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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. I find that even though I can't do certain things, if I try enough (or in some cases try less) as far as creativity goes it will just flow out... I'm not great at drawing, but something like music... I can't play instruments (very well) so I use computers... ok, some musicians say that it's cheating, but it's still creating music... if you have emotions/ideas to convey, which is what creativity esentially is, there will always be some way you can successfully get it down on paper/screen/tape/CD/disk etc...
  2. Yeah it's a shame the distances are so vast... there's gotta be a way though... and those DV recordings are indeed collosal... we'd need a phenominal speed connection to do that online... reduced resolution video woud work but you lose the great quality you'd need for real productions and DVD releases...
  3. Now sarcasm of otherwise, that just wasn't funny...
  4. Or rather remain insane, if you're watching Hak.5 ;) Welcome aboard... erm... KainChick! ... *hums tune to Somewhere Over The Rainbow*
  5. *relaxes - all muscles... every single one... know your human anatomy...* That's all good, but what if I had been the subject of your posts and misinterpreted it? Then I certainly wouldn't of been happy, would I?
  6. Yeah I get that... it's quite odd... I've also had my eyes make me believe that the sky was a low-res pixellised picture... that was a very disturbing experience...
  7. Quite. If indeed this was the case then to prevent further confusion, please ensure that you state clearly the intent and meanings of your posts. To avoid sounding like a wannabe mod, I will practice what I preach.
  8. Yup... I'd be real proud of this thread being dedicated to me... ... You called him a fool in the thread title...
  9. moonlit


    So you think you overclocked a Duron rated at 1GHz to 3.2GHz? I am willing to be proved wrong but I can't see that... especially with inadequate cooling...
  10. I am a pretty damn tolerant person, but damn Syntax you're a prick... You just started a thread to diss someone... a whole thread... Could someone delete this (or alternatively dedicate it to a Syntax assasination thread...)? Oh, and I thought that pic was kinda cool! Edit: You know, that one third from the left looks kinda familiar...
  11. Yeah that part does suck... I think it would be possible to co-ordinate some things over the web and bring footage together as long as whoever was involded knew what was happening where... also knowing who was going to edit it all together and that person's bandwidth could be a little hitch...
  12. The Carpenters - Top Of The World
  13. I think what would be nice is if there was some way/place to match up likeminded people who have ideas/talent/kit and really get the IPTV thing booming... ;)
  14. But... but... but... dude, you recommended that guy should look at it... and it's... gah... don't worry...
  15. Yeah! Damn right Darren! Who's with us on this? ;) Me and Technologique were thinking of starting up a little something something, we're 'in talks' now and I'm sure we'll keep you all posted if anything comes of it ;) IPTV FTW!
  16. Steps - Better The Devil You Know
  17. Now Sparda, I don't wish to sound at all arrogant here, but I think you could be a little more respectful considering what this thread is now about and what people have been saying... some of this could be big news for people and they don't need the boat being rocked... That is all... Carry on ;) Oh, and for the record, none of those things you said feature in my reasoning for not speaking on that comment.
  18. I must choose that as my first comment in this thread I refuse to comment of for strictly personal reasons... but VaKo, you say that you would do it again in a heartbeat... I quite agree... I won't go into it all but I don't regret what I've done/done to myself (that's in a substance way, not any other way) because I wouldn't be the me you see now if I hadn't... besides, some of those things (granted a fairly small portion, but not to be ignored) were enjoyable... sure it started getting out of hand but hey, I am still here... I wouldn't do it now, because I know that I did what I needed to do and I don't need that any more as far as I can see... but it made me ... well ... me ... and I've gotta be happy with that...
  19. While that's true, the subconcious is the subconcious because you aren't supposed to see what's in there - hence the name... I like the overclocking analagy - that works.. if you do your homework and you have a chip that can handle the speeds you're trying to push it t then great, but you might have the chips that were made on a Friday and while they look the same, won't do what the other guy's chip does. Same goes for the human body... Now, I haven't come that close to death before, or not in that way anyhow, but I recommend that whenever you get the chance to go sit by that river for those 3 hours whenever you can... even if there hasn't been anything big... just take stock of the day/week or whatever... it's good for you, it gives your body and mind a chance to chill and work through things ... it also gets you away from your computer. I might be something of a hypocrite to say that it gets you away from your computer but seriously, just do it once a week or so... maybe even only once a month... but try it, you'll see that it helps a lot... Would I do it all again? Yeah, because through these life experiences I found out who my true friends were and although I only have 5 or so, they're all I need. Good on you! I no longer think it's cool (for me personally... I still say other people should go have fun if they want to and there are no issues around it) to go get smashed but when I used to, I like to meet people who do randomly shake hands and start talking about whatever! I despise people who go out just to get leary and kick someone in - it's supposed to be fun... for everyone! I do agree though that SOMETIMES in THE RIGHT SITUATION it can be good to experience something like we've mentioned here (or rather some of the people on this forum - and kudos to you guys for bringing it up) but seriously do be careful and don't be dumb... take life easy be (fairly) responsible and most of all try to enjoy what you can.
  20. *just checked the link* WTF is that? me-thinks that someone could use a little Dreamweaver...
  21. Dunno but you just did it again... and so damn true Techno!
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