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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. I might venture to suggest that perhaps they might've been hiding the potato salad somewhere... ew... *shudders*
  2. I don't often post links to dumb stuff, but I wondered how much like like an official Sonic game this feels like to everyone else: http://www.funny-games.biz/sonicthehedgehog.html I notice they ripped all the stuff from elsewhere like for instance the level music (from misc. Sonic games - Sonic 2 music features in there I think... unless it's Sonic 3... *shrugs*)... Not sure which games the character sprites are from though... Not bad for a flash game...
  3. I'm far from a Linux expert but I'm sure the CRT option will also work fine with an LCD...
  4. Heh we're quick to reply here, eh? ;) What's the deal with the flakey url tags? I had to edit my post 'cos they weren't playing nice...
  5. Aww damn... still I prefer good ol' English crumpets anyhow... open source food ;) spudgun - yes it is possible, yes the image is still 'floating' around and yes it is warez... there are plenty of tutorials around though and you might wanna check the OSX86 Project (http://www.osx86project.org/) site for more info ;)
  6. *tuts and sighs* Wish someone'd told me... Are we going to add bagel and crumpet compatibility to that toaster? I'm sure they announced it for the next version of the OS...
  7. Maybe... 'main pandora discussion'...? Sorry, not very imaginative today...
  8. /me hands melodic some plasters, a length of wire, some foil and a lump of blu-tack... oh, and welcome sarah...
  9. Oh god... isn't that the IRC server toaster? On a side note, someone really should reboot the microwave, it's starting to get touchy... Did anyone find that high frequency distro of NukeOS?
  10. I don't have any direct quotes, but I've received much of the same stuff that's already been mentioned really... VaKo does seem to have the right idea :D
  11. Roffle! Wouldn't that be like tech-suicide?
  12. That ain't natural... Spineless bunch of *trails off*...
  13. screenshots on their way in the next couple days... :D mission begins in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ... *me boots his 386 only to find it's too new for Windows 1.01...* ;)
  14. oOk... Windows NT 4.0 and above are fine on most CPUs regardless of speed however Windows NT 3.51 (and below, I believe) it's picky about what it will install on... anything above a couple 100MHz and it will error, tell you you've got the wrong processor and then promptly die... I'm working on sorting a patch for that as we speak... VaKo: To get Windows 1.x to work you need to use anything below MSDOS 5.0 to run it on... you need to get hold of the files rather than a disk image because of course VMware won't boot from a 380k floppy... It does work though providing you don't go above MSDOS 5.0... It doesn't seem to mind excessive RAM and spare GHz on the CPU... I guess it can't even *see* the RAM, let alone be worried about it... the CPU I'd have though would've caused it to panic but it seems ok on my 1.73GHz Athlon...
  15. Store things in a virtual Acorn Archimedes disk... No one will ever go in there!
  16. Oh god yeah! You saved a near tragedy! *adds OS/2 1.x and Warp to the list*
  17. Yeah Windows 1.01 -> Windows 3.11 FW would be the leat likely to work but I have tried them and they do work with a little careful planning (like Windows 1.x and possibly 2.x won't work on MSDOS >5.0)... Talking of such issues, anyone know where I might find the Windows NT3.x 'Wrong CPU' patch?
  18. I'm afraid I'm leaving Linux/BSD for the moment because if I were to try and include every distro I would collapse (though possibly not before my hard drive)... I am going to install: Windows 1.01 -> Windows XP including some betas and service packs along the way, some versions of Mac OSs (including Rhapsody if I can get the thing to work in VMware) and some random others like RISCOS (Acorn Computers), Amiga Workbench and most likely some versions of Atari TOS and some other non-GUI based OSs too depending on how it goes... /me cracks knuckles, breaks out FDISK and sighs deeply...
  19. /me has something of a task ahead of him... I need you guys to wish me luck... I intend to install every OS I own (including several versions of MacOS, RISCOS and Amiga Workbench) on one computer using a selection of emulators and virtual machines... I'll post screens and info as I progress and I'm hoping it doesn't screw up *again* as I've tried this about 4-5 times already... but I will not cease!
  20. I agree here... I also extend a welcome to you, however as armadaender mentioned it's easy to jump at someone if they come in and act how we might expect someone to act who clearly doesn't intend to learn anything but is here to be able to annoy school teachers or hack their "friend's" Hotmail account. I'm not, however, trying to suggest that you are one of these people. I must say though at least you spoke (read: typed) good English ;) Thanks, Welcome and enjoy your stay, Moonlit Edited for spelling errors...
  21. omg you know this dude?! he's so cool, I just added him to ask tips on how to secure my Windows 3.1 box! *cough* *cough* stfu and go back to your hole...
  22. I'm thinking they might want to see a doctor if this happens a lot...
  23. Um... no... she let me borrow it and I'm in the UK... ;) Welcome to the forums ;)
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