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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. How did you go about choosing locations and buillding a set when you first started out? How did you get equipment for the first show? Where would be a good place to go to talk to people about starting out?
  2. I would do that but I have no hubs... ...though I have a USB hub I can work on... lol - it's active rather than passive but requires a wall-wart - could battery-ise that... dunno how useful it'd be in the field though lol@sparda :D
  3. ngemu.com, OSBetaArchive, a couple of Green Day forums, nfscars.net, motomodders.net, my college course's forums, ... and a million other bsides that I can't remember! Edit: @TheZ: just like that!
  4. Doesn't that imply that 'windows' isn't? ;)
  5. Yeah, fair point! Maybe I could trademark 'thing' ;)
  6. yeah 'tis odd spelling isn't it? still it's all good :)
  7. is that the 1337 way to spell deja-vu? ;)
  8. Tip: Once you've booted to PS2 Linux as described by VaKo, you might like to celebrate with a cigarette or some lovely candles for mood-lighting - maybe even some incence sticks for a little scent to get you in the /root mood... :D
  9. Haha! He's on to you Duelus! ;)
  10. @VaKo: Don't cancel it, we might need it for a segment! Maybe just reschedule it... :)
  11. I hope he realises how forgiving we're being here compared to some other forums...
  12. Or maybe: Where has my cat disappeared to? I'm afraid she may be absent from my presence due to her insatiable appetite for male attention. She is quite the social butterfly, you know!
  13. Just give me the gun.... You got potential, kYd ;)
  14. I could do, but until I find out what that third wire does, I can't... *tries google again*
  15. lol yeah might be a good idea, that ;)
  16. pasteurised geek, half geek, full geek - we're all alike, regardless of standing!
  17. isn't it just?! when I first found it I practically fell over!
  18. man, how can anyone just 'look at you funny' after reading that?! 'tis a true work of art, an artwork of truth and a work of true art!
  19. Main box - 512MB Laptop - 32MB WIP: Random 486 board that's not really doing much - 16MB in 4 x 30 pin SIMMS Media box in a DVD player case (to be completed) - 256MB
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