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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. a civil suit for something less than $1000.... yeah, somehow i doubt thats going to help. meh, at least now i've got an excuse to get a new ipod... whens macworld again? or maybe even make an mp3 player. :)
  2. this log was requested by the IRC goers so I'm pasting it here. 22:29 < ekim> mubix 22:30 < ekim> could you really cause me any harm with these open ports 22:30 < l0gic> I could 22:30 -!- cypher [debian-tor@Hak5-1C12A6DC.info] has quit [Client exited] 22:31 < l0gic> in Soviet Russia, computer ports you! 22:31 <+TomB> you need port 7 open ekim 22:31 -!- cypher [~cypher@Hak5-3B864B1B.dudu.ro] has joined #hak5 22:31 <+Nate|DigitalHi5org> heh 22:31 < l0gic> I agree with TomB 22:31 <+TomB> if port 7 is open.. best not go there.. 22:31 -!- Insidiea [~Insidiea@Hak5-EA1C1249.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #hak5 22:31 <@Hak5Mubix> Agreed 22:32 <@Hak5Mubix> even China stays away from machines with port 7 open 22:32 <@Hak5Mubix> nasty stuff 22:32 < l0gic> "great dragon," they call it 22:33 < ekim> does port 7 actualy do anything 22:33 -!- barrytone [~barry@Hak5-96DF921F.cable.ubr02.brad.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Connection reset by peer] 22:33 -!- barrytone [~barry@Hak5-96DF921F.cable.ubr02.brad.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #hak5 22:34 <@Hak5Mubix> hey l0gic.. ever see anyone go after a box with port 7 open on it? 22:34 < l0gic> fuck no 22:34 -!- barrytone [~barry@Hak5-96DF921F.cable.ubr02.brad.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Connection reset by peer] 22:34 <@Hak5Mubix> I have 22:35 -!- barrytone [~barry@Hak5-96DF921F.cable.ubr02.brad.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #hak5 22:35 <@Hak5Mubix> it was crazy 22:38 <+TomB> bet you never saw them again 22:38 -!- tomass [~nobody@Hak5-86EAF083.blng.qwest.net] has joined #hak5 22:38 <@Hak5Mubix> actually I left before they were done 22:38 < JarSleep> good morrrrrrning everyone :O 22:38 <@Hak5Mubix> and no, I didn't 22:38 -!- JarSleep is now known as Jarrydn 22:39 < ekim> seriously 22:39 < ekim> what does port 7 do 22:39 <@Hak5Mubix> Feds, DoD, 'other'... don't know man, but they don't answer their door anymore 22:39 <+TomB> do you want the FBI knocking at your door? 22:39 <@Hak5Mubix> neighbors said they moved out 22:39 < tomass> mornin? 22:39 < Jarrydn> ekim: http://www.auditmypc.com/port/udp-port-7.asp 22:39 -!- tomass is now known as beers 22:40 < Jarrydn> eep, sorry man, wrong link 22:41 < ekim> ha 22:41 <@Hak5Mubix> nah Jarrydn wrong port 7 man, not UDP 22:41 <@Hak5Mubix> the other port 7 22:41 < ekim> I thought udp port 7 was the bad one 22:41 < Jarrydn> sorry dude, sometimes I get confused 22:41 < ekim> its ok 22:42 < ekim> all you gotta do is change the udp in the linko to tcp 22:42 < ekim> like so 22:42 < ekim> http://www.auditmypc.com/port/tcp-port-7.asp 22:43 < Jarrydn> nah, that's the same as UDP, just with the polarity reversed. 22:43 <@Hak5Mubix> ekim, no one messes with port 7 22:43 < ekim> WHY 22:43 < ekim> whats hte big deal 22:44 < ekim> Will I get emmediatly bombarded with trojans and viruses if I open port 7 22:44 < ekim> Whats the big freakin deal 22:44 < ekim> I just wanna know 22:44 <+Nate|DigitalHi5org> you will die 22:44 < Jarrydn> i'll say this man. back when I was like...13 or 14, me and my buddy were messing around with subseven. He got $22:44 <+TomB> is knowing worth the time in prison? 22:44 <+Nate|DigitalHi5org> thrown in a big drainage ditch 22:45 <@Hak5Mubix> Nate|DigitalHi5org, don't be hasty man, we don't know, we have never heard from those people again 22:45 < Jarrydn> says that he's lucky he didn't tell the cops. 22:45 < Jarrydn> ekim, you know Kevin Mitnick? 22:45 < ekim> Ok guys jokes asside 22:45 < ekim> Im just curious 22:45 < ekim> ya 22:45 < ekim> If course 22:45 < ekim> What about him 22:45 < ekim> Lemme guess 22:45 < Jarrydn> well...he messed with port 7 on some fbi boxes, that's why they were after him. 22:45 < ekim> "HE WENT SUBSEVEN" 22:45 < ekim> OMG NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 22:46 < ekim> NONONONO 22:46 < ekim> NOT SUBSEVEN 22:46 < ekim> ROFL 22:46 < ekim> still 22:46 <+Nate|DigitalHi5org> heh subseven 22:46 < ekim> nobody has told me WHY port 7 is dangerous 22:46 < Jarrydn> fine man, make a mockery 22:46 <+Nate|DigitalHi5org> i pissed off my sister with that once 22:46 < ekim> OF what 22:46 < Jarrydn> go on, play with port 7 :P 22:46 < ekim> Nobody will tell me 22:46 < ekim> Im not 22:46 <+Nate|DigitalHi5org> cd drive open, cd drive close, cd drive open, cd drive close 22:46 < ekim> Please tell me 22:46 < Jarrydn> hahahaha SS was the shit :P 22:46 <@Hak5Mubix> dude, just don't mess with it, cool? 22:47 < ekim> Im not 22:47 < Jarrydn> ekim, we can't. IRC chats are monitored >:( 22:47 <@Hak5Mubix> k 22:47 < ekim> mmmmhmm 22:47 < ekim> SUUUUUUREEEEEEEEE 22:47 <+Nate|DigitalHi5org> NSA would hurt us 22:47 < ekim> yo mubix 22:47 < Jarrydn> when you're meant to know what port 7 does, you'll know. 22:47 < ekim> Can you just tell me 22:47 <+Nate|DigitalHi5org> its bad enough we said bomb and whitehouse in the same line 22:47 < ekim> for educational purposes 22:47 < ekim> you know 22:47 < ekim> how like when your five 22:48 < ekim> and your dad gives you some chewing tobaco to you know how bad it tastes so you wont get addicted 22:48 < ekim> ... 22:48 <@Hak5Mubix> dude, I'm out before you guys say something you shouldn't 22:48 < ekim> but in the end you do anyways 22:48 < ekim> so 22:48 < ekim> .. 22:48 < ekim> NEVERMIND 22:48 <@Hak5Mubix> peace 22:48 < ekim> bad analagy 22:48 < ekim> I dont even know if I spelled that right 22:48 < Jarrydn> lol...anal 22:48 < ekim> Mubix ...what is the big deal 22:48 < Jarrydn> later mubix 22:48 <+gonffen> echo 7/tcp Echo 22:48 <+gonffen> echo 7/udp Echo 22:49 < ekim> Im being serious 22:49 < Jarrydn> ekim, have you ever logged into a hacker chatroom and seen them talking about port 7? 22:49 < ekim> No...I try to stay away from BOTNETS 22:49 <+gonffen> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=...amp;btnG=Search 22:49 < ekim> lol 22:50 < ekim> Look ...this port was meant for something 22:50 < ekim> what was it ORIGINALY made for 22:50 <+Nate|DigitalHi5org> evil 22:50 < Jarrydn> im not saying anything else dude...I don't want to get in trouble for something lame. 22:50 < ekim> oMG 22:51 < ekim> you cant really get in troubl efor freaking talking 22:51 < ekim> Unless you live in china 22:51 < ekim> ... 22:51 < ekim> or cuba 22:51 <+gonffen> or america 22:51 < ekim> NO 22:51 < ekim> You guys are idiots 22:51 < ekim> you got me all hyper now 22:51 < ekim> and im not gonna be able to calm down until someone tells me 22:52 < Jarrydn> go write another program which tells you that 5 + 6 != 10 ;) 22:52 < Jarrydn> that should calm you down :D 22:52 < ekim> If your must know 22:52 < ekim> the program was to prove that 5+6 does NOT equal ten 22:52 < ekim> look guys 22:52 < Jarrydn> ...christ. 22:52 < ekim> tell me and I be happy 22:53 <+gonffen> ekim go look it up dude 22:53 <+gonffen> it'll take you 5 seconds 22:53 <+gonffen> dumbass 22:54 <+Nate|DigitalHi5org> evil 22:54 < ekim> ... 22:54 < ekim> nate 22:54 < ekim> your freakin show is called port 7 22:54 < ekim> And you wont tell me what it means 22:54 < ekim> wtf am I supposed to searc hfor 22:55 -!- T8y8 [~tyler@T8y8.users.hak5.org] has joined #hak5 22:55 < T8y8> Hak5 has a myspace profile... 22:55 < T8y8> I'm... ashamed 22:55 < Jarrydn> i...i have a myspace profile =( 22:56 < ekim> wtf is tomb 22:56 < ekim> he would make an interesting conversation out of this 22:57 < ekim> guys come on ...tell me so I can sleep 22:58 <+gonffen> ekim, I gave you the answer you're just too lame to see it : 22:58 < ekim> it says echo 22:58 < ekim> great 22:58 < ekim> wtf is so bad about that 22:59 < ekim> Im asking why its so bad 23:00 -!- beers [~nobody@Hak5-86EAF083.blng.qwest.net] has quit [Quit: ( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de $23:00 < Jarrydn> dude, government uses codewords for everything. 23:00 < ekim> OMFG 23:01 < Jarrydn> look...i can't even believe im saying this...but have you heard of e c h e l o n ? 23:01 < ekim> no 23:02 < Jarrydn> well, it's to do with that, and that's all you need to know. 23:02 < Jarrydn> seriously man, if the feds come knocking on my door tomorrow, I'll murder your box with leet hacks. 23:02 < ekim> Not if the feds drag you away 23:03 <+gonffen> you've never heard of echelon? 23:03 < ekim> alright 23:03 < ekim> Ive had enough 23:03 < ekim> ... 23:03 < Jarrydn> good. 23:03 < ekim> so Jarrydn what did we just take about ? 23:03 <+gonffen> http://home.hiwaay.net/~pspoole/echelon.html 23:04 < ekim> AHEM 23:04 < ekim> what did we just talk a bout 23:04 < Jarrydn> nothing. 23:04 < ekim> What 23:04 < ekim> I dont know what you are talking about 23:04 < ekim> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc06y7iaZ20 23:04 < ekim> clicky 23:05 < Jarrydn> dude. I'm saying no more ok. 23:05 < Jarrydn> lets talk about something else. 23:05 < ekim> you know what 23:05 < ekim> Im gonna go for the nigh tok 23:05 < ekim> And when iwake up tomorrow 23:05 < ekim> we will forget everythign we talked about 23:06 < Jarrydn> excellent. 23:06 < ekim> Under 1 condition 23:06 -!- Raishy [~Raishy@Hak5-1E0C6B14.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #hak5 23:06 < ekim> Mubix includes me in his stats :( 23:06 <+Nate|DigitalHi5org> thats a good thing if you know whats good for ya 23:06 < ekim> at army.hak5.be 23:07 < ekim> mubix ? 23:07 <+Nate|DigitalHi5org> anyone know if wget can download from 2 sources at once? 23:07 < meth> yyyyyyyyyesssssssssssssssss 23:08 < Raishy> i am having a bad day with pci slots
  3. Yes, his IP actually *IS* The administrator has spoken. Hack on.
  4. Parking in Manhattan is a bitch. The New Yorker Hotel is crappy. But that's another rant. This post is just so I can vent real quick. My iPod was stolen from Wess' car by the valet. That punk. And ya know what? I could care less about the music, I had that backed up. But now I have to redownload my rainbow table set. On the bright side there wasn't any sensitive data on the disk. Grrr
  5. See the last episode of TWiT's FLOSS Weekly
  6. hak5 did 186,000 views in a day on the front page of youtube. that freaked me out
  7. yeah dont worry the ads wont take over the show and we'll continue the spoofs. cant wait for you guys to see what microshaft has in the works. so hopefully if we do it right it'll be like SNL when you don't know which it is until half way through.
  8. your not the only one thats back............
  9. BZZZZZZZZRT! Thought wrong. oooovaaavooo! wrong again!...ooh aint i 'l33t'? ;) actually that is pretty leet and to be honest i'm kinda jealous. i mean, if it werent for the fact that i have to support a windows network for my job, or have the need to run windows only programs for content authoring, i'd totally be rid of windows. the fact that you can says a lot about where linux is as a desktop os, and about you. mad props to all that have thrown off the shackles of expensive proprietary operating systems.
  10. you're right, and that's something we've considered. thats why advertisers that pay per thousand eyeballs (or pair of eyeballs i guess) are better than cost per acquisition ads. and thank you so much to everyone that has donated today based on this thread. your paypal comments are heartwarming (however the money will go to dv tapes and bandwidth rather than beer, that comes out of pocket)
  11. hak5 season one cost roughly eight thousand dollars. Season two so far has cost about three thousand five hundred dollars. our income last season was less than five hundred dollars. we're traveling to toronto every other month for call for help which is not paid so thats always a big expense. we recently invested in new equipment and set and i truly believe that the production quality of season two will really shine because of it. we're also planning to cover more events this season, starting with the hope conference in new york this weekend. time wise the show takes about a month to produce between development, research, production, editing, oh and those pesky things like having a life and keeping our jobs. hak5 is a job to each of us, but it's the best job ever. we hope to break even this year but doing so will require that we bring in a short ad or two per episode. doing the show has been amazing and we're having the time of our lives. i hope everyone enjoys what's to come and understands that we have big dreams that everyone can help us realize.
  12. My favorite DNS server: -
  13. If I were an advanced Linux user I wouldn't really be interested in seeing a segment on installing the flavor of the month, or trying out XYZ live CD. However, if we do a segment on say, recovering passwords, we'll mention ways in which Linux comes in handy. I guess what I'm trying to say is we focus on the action and not the tool. We try to keep things balanced. I think in 2x01 is the first time we actually "show off" a program of sorts, but even then it's kind of a cool uber cross platform kinda thing. So yeah, 2x01, will include Linux and even a mac, but not just for the sake of using them.
  14. or we'll just throw interstitials in season two and make our way across the globe next summer. Airfare for Hak5 to London: $2100 Airfare for Hak5 to Sydney: $3600 Throw in another $1000 for hotels and $2000 for bar bills and we're set.
  15. so it turns out that we did get our opportunity to chuck his metal ass off a building. but... well... he came back and we all know how that ended. ... ok this is just thread necrophilia now
  16. because it's bring back a dead ass thread day
  17. you do realize that we rent right? you'll have to come up with the $1150/mo for the next 7 months until the lease is up. hopefully then we can move into a house and turn the garage into an even better studio. ok, carry on with the bidding
  18. ok wait, we post a wallpaper of the hak5 logo with a corpse looking alli on it. we leak a picture of her in the woods somewhere. and if you poke around the right spots you even see behind the scenes footage oh the "evil segment" ... and you guys are trying to guess the geeky segment?] oh boy :roll:
  19. yeah the BF2 server really hasnt gotten much play. possibly because we really havent pushed it at all. im sure once we do with the release on the 5th, and announce official hak5 lan party dates it will get some action
  20. personally i wouldnt. if i were you, instead of me, i'd bug darren for a vector graphic of the poster and have it printed locally. typical prices are $15 for b&w or $150 for color. but then again im me not you and ive got all the hak5 swag i could ever want.
  21. Their license agrees with our license. We use the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. In the upcoming revamp of the website we'll spell out all the legal stuff more clearly.
  22. echo "sup. I'm " . $username; n echo "welcome to " . $forumname
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