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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Not ugly, merely cosmetically challenged.
  2. what vector? where? linkage, dear Darren!
  3. Well if content providers wished for their content to be accessible to the masses at reasonable speeds and the ISPs got their way, then someone would have to pay for the 'distrobution'... not just the bandwidth either, the fact that they wish to distribute high volume/high bandwidth content to the people.
  4. Perhaps, but what of the free content we obtain from the USA? Surely we would have less available to us if more money is required to service it?
  5. Well between this, Net Neutrality and 'anyone who does anything that might affect more than a single street must be a terrorist'-type paranoia, things are beginning to look a little bleak, are they not? To summarise: Certain members of this community and of other communites around the UK and the world do not like/are unable to associate with persons in real life. Perhaps then one might watch some television? But there's nothing of any value on! Fine, turn to the internet. Ahh, there's a thing called podcasting... hmm... there's a video version! Perfect! I can chat to likeminded individuals online, I can order practically anything I need over the internet and now I can entertain myself too! Oh wait... what's this 'net neutrality' thing? Oh... well kinda... see, thing is, ISPs don't want me to see this stuff so they're gonna charge extra to use these ports or use the bandwidth... damn... well, at least I can still chat, right? Well almost... See, someone I knew reported to someone that I discuss politics and hacking online with a bunch of likeminded souls... erm... now I have no internet access. Damn.
  6. moonlit

    Hey gang.

    10 LINE INPUT "What's your name? ", NAME$ 20 PRINT "Welcome to the forums " + NAME$ + "!" 30 END
  7. But that kinda makes you hotter, 'cos you use loads of energy swinging the door :/
  8. Erm... you might've wanted to explain before potentially insulting billions of peaceful citizens and happy homosexuals around the globe though...
  9. haha! sounds awesome, do post pics when you're done :D
  10. But don't take me with you, I didn't sign up for this...
  11. I wouldn't be so sure... it's not normal for the USA and therefor the UK to stay out of overseas conflict... I've seen the clips of Blair and Bush but I don't see them staying out of it for long.
  12. Some of you may have noticed that the temperature of some parts of the world is getting rather high now, so I wondered if any of you have rigged up any ghetto cooling devices for your desk/room/office... Here's mine (soon to be rearranged, I think): Powered by a variable 12v/600mA wall adaptor.
  13. I do somewhat detest the fact that guys do not see members of the fairer sex for what they are because of their interests. I personally don't tend to consider appearance as much as some males might and I find that I cannot actually stand to be around girls who do not have some intelligence about them let alone date them...
  14. Heh. Subtle, dude. Very subtle. Yup, subtle like a sledge hammer...
  15. Eww! Snorting PCB dust? Ick! Urgh! Hck! *cough* Yuck!
  16. It seems to have slipped my notice that another female has ventured in to these harsh waters... Might I welcome you, Wallis.
  17. Erm... that red picture rather makes you look a lot like an ape...
  18. So what you're saying Sparda is that if we force-feed Alli some driver disks she'll be fine? :/
  19. Not even plastic labelled Visa, MasterCard or <insert popular credit card here>?
  20. Hey all, noticing a lot of new names around the forums and on the IRC so I thought I'd just take a second to welcome you all to the community... :D
  21. /me makes an appearance purely because he was mentioned in this thread... my wallpapers rock! w00!
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