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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. moonlit


    Yep... That's why I use DOS, Windows (many versions), MacOS, RISCOS, Amiga Workbench and very occasionally Linux ...
  2. Student/Part-time Computer Technician/Wannabe IT Security Expert
  3. :D Well, it's not exactly a big stretch of the mind, eh? ;) I've had enough people tell me that before though, it's not necessarily bad or good, just occasionally useful :D
  4. You got that 'LOL' from me! Arr! for TPB!
  5. ok, are you today with them blue washing line boxes?
  6. No-one... however, each time you post in this thread, you give away a little more each time... ;)
  7. I have a Toshiba Satellite 4000CDT which has had its keyboard section removed and lid/screen reversed to appear as a tablet-style computer. I have yet to actually attach the front bezel to the base of the machine so you have to be very careful when moving it. 12" (?) DSTN LCD @800x600x24bit, 233MHz iPII with 32MB RAM and 4GB Toshiba HDD. Upgraded with wifi capabilities with a crappy C&W 802.11b/g PCCard. It's been through too many OSs to mention but it's currently running Windows 98 alongside MacOS 8, RISCOS 3.1 and Amiga Workbench 3.1
  8. However, Charmap isn't really very easy to get to if this is your network or system password... ;)
  9. Actually on a UK keyboard the '' is above the left-windows key :) The key above Enter on ours is the backspace key... :D
  10. wewt... Darren used 'mate' :D He must be a fellow Brit in disguise ;)
  11. Love the classic HP machine as monitor/TV stand :p
  12. Welcome FinalWhiteDove to the forums. Careful who you tell when you do anything in this vein... Especially if they happen to go to the same college as you.
  13. Well sure, it could be fake but... 1) Some wierd bastard is gonna see this and try it, 2) Fake or not, it's still extremely fucked up, 3) It's just not funny, fake or otherwise...
  14. That's majorly fucked... It even beats 'happy slapping' here in the UK...
  15. Not so sure about that, but every now and then (often in very warm weather) I get a Spanish (I think? maybe French, I'm not sure it's not clear enough) TV station overlaying several TV channels...
  16. Looking good, can't wait to see it in action!
  17. Yes, 'tis I... Again, 'tis I, but new and improved... with a hat! Edit:
  18. I'm thinking there would be a market there, yes...
  19. Yeah... or maybe an abandoned warehouse for the scale of the operation... would help with set building and filming too...
  20. and possibly the sandpaper and brillo pads, but they won't be used for cleaning...
  21. Ok, proceed with the delivery of heavy duty sponges...
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