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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. *smash, bang, crash...* What? I never had the internet...
  2. Well that's all good, but that amount of semen is gonna make anyone think twice about replying to this post ever again...
  3. Shh, the insurance company might be listening...
  4. Err... no, that one got 'stolen'...
  5. That clean up will involve a couple of boxes of tissues, yeah?
  6. That was years back melodic, I've had 6 widescreens since 2004! ;)
  7. Well, you get input and output access, with control of the processing power with and with that, the memory so I guess that would work :D Some interesting ideas there though, and congrats on avoiding the 'well being a woman means I get to play with tits all the time' scenario ;)
  8. Well I didn't, but I do now ;) Also see edit of prev. post: Quick Format is next to useless...
  9. 70MB...? What are you running, NT3.1? Oh, and Quick Format of any kind is just about the worst and most useless way to delete illegal or sensitive information, second only to 'Delete to Recycle Bin'...
  10. You forgot to mention your hard drive specs which would greatly affect format/install speed... Edit: 1512MB is not a legal amount or RAM (if you'll excuse the pun)... I'm guessing you either meant 512MB or 1536MB (1.5GB)... Pfff... Honest. Ahem... you make it sound like it's a bad thing...
  11. I use Winamp and VLC to play videos... between them, there's almost nothing you couldn't play....
  12. Now, imagine just for a moment that by some freak of physics or new implant chip that you could VNC into someone's head... who would you VNC into, and what would you do while you're in there? Maybe someone from the opposite sex, to see how they tick? Maybe someone famous? Perhaps a friend who you'd like to see do a certain thing? Maybe even a country's leader? Be creative... maybe even say what operating system you'd expect to find in there... :)
  13. Yeah I found that part out, just wasn't entirely sure what the glove /did/ :) Yeah that would work as intended, though as you say blood probably wouldn't be a good thing in that situation... plates would work well I think... The thing about it is I wouldn't be able to test it very well without risking killing or possibly unhealthy burns or heart problems in myself or my test subject... it's a pain, that one... Yeah that's a little more extreme, though it would do the job I should think...
  14. Heh it does have some logic to it ;) I'll see what Google has to say on it...
  15. All CRTs, TVs and the monitor... haven't called the power company yet, and not spoken to anyone else on the street yet but I'm thinking that might be advisable though... see I'd have thought that other appliances would've been affected too though... nothing else seems to have got hit... wiring's fine AFAIK though... Edit: and no storms as far as I'm aware VaKo...
  16. Ok, I'm not gonna be around as much for the next week or so, because I've had a little problem... Within 24 hours, 1. Main family TV (14 month old 32" widescreen) went boom, 2. My brother's 14" TV went boom, 3. My main 17" monitor went boom, 4. My 14" TV is about to go boom. Now, I haven't the faintest clue why this has happened, and if anyone has any ideas as to what could have happened then I'd like to hear them... all of the appliances were CRTs and nothing else has been affected at all. They were on different circuits in the house's electrics and afaik the power has been fine and they died staggered over 24 hours, so not all at the same time... The reason I won't be online as much though, is that until I get me a new monitor, I'm having to use a POS 14" Apple VGA monitor that can't handle anything above 640x480 @60Hz and it's making me sick already... :(
  17. You probably didn't actually need to do that, and in case of actual legal action if anyone could be bothered the information could still be recovered... HOWEVER, they likely won't do anything (though always try to be careful, just in case) and... ...did anyone notice the IP address? << That's not an external IP address...
  18. I just used some the other day that was like a silvery goop, looked a bit like that glitter glue you can get... /me double checks he didn't mix up the glitter glue and the thermal paste... Edit: it's a bit thicker than glitter glue, it's more like those silver metallic marker pens you can get... looks a bit like someone emptied the ink of one of those into a... hey, I've been ripped off!
  19. Oh cool, just didn't want anyone getting their ass kicked... all good though :)
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