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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Take one saucepan, empty 1 or 2 cans of baked beans in, depending on how hungry you are/if there's anyone else joining you... now, as they heat up, when they start to simmer, throw in some mayonaisse (preferrably garlic), add soy sauce, cheese (keep stirring, else it goes solid), ham/pepperoni/sausage/meat of some kind - black pudding works well too, tomatoes, tomato puree/ketchup depending on what you have, though puree is preferable, add other things you think would taste good... add salt and pepper to taste, maybe mixed herbs or spices depending on your preference.. continue to simmer until the beans are well done (taste doesn't matter, you covered that with the mayonaisse/soy sauce/tomatoes etc...) Very nutritious, very filling, tastes great and looks... interesting... but it's all good! A small bowl will fill practically anyone up! Serve with a slice of medium-sliced white bread or two or thicker cut farmhouse style bread for full enjoyment. Takes roughly 10-15 minutes on high heat, turning it down when it starts to boil but YMMV... Great stuff! Accompany with a traditional English ale, beer of your choice or water... water works good with this... Also works cold (after cooking and sticking it in the fridge) and can (but probably shouldn't) be reheated so can be used for several meals! Edit: Baked Beans = Haricot beans in ketchup.
  2. I personally rather like those energy drinks, and they do give you the kick you need but then you do also get the biiiig comedown if you take too much or power youreslf on /just/ energy drinks... after a couple days and too many litres of the stuff you do start to run down but then I suppose you're not supposed to stay awake that long... but if you're coding, partying, gaming or involving in other suchlike activities, then sometimes it's useful... don't do it when doing so would be dangerous though... The comedowns are huge if you do things this way... Oh, and also be wary of caffeine tablets, too...
  3. yeah that's all great, but if you're looking in a mirror... *feels the palpitations begin*
  4. Yeah too much caffeine can be /really/ bad... take it easy unless you know how much you can take...
  5. Likewise... I think they're all closet gays ;)
  6. man... cherry coke... the memories, the memories... and Techno, I have a feeling Sprite3G has been out for a while... thoug I might be lying... I remember buying some ages ago but it's a toss-up in my mind as to wherether I bought it in a service station on the way to London or in Canada...
  7. but even when he's drunk he makes sense... *sob*
  8. I dunno, I think we can give you a break just this once... but remember... always keep a backup! ;)
  9. dude! that's just my kind of hack! anyone trying this or similar hacks might want to know that those little cylindrical power connecters that wall warts have usually have the centre pin (the hole, as opposed to the metal on the outside) usually carrying the + rail... this is not always the case and when testing, try not to leave the power (in this case your batteries) connected for longer than is required to find out if it does/doesn't work... if it's the wrong way round, the hacked thing won't turn on and if it does then your polarity is correct! It is much easier to have a few of those power jacks spare, like perhaps a few cut from the ends of wall warts and then when you come to connect the batteries and apply the power, you don't need to rip the case off of whatever you're hacking to be battery powered... just trim and skin the 2 wires and connect your battery/batteries and plug it in! Often, there is a wire that has a white stripe down it - this is (usually) the + rail. With the right batteries and the right power jack, anything that has a wall wart or power brick can be powered by batteries... That is, unless the power brick outputs AC current, though that's not very often - your power brick/wall wart will usually say on it which one - if the output figures have a '~' next to them. you probably can battery power it without a seperate circuit. Just keep an eye on the current (Amps = A/Milliamps = mA) and you'll be fine! happy mobile hacking!
  10. nice one degoba! all very true there!
  11. Not sure how that particular program works as far as when it loads but you could try booting to safe mode and deleting the files there.
  12. heheh... well bigbro, at least you're not alone in preferring Wess ;)
  13. Anywho, now that we've all cleared that up, shall we... how do you say... leave this thread to die? ;)
  14. moonlit


    what speed is it? does the friend/do you have a mobo it'll go in? do you have a media centre?
  15. haha! I might've guessed ;)
  16. it's just a bit of fun dude!
  17. Ok, quick poll, just 'cos I'm curious :D If mods/admins think it's inappropriate, yell at me and kill the thread but otherwise, fair game!
  18. heheh :D looking forward to seeing what people are gonna do with photos :D
  19. yeah I've had a few in the past but I've settled on the slightly less offensive than some I've been allocated in the past... but it's become my online handle, since I don't tend to 'do' real life lol... just call me moon, moonlit, moonie (as Technologique calls me ;)) or whatever really... I do answer to a selection of male and female names, all variations of my real name but perhaps that's for another time and place :D
  20. heheh I kinda like people like that though, it's easy to steer them if they're beginning to talk... a little less... interestingly... :D oh, and hello there Rainbow :D
  21. oh... well we're colourful in a different way here :D In fact, if you searched my posts, you'd see that just earlier today I *hummed Somewhere Over The Rainbow*! :| ... Play guitar + Geek = Dyke? I think not! For a start, I know at least two other people on here who play guitar and are geeks, but are guys... so that doesn't work... and also, why do you have to wear pink and trendy tracksuits to be straight and female these days?! *cough* I never said that... that wasn't a rant... really... (and I think it more applies to us over here in the UK really...)
  22. @VaKo: Duuuude! You share a job title with Alli :D
  23. Aww he doesn't love us... I mean... very good idea... I might turn that off myself... and I killed (read:deleted) that Tom guy too... I'm guessing he's one of the MySpace founders or something... Edit: His profile says he doesn't drink!
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