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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Yes. But it's not far off :(
  2. They also all come from Obviously the IP address of the higher beings.
  3. The first one, NachoCheese, contains 4 pictures. The second one, Straws, contains 5 pictures. The third one, Beef, contains 6 pictures.
  4. Do you really think it's a bot? I mean, my higher being theory is way more fun. Hello. We are Internaughts. We come in peace.
  5. Nacho Cheese, Straws, and now Beef. What does it all mean? All I can think of is a beefy nacho shake you drink from a straw, but I'm probably wrong.
  6. I'm having a hard time understanding the question because I think the OP is talking about potentional solutions without addressing the problem. Let's take a step back and define requirements. At a user level, what is it you want to do. I believe there is more to this than has been explained and if we can see the bigger picture we may find that the solution is much simpler than two hard drives. Are you looking to mirror your drive, run two operating systems off one set of hardware, what? And as for multiple masters on one chain, that's a simple thing to do. Connect two hard drives to one IDE chain. Set the jumpers for both as master. Wire an SPDT switch between the molexs so that you can choose which to boot. Wess could probably explain it better than I could but that's the basic idea.
  7. After "reading" the NachoCheese post, and now seeing this, I have come to the conclusion that a higher being is attempting to communicate with us mortals. However the message is lost on me. Obviously my puny mind cannot comprehend the awesomeness that is StrawMan.
  8. Maybe he is trying to speak in pictograms. Perhaps a new type of encryption. Has anyone analyzed the image files for steganography?
  9. Happy birthday Vako! I had almost forgotten to send you the details of the new Hak.5 profit sharing program. By my calculations your cut over the last 6 months is ($1373). We accept check, credit, and paypal. I'll send you an invoice this week.
  10. there you go again, ganging up on the new guy. those links were actually kinda cool too
  11. and you guys wonder why we have the "you're not allowed to record hak5 crew memebrs on voip" rule?
  12. very nice, I'll have to make Wess get his ass on the forums to see this
  13. or you can use a bootdisc like BartP.E. or Knoppix, or the millions of other live distros
  14. I second the motion for some pics! :)
  15. The interesting thing about most of these access points is that, while you can't get web traffic through, and proxies don't help, you are able to get DNS queries. Go ahead and try to nslookup something while on one of these. I've actually seen a hack that is to setup a special DNS tunnel server at home. It may not be quite fast, but it may just work. Another thing to look at is nocatauth. google and ye shall find. that might be of much help in phishing usernames and passwords from other tmobile users. And of course there's always arp cache poisoning and packet sniffing. /me bookmarks this thread and mods it +5 Interesting
  16. it is spam. the question is will everyone keep posting to the thread, or let it die on it's own. will it evolve into something beautiful, or will a mod lock it? will the spammer change his ways, or will the thread just get deleted. so many options.
  17. Or they would use WPA on a segregated wireless network connected to a VPN server, so that even *if* you were able to somehow bypass the WPA security you would still need credentials to connect to the VPN, and thus the rest of the network.
  18. For your enjoyment, http://www.hak5.org/noob/
  19. Agreed. One of the perks of doing CFH is that we get to go to Canada and bring back the good beer. Unfortunately Harrison still doesn't know how to drink a beer out of a glass bottle, a skill that obviously eludes even the most leet hacker, as seen by the amount of head in that beer. Harrison good buddy, leave some room for the beer to breathe when you sip it or get a mug. ;)
  20. in hindsight i might have picked a more mature group to ask opinions
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