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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. awesome. wow. to think I've been doing it the hard way all this time.
  2. PHP would work well for this. Also, I've updated the weapon cards thanks to the above suggested stock images. See www.hak5.org/temp/clue/weapons/ remember all card graphics are in 300 dpi
  3. www.hak5.org/temp/clue/ there you will find game pieces as they are made. so far the characters are done. next up, weapons
  4. I love it when you guys write skits for us. Good one cooper. As for coming to AU, we would love to. And actually there are quite a few AU fans here. ~30% of our audience is AU (I <3 the global audience). For some reason the forums are more popular with the UK kids, and the IRC is more popular with the AU kids. A paypal would be cool since we'd love to go, but we're talking about raising like $3000, which is like 10x the money we've made so, realistically... Maybe we'll just have to count on advertising in season 2 to get us there.
  5. I was looking for info on the WINNTSoftwareDistribution folder since it's taking up considerable space on one of my servers and low and behold, the first link in google returns this: http://www.google.com/search?q=winnt%5CSoftwareDistribution Going all the way back you can see this: http://lin.tcdm.com.tw/lin$/ I dont know if I should laugh or cry.
  6. If we ever hit Sweeden we'll make major announcements on the website and would totally be down for a party. We're based out of Williamsburg, Virginia. Representin' the east siide (Since it sometimes seems like all tech IPTV comes from Toronto and San Francisco) oh yeah, irc.hak5.org. See you there. Welcome to the insanity. Watch your step.
  7. remove chairs and other sitting instruments from the area unless you want a bunch of guests drinking booze sitting on their asses. get people standing, moving, and talking. keep em out of the kitchen if you can. we do this at hak5 parties so that you have 2 choices. your either hanging out on set, or hanging out on the dance floor (or your out back smoking but we dont partake in those activities)
  8. I will not comment about bad IPTV. All IPTV takes effort and kudos to anyone that tries. It takes a lot to put yourself out there like this. So, as a general rule, there are only Good IPTV shows, and IPTV shows that arent good yet. Anyone care to watch episode 1 of Hak.5? *gag*
  9. i thought i was agreeing that they should hit the wiki, but actually i think mubix did it best with www.ircwallofshame.com
  10. The Scene - Isn't it MPAA propaganda produced by Sony or did I hear wrong? Systm - Good but infrequent. Quarterly? Diggnation - Hillarious, easy to produce, kinda writes itself. Packet Sniffers - Last episode was almost a year ago. I hope they come back. Hak5 - Season break ended and we're filmimg 2x01 for Aug. 5th. The Broken - been broken since 2004? 2003? I don't remember. Supposedly making a comeback. From the Shadows - R.I.P. I don't think anyone has a clue how much money or time goes into these projects. I hope all of these projects get back off the ground.
  11. try to watch one episode of each and see if you like it - i found in general some of them not worth to download or spend the time to watch - dunno if someone else has experimented the same :roll: And try an episode from the middle of the catalog. Episode 1s are, um, usually kinda beta.
  12. http://www.firefoxflicks.com/flick/index.p...542&c=false
  13. Don't forget http://iptvshows.org/ awesome site
  14. www.commandN.tv www.twit.tv www.revision3.com www.LabRats.tv
  15. can i get a link to the pic (non static) on flickr so that I can get the thumbnails for the goodies page?
  16. Do I have your permission to put these on the goodies page on hak5.org with credit to you? If so could you give me a permalink (flickr preferable)? D
  17. See episode 3.5 http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=154&start=0
  18. A long time ago in an IRC server far far away I asked #hak5 for random questions. These are the answers from Rob (Mubix) and Paul (Camera guy).
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