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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Check out Toccer, it's a free AIM client for palm. Love it.
  2. no, 'IMACOMPLETENOOB' is not permanent, however it will require many months of reading to fix.
  3. win+pause? win+r,cmd,<enter>systeminfo |more<enter>?
  4. Need some help on the new intro. Really not sure where we're going with it. I've been so busy with the set and the DVD that I haven't had a chance to really brainstorm but for season two we want to do all new graphics and lower-thirds. So yeah, we're not sure what we want yet.
  5. don't spoil it. i know there are holes in the plot but that doesnt matter. And we'll be looking around the king st. west. & bathurst area at the end of the month in T.O. PM if your of legal Canadian drinking age and like beer and the wheat cheaf bar ;) lol i wasnt trying to spoil it...i just relized it...im sorry darren. Hmm, me thinks Darren is using a bit of reverse psychology to fool us. Maybe he's actually holding Alli hostage in his own apartment... :o No, consider anything with alli on flickr backstage, which doesn't follow the shows continuity. Way to break the fourth wall mate.
  6. you any good at compositing? we're actually kinda in the need of some graphics design help right now.
  7. On a crap machine that I didn't care about and always wanted to login to quickly, my password was "" Because on a QWERTY keyboard the key is right above enter, so its a single keystroke to login. Very lame, very insecure, and guess what? rainbow crack with the most basic char set couldnt crack it. the chr wasnt in the table. yeah, I know, very very basic chr set. it think it was only 400MB and covered alphanumeric.
  8. don't spoil it. i know there are holes in the plot but that doesnt matter. And we'll be looking around the king st. west. & bathurst area at the end of the month in T.O. PM if your of legal Canadian drinking age and like beer and the wheat cheaf bar ;)
  9. Thanks so much for all the tips people, if anyone knows anything else please let me know. And come to think of it, she's probably more on the 6' end.
  10. The trackpad drivers on my old toshiba had a setting that would basically disable the trackpad while typing, thus keeping you from accidently opening other windows :)
  11. Thanks for the feedback. Those pics were taken with just the Gels on. We've got edge, key, and fill lighting that will keep us from coming out blue and red on camera. But damn it looks spiffy with just the gels on.
  12. We've been busy working on the season two set. The production photo log is up on flickr. We should be finished in the next few days, but what do you guys think so far? More pics: http://www.flickr.com/groups/hak5/pool/
  13. As long as we're posting pics of our girlfriends now, here's mine:
  14. I use a 21 character password on my workstation and a 44 character password on my server. As others have said you want something random, not in a dictionary, and use lower case, upper case, symbols, and numbers. And don't just replace e for 3 since many cracking programs are smart enough to try that. Also keep your password 15 characters or more since that will prevent it from being stored in the easy to crack LM hash on windows. This is an example of a good password: 76bnGHtg-=¥ƒ1AWm,0*z~ It's not hard to type once you have to do it 10 times a day. If that seems like too much work then it might be time to start thinking about passphrases. For example, this is an easy to remember and very secure password: "My first PC was an IBM PC-XT that cost $2500" Lowercase, check Uppercase, check Numbers, check Symbols, check 15+ chars, check Easy to remember? Well, if you paid $2500 for an IBM PC-XT back in the day, then yes. Darren
  15. This is the messiest it has ever been http://www.flickr.com/photos/darrenkitchen/145358918/ really
  16. Yep, he's been doing it since they started charging. I believe his name is Andy Owen. He has multiple 1and1 tb xfer accounts that he redistributes from. Diggnation is licensed under creative commons so redistribution is totally legal. Our Hak.5 Season One Directors Cut DVD set will be licensed under copyright, however I expect that to be pirated anyway, which we won't be able to stop. Best of Season One however will be creative commons and encouraged to redistribute. Should be out soon :) And yes, Winners Don't Do Warez, or at least keep it on the DL.
  17. Synergy is a great tool but will only network keyboard/mouse. You still need a monitor on each PC. I'm using it right now on my trip 19's and love it.
  18. have you tried burning the feed? PS: Veronica rules
  19. I think it will get more use next month when we play a game that doesn't have built in voice-chat
  20. in firefox it's start > run > firefox /p should be similar for thunderbird though keeping your email in a seperate thunderbird profile is security through obscurity
  21. you want naslite http://www.serverelements.com/naslite.php
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