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Darren Kitchen

Root Admin
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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. situation will be resolved saturday. im going to redist it and just eat the bandwidth costs of DD
  2. they seem to have created some rudimentary form of irrigation
  3. Ok, so we have a pictures of you thread, pictures of your hot-rod PC thread, but what about the thing we're not so proud of? Sure, I'm encouraging a pointless thread, but what the heck, it's "everything else" right? ;) Mine:
  4. One of my fav Ze Frank lines: "Learning to fuck from watching porn is like learning to drive from watching a monster truck ralley!"
  5. I guess it's not really a raise. More of a promotion. Hmm... Vako needs a raise. PM me an address and we'll send you some Hak5 schwag (the kind that makes it through customs)
  6. http://www.frappr.com/hak5
  7. 15 Mbit down, 2 Mbit up. $80 / mo. Williamsburg, Virginia. Very nice tube, provided by Cox Communications.
  8. The next moderator position will be available in the wiki department. See: http://www.hak5.org/wiki/index.php?title=Talk:Main_Page
  9. Congratulations VaKo. You've been an awesome moderator and have gained my trust. I crown the with administrator access. +3 intelligence +2 strength +1 charisma +1 enchanting You can now equip the banhammer (epic, 2 handed, 3 second swing, +2 armor)
  10. I had to edit the poll to add the last two options. Hope the OP doesn't mind.
  11. blocked. thanks. http://www.hak5.org/wiki/index.php?title=Special:Ipblocklist If it happens again send me an email. If it gets out of control we'll have to see about getting some moderators.
  12. are we talking about tasty animals here?
  13. BUMP. Come on guys, lets get this thing going. We're almost there.
  14. I'm not sure. I can't remember the last time I opened firefox to start my web browsing experience. you see, if I'm going to open firefox (my fav browser), I'm opening it because i have a particular site in mind that i want to visit so why click the firefox icon and load about:blank, only to hit alt+d and type my domain? no, I do most everything in windows through win+r seriously. if FF isnt already open I win+r, enter "www.hak5.org" or "www.gmail.com" and away I go. from there I can navigate firefox without a mouse. homepages were so 1995
  15. to be honest I've always subconciously given things slashdot raings in RL. I'll see a poster for some band at a local pub on my way to work and be like "Ooh, +5 interesting". Or I'll get my horoscope via SMS and be like "+4 insightful". Or I'll be in a board meeting and seriously have to bite my toungue to keep from blurting out "-5 Off Topic!" So yeah, not a big deal. I like the merger here on the forums. wish there was a plugin for phpBB. D
  16. <techPhile> Let me ask the room, bring back techphile, or start something new ?
  17. Compensating for something are we? Correction: Compensating for somethings are we? Correction: Compensating for something are we? Keeping with the slashdot theme of the day... -5 Redundant
  18. Sony Vegas 6.0 and Sony DVD Architect Studio 3.0
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