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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. a bunch of sony vegas tutorials. http://vasst.com/training/Tutorial%20link.htm It's just like any other NLE so if your familiar with finalcut, premier, or avid it should be similar.
  2. I'm intrigued and would like to subscribe to your newsletter
  3. However much you want to send us. And yes, there is a paypal link at the bottom of the page. *we will not send you any microshaft products
  4. in that case sparda, it's all yours. i guess wess and i will just do something boring this weekend like film the conclusion to the alli/evilserver cliffhanger. :(
  5. I love how on the list there is "Windows 95 or earlier" and "Unix" See... Unix came before Windows 95.
  6. PC Load Letter? WTF does that mean? Nah, our AP is named Hak.5 Yeah I know, how lame. :(
  7. no, i get it. it all makes sense. actually, we must film this. we must break this amazing news to the internet. it's up to you to write the script in this thread, then wess and i will film it and release it on hak5.org we depend on you! help us show the world the wonders that is the toast browser.
  8. ah, like alt+0160 in place of space. gotchya. neat trick. /me does to update
  9. Actually yours has to do with the amazing microshaft products at www.hak5.org/noob/
  10. We're playing Battle Field 2 on game.hak5.org We'll make the announcement this weekend, but since the forums and IRC peeps pwn, you guys get teh heads up first. I need to stop talking like a gamer. Gah.
  11. This ep pwnd. I think Kyle is doing a great job of setting us up for episode 12, the season finale. It was also so cool to see places in Toronto that Kyle took us to on our last visit. The PP crew is doing an amazing job and if any IPTV show deserves a huge network deal (that doesnt suck) it's PurePwnage. Mad props to the PP crew, I'll be sportin my noobwear tomorrow :)
  12. I have a kitty whos a camera whore. We can't film without her trying to jump into the segment. You've probably seen her a few times. <out of character> It's kinda weird when she lays on Evil Server and purrs </out of character>
  13. Madkat, Welcome to the insanity that is the Hak.5 community.
  14. I don't have the money, and I don't think he was looking for a fight.
  15. 2x500 GB Seagates, been working fince since episode 8 5x120 GB WD's, working hard all year long 1x160 GB IBM, this one makes me nervous, just from stories I've heard And about another 500 gb worth of misc drives around the house
  16. Last night hanging in #hak5 people started complaining about the country music on Hak5 Radio. The radio bot just wasn't spinning the right tunes, so I took over the stream. Next thing you know we've got our first episode of Hak5Radio's Up Way Too Late show. In this episode we interviewed world renowned scientist and avid stamp collector, Sir Samuel Stiletto the third. We laughed, we cried, we drank, and at one point champagnie came out my nose. Unfortunately the recording is missing the middle block, next time we'll make sure to get a better recording. Next week we hope to have Sir Samuel Stiletto the third back on with another guest from the Opera foundation. www.hak5.org/releases/radio/H5Rupwaytoolate001.mp3
  17. Yes! Your balance is now clear and if we ever break even we'll have to toss you some schwag ;)
  18. It sounds like your boss with the dual monitors running XP and 2000 was using something like synergy. http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/ Television and Left monitor are connected to the black dell (Editing machine for Hak5) Right two monitors are connected to the silver custom box (gaming rig) The black keyboard and mouse next to it can cross between both. The beige keyboard and extra mouse were in that photo as I had just set it up. They're gone now.
  19. (1932.42) in the last 30 days actually.
  20. That must be it! It's a new form of viral marketing!
  21. I could... But I'm not sure I'm ready to. I mean, *what if* the higher beings really are Ninjas, and pictograms are the only way they can communicate with us without inadvertantly killing us all?
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