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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. w00t! go get 'em VaKo!
  2. /me has no reply to this message. well... except perhaps from something I'd rather not say.
  3. Underwear. I'm scared. I clicked. I hate you. PANTSU PANTSU! *hums along...*
  4. heh yeah I noticed that, but I was guessing you were heading in the vague direction of Half Assed Hack ;)
  5. hey there... to get your menus and tabs back, double click anywhere in the border around the list of running programs :)
  6. heh don't I know /that/ feeling ;) formatting is not nice - I used to do it all the time, but as our hard drives get larger, so do our heart attacks when things go wrong... ho-hum, the price we pay, I suppose... hope ep#10 can overcome the evils that lurk within your machine!
  7. I tried... after getting near nonsense, I tried all of the the Eastern languages I could... it translated to Korean as 'Moon?' hence my answer ;) I'm guessing it's actually Chinese, yeah? (going only by the domain, of course) Edit: Do'h... I'm slow this evening... ? ? ? ? ? = Half Assed Hack
  8. Yeah I'd second that, if you guys wouldn't mind :)
  9. heh don't worry squit, he's just being melodic ;) welcome to the forums, by the way :) when Techno mentioned emulators, I am sure he did mean as Cooper mentioned - something like PearPC - this program will (in theory, and it won't be a smooth ride) let you run the Mac OS as if your PC were a Mac... it won't mess up Windows but you might be able to use it to run those programs you mention. It won't be the best experience in the world, but hopefully good enough to use what you want. You do have a fairly powerful PC, so hopefully it shouldn't be too slow... Oh, one least thing - you'll need a copy of a Mac OS... you might be able to borrow from your father or find it somewhere on the net :)
  10. argh! sorry guys, would have some great new pics for you all and maybe a guide or download or /something/ only I just finished scraping the remains of a virus that stepped in my path from off of harddrive... hum... will keep you all posted on further development...!
  11. and I realised there was a switch on my headphones... now I listen in poly!
  12. 'Fraid it's gonna have to be our old friend Google for the moment... I'll be writing a how to soon, but that's gonna take me a little while...
  13. Sorry, third post in a row, I know, but... :D
  14. Yeah that's fair I think... if you want to distribute your finished theme though, you have to create the same at least 3 times; WinXP Build 2600, SP1 and SP2 - these all include Home/Pro graphics so that's not too bad... though it seems that SP2 has some graphics missing... shouldn't cause problems though, I don't think... Yeah that would be cool! I think we'd get some real nice entries coming in for that... what does everyone else think?
  15. Hey guys, sorry it took so long to get back to you all... The process actually involves using a small program called Resource Hacker... there are many tuts around teh interweb so I won't go in to that here, but basically, the idea is that you use Resource Hacker to extract the images from the Windows core files and edit/replace them with custom designs of your choice... careful as you go and make backups because they really are essential files and one wrong move and cause Windows to get KIA... But the files I've edited so far are: WindowsSystem32SHELL32.DLL << About Windows... boxes WindowsSystem32MSGINA.DLL << Logon stuff WindowsEXPLORER.EXE << Start menu graphics I will be changing colours of title bars and stuff, I have done so on the lappy, I'm just trying to sort out a cool colour scheme :) WindowsSystem32NTOSKRNL.EXE << I'm working on this as we speak - this contains the boot screen... the boot screen is I think the hardest part - you have to make your logo conform to a predefined Windows palette (or hack your own) which makes it a little more tricky than the rest... Once I've done the rest of the theme I'll post the results and maybe a how-to up somewhere... watch this space for a link :)
  16. moonlit

    Car PC

    Well I used VB4 for quite a while before I got 6 and really it's not that bad unless you have the 16-bit version...
  17. moonlit

    Car PC

    yeah VB1 just about still works on XP but 32bit VB4 and above is prefered...
  18. most of my antics were pre-knowledge and for me at least (at school, way back when) it would've been hard not to get caught... :(
  19. moonlit

    Car PC

    geez, I'm staying with VB6!
  20. moonlit

    Car PC

    wtf?! see, this is why I'm still using VB6! I'm afraid I can't answer that because surely that's not true Visual Basic?!
  21. moonlit

    Car PC

    Yeah that'd be nice... maybe have small push-to-make switches mouted below the LCD...
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