff in aaaaages! used to think it was awesome... Bamboozle, Turner the Worm, Teen Angst, Letters pages, the music sections etc... just class! pure text-based enjoyment!
  22. Well despite its age, I still think it applies today and providing we don't forget how we all came to be here will continue to be appreciated by many many more people to come in the years ahead, just as in the years we've just left. :)
  23. if you wear it for looks, it would be but with all of those pockets it's got a crapload of storage which is essential when on any adventure out in the field... :) ...just wish I had the high-tech kit to fill one ;) Oh you're damn right... those of us who see life in the night all feel the same sweet air of midnight whoever we are, wherever we are and whatever we do. May we all continue to feel the same in the night as we have done in the passed decades. *bows head slightly* I am afraid though, despite what we feel now it will not last as it feels it should... it is being repeatedly hit every time the sun rises and those of the day seem to ooze a feeling of contempt for us of the night... they REALLY don't like how they live...
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