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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Yeah my parents are the same (though they dislike my room being jammed to the ceiling with hardware)... I go out one day and return with a (legally purchased/obtained) machine when they know I only left with a couple of quid (erm... about $5 US) or nothing and they don't stop to question why I have it or where it came from... they just groan, sigh and watch me drag it throught the house... Unfortunately this happens more rarely these days, but hey I didn't do bad while my 'sources' were more active ;)
  2. Yeah that's a pretty good idea... as you say, if they guy in the pub gets wind that some music CD broke his computer and then if he so decides, finds out that it was because he's being punished for legitimately buying a CD or a legit download (which he needed 'special' software to play/use) he's gonna be pissed... Also you make the point that the younger and stupider the better... the kids and the poor make decisions... if you can't sell to those two groups you have a big problem. If a campaign was to be launched it would (kinda obviously) need to hit the general peeps who don't know about this stuff (again, as you said) to really affect things... I'm actually very glad that people haven't embraced and settled with the idea of downloading the things they've bought... it means there's still a chance to hold it back or at least open people's eyes...
  3. Well that does remind me of the Sony case... and that dude's comment that 'people don't know what a rootkit is so why should they care'... that rootkit made systems about as stable as lime jelly/jello... it's a shame that the general public don't hear this stuff - most of the non tech-savvy people I mentioned that to, thinking they might have heard about it had no clue whatsoever and thus would've/had fallen to Sony...
  4. Yeah I've noticed that they don't like technology advancements much - also obvious is that if you are prepared to disobey them that much then surely you aren't gonna encourage people to buy DRM-infested stuff, are you? This does not make you their friend...
  5. Naturally... they wouldn't be so insistant if they didn't stand to gain obscene amounts of money, would they?
  6. Now, I chose 'Fuck them' but I wish to explain: Fuck them: I chose this. Kill all it's employees: Meh - I prefer non-violent tactics wherever possible. Try to explain to them how the Internet actualy works: They wouldn't listen or probably wouldn't even get it. Try to explain to them why every body hates them: Slander lawsuit anyone? They'd find some way to sue you for this one. Ask them where all the money they get from law suites goes on Live Televison (Some one should realy do that): I dunno, it would be kinda interesting to hear the answer but they'd just bullshit everyone, so...
  7. yeah - I agree... if he doesn't know it (and might never know) then it would only be fair, since we know the machine is in this state (still assuming the owner doesn't know it)... it's like knowing there's a robbery happening but just diving in and helping yourself otherwise... ok, bad example but you guys know what I mean :p Edit: another few ports - 1002/tcp open windows icfw? 1720/tcp open ms-rdp (Microsoft Terminal Service - NetMeeting, Remote Desktop, Remote Assistance)
  8. metasploit has some exploits for apache (as mentioned in the show IIRC) but I don't know which version they go up to... might look later...
  9. The Streets - Not Addicted
  10. Steve Earle - Ain't No Liquor In This Town
  11. a VERY retarded Teletubby... I don't fancy meeting it...
  13. Aerosmith - Don't Get Mad, Get Even
  14. The Wurzels - Drink Up Thy Zider
  15. Bill Bailey - Insect Nation
  16. New Model Army - Young, Gifted And Skint
  17. Could you come to some arangement with them, after subtly suggesting that the unit isn't really that useful and is of a reasonably low spec, so you could offer to take it off their hands for a reasonably low price? ;) *cough* I mean... prolly best not dude... ;)
  18. Lene Marlin - Unforgivable Sinner
  19. ABBA - The Winner Takes It All
  20. Catatonia - Dead From The Waist Down
  21. Papa Roach - Blood Brothers
  22. Bittersweet Synphony - The Verve
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