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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. www.hak5.org/releases/1x11/
  2. This worked in windows 9x. You could rename a folder in DOS to Alt+255 and in windows it would show up as a folder with no name. When you tried to open the folder in explorer it would give you an error message. The only way to open the folder in explorer was to drop to command.com, CD to the directory, and "start ." Doesn't work in NT based windows :(
  3. From wikipedia: ROFL! 1. I'm no pioneer 2. Hak.5 isn't one of the most popular IPTV shows on the net. Top 100 at best. iTunes currently has us at #30 in technology.
  4. I used to play gamecube this way. Once you get your video input setup (capture card or video card), take a look at this open source program: http://deinterlace.sourceforge.net/ Its the best IMHO
  5. http://www.youtube.com/results?tag=hak5
  6. That's every thread on this board. But about the party, it was awesome. We had a great turnout both in house and online. And the impromptu wrestling match between Mubix and Wess at the end was awesome.
  7. Ryan, Thanks for coming out man. Shoot me an email so I can add you the to party distribution group. Cheers, Darren
  8. doesn't the require function need an absolute path to the file?
  9. Man that is an awful sound. Hurts my ears. Sounds like when you first turn on a television that hasn't been on a while and it's still warming up.
  10. Hey who's got a link to that ringtone that supposedly adults can't hear?
  11. New: http://flickr.com/photos/jenncutter/181149412/ Old: http://flickr.com/photos/jenncutter/117531796/
  12. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hacker
  13. No, those photos were taken by Sean Carruthers of Call for Help and LabRats.tv fame. He has a very sweet E-300.
  14. Had a blast. Will blog later. Until then I leave you with this http://www.flickr.com/photos/globalhermit/...57594180550371/
  15. there is good information about landmines from the UN at this website that you may be interested in http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/banmines/index.asp
  16. should they charge for the box? yes. they are a company. they exist to make money so that they can employ individuals and pay them. the more the company makes, the more they can employ people and it's a good thing when people have jobs. would you ask this question if you had a job at blizzard? wouldnt it be cool to work for them? now, do i grumble when i see the sticker price on the box, then realize im going to have to download hundreds of megs of patches which will take hours, then pay $15 a month to wait in a queue for an hour every time i want to play? so yeah, i can understand the fustration behind your question, but it's kind of a loaded question. you know the answer is yes, the company should charge for the box because that's what the market will bear. and that wont change until a competitor comes into the market that doesnt charge for the box, or charges less for the box, and starts to lower their market share. but until then they're doing just fine and will continue to charge whatever they can get away with. i dont get upset that i had to pay for my cell phone even though i have to pay for service every month. sure i could have gotten a "free phone" with the contract, but i'd rather fork over some cash for my treo. <sarcasm> so, now that i've shared my mind i ask you, should hak5 charge for the show? ;) </sarcasm>
  17. sure, bring a friend. next time we'll coordinate the party much better with much more notice, a web page for registration and faq, we'll mention it on the show, and hopefully provide a forum for ride sharing.
  18. thought about doing a mod on this but we dont have any rack mount gear.
  19. when you pull the string on harrisons back, does it say "I'll send my code to his code and make some shit happen"
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