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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. did someone get a quote of that before it was edited away?
  2. you just confused everyone. the poll question is "leave it" while the quote below is for "remove it". Now we have no idea what people want.
  3. Ooh! If I didn't have to be on the Hak5 BF2 server tonight I'd give it a go. Maybe this weekend.
  4. Hak.5 forums. Used to be big into the BrightHand forums back around 2000-2002. Later tried the TreoCentral forums but it wasn't the same. What is this BinRev everyone speaks of?
  5. I stand corrected again. Remind me not to drink and post. Actually, scratch that.
  6. Oh, and another word of advice. Most posts with word counts under 25 are worthless dribble. Except for this post. Because I'm going to pad it with enough words to form a decent paragraph. It's a pretty easy thing to do actually. Just type the first thing that comes to mind. Like bunnies. Everyone likes bunnies right? Oh, and yes, I agree with Vako and Duelus. Bunnies. Then again I think TomB and Bigbro69 are joking around. I think. Bunnies.
  7. Speaking of crowning, did melodic even notice when he reached 1300 posts?
  8. Microshaft Certified Noobs, You're lowering the overall maturity level of this forum. Please settle it elsewhere. Thanks, Management
  9. Awesome, I'll look into it this weekend and if we can I'll setup a Hak5 Duke Nukem 3D server to go alone with the fine collection of vintage game server's we're currently running.
  10. actually I came up with it when Jon moved into my place and he had that netgear 802.11 G router
  11. "Spektormax and me". You're the object of that sentence. Since when do we have a grammar nazi? I mean, when from have we do a nazi grammar? I mean, for which nazi has us grammar do we? Crap. I'm no better than the rest of the noobs at this point. BRB C:> Echo "hak5.org" >> C:windowssystem32driversbinhosts
  12. username, handle, nickname, alais, screename, userid, whatever
  13. I stand corrected. Mmm. Ya know we've got a Doom2 deathmatch server at noob.hak5.org. What could be cooler than that? A Duke Nukem 3D deathmatch server. I wonder if the DN3D code was ever opensourced, and if so I wonder if any projects spawned to turn it into a modern Internet enabled FPS. That would be awesome.
  14. I'm just waiting for the day that godwins law applies to the forums. Seriously things seem to derail pretty quickly lately. I think mods will have to start using that little (X) button on the top of way off topic stupid posts soon. Nice Guy |----------------------|------| BOFH
  15. actually i dont think we ever asked kain where her handle came from. oh wait, thats probably another pointless thread i missed entitled "where did your handle come from"
  16. we used to do a live stream when we were filming. we might bring that back.
  17. The quote is from Army of Darkness, which was later used in Duke Nukem 3D. And no, that video sucked. Try the original from Captain Immy www.hak5.org/temp/quake_in_real_life.asf That my friends is classic Web 1.0 geek entertainment.
  18. :roll: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ddos
  19. Yes. You can do it by tracking the camera back while zooming in, or tracking the camera forward while zooming out. It's a tricky shot to get and get right since you'll need a dolly or something similar to create smooth tracking motion. You'll also need a camera with either many zoom speeds or manual zoom. You'll also need to do it with manual focus and spin the focus ring at the same exact timing as your tracking and zooming. Autofocus normally gets confused when trying this. I'll see if I can find the clip from the special feature.
  20. You mean a trombone shot? It was first done in Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo then later got more recognition in Jaws. It's kinda cliche now. I believe we did one in a special feature on the DVD, just for the hell of it.
  21. I didn't read your post because I may one day play this and I've always liked the storylines of Half Life. HL1 took me a long time to beat and was a ton of fun. HL2 took me a week. :(. The story was good, but the game was just so damn short. So I leave the gamer scene for a year or so to do some iptv stuff and now there's a new episode of HL2? What's up with this? Is it just more levels? Someone explain why I should care.
  22. I just run IRC fullscreen on one of my monitors. If it gets distracting I'll minimize it.
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