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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. homebrew Hacks aardwolf homebrew Hacks This forum obviously means enough for him to pay for a proxy
  2. actually, it is a big target of ddos attacks who knew?
  3. Ok look guys, he went through all the trouble to reroute through a proxy. He's determined to become part of the community. He has apologized and claims to have reformed. I for one give him another chance. Seriously, lets just give it a week and see how it plays out.
  4. Where did you hear about Hak5? For me it was when the producers approached us in LA and asked if we would move to Williamsburg, Virginia to produce an online video show about computers and technology. Wess and I, being out of work actors, took the job under the conditions that we would never speak of said producers. Thus Hak5 was born and every month we would spend countless hours memorizing scripts so that we sounded like we knew what we were talking about. No wait. That's now how it happened. Rewind. So, Where did you hear about Hak5?
  5. What constitutes personal information? Photos, music, creative writing, financial data?
  6. irc.hak5.org just went down. Server had HDD failure. I've rerouted DNS to our backup server, but until that syncs you can connect directly at: sh3lls.hak5.org PS: Mubix is DJing tonight at http://www.hak5radio.com:8000/listen.mp3.m3u
  7. Well I made it home safe so looks like we'll go through with the show after all. I left the office at 3:00pm but the roads were flooded. I then waited until 5:00 and got home in 4 hours (which normally takes 2 hours). It wasn't that bad, but I feel like a soaked sewer rat. D
  8. it's not the same if i'm not at my computer with a martini. i think im going to try to hit the interstate again about 5. if i'm not on irc by 10pm, im probably dead
  9. whatever. if it becomes a problem we'll just introduce a noob nuking policy and give everyone moderator access, I'm sure that'll solve any problems. </sarcasm>
  10. I had said last week that we would do another improv radio show tonight on hak5radio for #hak5, but that may not happen now. I work 150 miles from home. I go to the office once a week. Today I took my motorcycle to work since my car is broken :(. It's supposed to thunderstorm until Wednesday. I'm trapped at my office and have no clue when I'll be able to ride home. This sucks. So yeah, don't count on the "Up Way Too Late with Darren Kitchen" show tonight. Then again if I somehow make it home before 2am it should at least be a very interesting show :)
  11. Hak5 is a noob friendly environment. We welcome noobs of all ages to come here, post questions, engage in intelligent discussions, learn, and hopefully become respectable geeks, IT professionals, ethical hackers, etc. For the record, I <3 Noobs. I will give any noob the time of day. And hopefully the community will welcome the noobs and denoobify them. But after a certain point if you haven't grown up your noob ass ain't welcome here no more.
  12. GHRYGGZ was struck by a +10 Ban Hammer GHRYGGZ got eaten by a gru GHRYGGZ cratered Take your pick. Either way, GHRYGGZ is no longer.
  13. I'm so getting down on this thread, but right now I have to sleep. :(
  14. Nobody is getting banned. Unless they're worse than syntax error. But that's a whole other story. I thought a moderation plugin like slashdot would be cool, but whatever I don't have time to do that sort of stuff. Eventually we'll probably hand over forum responsabilities to someone else but for the time being I'm swamped with DVD, CFH, 2x01 work so I can't put any time into setting that up. And no Duelus, we shouldnt ban someone every month just because we think they're a noob. See, we were all noobs once, and if I might say so myself you're pretty noobish yourself sometimes. (See OP). ;) We're not stuck up elitests in this community, or at least I didnt think we were. Hak5 should be a newb (not n00b) friendly environment.
  15. ATI Radeon X850 XT Platinum Edition As seen in ep9 or 10. Please turn the lights back on.
  16. how much memory is firefox using after a half hour?
  17. If money is no object and you really want a good firewall for windows, look into http://www.microsoft.com/isaserver/default.mspx else i vote for smoothwall
  18. about:blank from there I either CTRL+L and type where I want to go (like hak5 CTRL+Shift+Enter, or jinx CTRL+Enter) or hit CTRL+K and type what I'm looking for.
  19. Da Da Da! me? Oops, forgot you had already been crowned. Wow, and you've only been here a few days too. You must have worked really hard for it. But ya know what, you've earned it and lowered the bar for all noobs to come!
  20. Wow I must say this thread is mad cool. In the early 90's I played a lot of Wolfenstein 3D. At a computer show I bought a map and sprite editor for the game on 3.5" floppy for $3. The last texture in the sprite file was text that said "Call Apogee and say Aardwolf". Apogee being the publisher for id's Wolf3d. I called only to find that it was a contest to see who could crack the texture file first. It wasn't me. But all was not lost for I had a new handle! I've only had one handle before this which was really bad. I've pretty much used this handle all throughout BBSes in the early 90's until now. I'm wondering if I showed up as Aardwolf in #hak5 on irc if anyone would even recognize me. /me waits for Wess's handle story in anticipation
  21. Didn't we jokingly say on an episode of Hak.5 that to really know if your computer is secure, to post your IP to the forums, or was that just backstage?
  22. The forums just wouldnt be the same without a Microshaft Certified Noob though. I mean, if it's really hurting your feelings I guess it can be removed, but we'll need a successor.
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