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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. I don't really know the state of the scene. I left the scene in late 1999 and have only maintained one contact thats still active. Now he's pretty well known in the community and speaks at hacker cons. 2600 magazine is still around however I'm not sure how much of that is phreaking and how much is hacking. IRC is a good place to learn new stuff, or at least it was when I started. #2600 and #phreaks on just about any network will get you started but you may not find everyone to be so welcoming to newcomers.
  2. That my friends is how you sell a product on the internet. It's so viral (ok, maybe thats not the right word for this particular product), but I bet every dorm guy in america will have this link in their inbox by next week.
  3. Well it wouldnt be the first time my sister was pulling my leg. Sorry for the bad quality, it was taken by a film student friend and developed in B&W very poorly. I it was terribly underexposed. After a few years of getting wrinkled up I finally scanned the sucker and photoshopped it to the best of my abilities. And as for being blonde, I th NO CARRIER
  4. I cave. but only because it's the longest thread on the board and I'm just a Hak.5 community wannabee. That's probably 10 years old. PS: The glasses were sent to me by my sister in germany, supposedly they were big with the techno DJs. I was wearing them for fun at school one day.
  5. I dont have trouble running any games since I got the ATI Radeon X850 XT Platinum Edition I cant say that there is any game I play most. Actually up until the other month I hadn't played a game in nearly a year. IPTV will do that to ya. Its also one of the reasons we're doing the Hak5 LAN parties now, so that we have a valid excuse to game. "It's for the show... Really, it is". I really really want to get a demo game on the list for a month so that everyone can play. We'll also be playing some last generation first person shooters which can be had inexpensively and will run on almost any hardware.
  6. But you forgot to mention that you get to play with Hak.5 fans and cast. That's a bonus :)
  7. You know if you are taking your pic in the mirror you should really light it with something other than a flash. But then it wouldnt be an emo myspace picture. and who needs key, fill, or back, or edge lighting anyway, thats for dorks. </sarcasm>
  8. I bet you get strange looks walking into a shop with that on.
  9. Check the website. We'll be doing it again on the 20th.
  10. Agreed thats the way to do it and I don't mind spending the time keyframing, I'm just wondering what FX programs would do the job best. Vegas is a great NLE but AFAIK this is out of the scope.
  11. I've got to admit I do admire that poem, as well as that generation. I picked up a book of Ginsberg's work in SF a few years back as a gift for my sister and I'll admit I never would have been turned on had it not been for that movie.
  12. well someones going to have to yield avatars or im going to be very confused
  13. If theres really a big demand for this I'm willing to donate forum space and IRC.
  14. Look, I don't know what show this is from, but this sure was cool. It's just so completely random and psychotic that I loved it. I especially enjoy the bouncing on the couches one. Don't knock it till you try it.
  15. Am I the only one that thought neowhitehat was kainchick at first based on the avatar?
  16. turning stills into movies is fun, especially once you get photoshop involved. your imagination is the limit and framerate doesnt matter. I was actually talking about gun bursts on the ground, walls, other objects. the sparks. we dont have money to do them in RL so they have to be done digitally. as for the muzzle blasts i figure photoshop would work but I also have to account for the lighting on the characters face while the gun blasts. without it the shot looks uber fake. im going for realism, however if i dont quite make it i'll just say it was my artistic interpretation or something of the sort ;)
  17. Exactly and thats why I encourage anyone with the right ethics and a will to learn to get into phreaking. It can really take you places. Just be careful.
  18. What he said. Sorry, I rambled. Metatron pretty much summed up what I said. And yes, for the record I did get started because I thought beige boxing was cool, but once you start to understand the system. It.. It just clicks. Social Engineering is key as well. Don't bother with operators though, at least in my experience they've never been useful. I know a guy that was successful extracting information from Harris Dracon technical support though ;)
  19. Oh and just to add to the field phreaking kit part of this thread, mine was much like metatrons, though not quite as extensive. Some items I used that were not listed include: 100 foot RJ11 on a spool - great for running a line from a can into the woods Vice Grip - Great for keeping pin alarms in place when opening the more interesting cans Bandages - you will get hurt field phreaking. The first time I had to cover a wound with paper and electric tape I decided that gause and medical tape needed to be in my backpack. An alibi - if your field phreaking with a friend make sure you both have the same one. this is EXTREMELY important. Trust me, it comes from experience.
  20. It depends on who you ask. If you ask me phreaking is not about placing free phone calls or stealing from the telcos, however that may be involved to a certain degree. For me phone phreaking is much like hacking in the sense that much of it is exploring and learning. The PSTN is a beautiful system and understanding is my goal. Sure the glamour of red boxing, beige boxing and what not are there at first which pulls you in, but once you start to realize how all of these systems work it's hard not to get sucked in and thirst for more. I credit much of where I am today to my early phreaking career. It's what eventually put me in network administration, which is a wonderful area to explore and learn in itself. But the phone system isnt as easy to grok when much of it is kept secret. Borrowed manuals and printouts from dumpsters behind switches aid in the hunt. It's really much like a real life game, with real consequences as I found out in the summer of '99. The community is as vast and intricate as the telephone system itself. If your really that interested I recommend starting with something like the CCITT Blue Book rather than box plans. Understanding how an exploit works is far more fulfilling than performing it. Another fun activity is to wardial NPA-PRE-99XX. You'll be amazed how many interesting systems are behind those numbers. Strange messages, tones, clicks. Once you find them and can recognize what one is it's hard not to wonder what's really on the other end, and once you know what piece of equipment your really talking to is you'll want to know what makes it tick. 555-XXXX is a good area too. There are so many areas you really just have to dive in and see what interests you. The scene that I was a part of had many members versed in many aspects of phreaking whether is be in the field, wireless, IP telephony, switching, routing, payphones, satelite. The list goes on and on and it really becomes acronmy soup after a while. ACTS, NPA, ANAC, ANI, TNI, RBOC, PSTN, PCM, PAM, TDM, E1/T1. While the system is much more complex now with everything going IP, the playing field should have leveled out with things like wikis. But then again I'm just "oldschool". If you want to learn aspects of phreaking to rip off the telco be my guest, but don't call yourself a phone phreak or expect respect from others. D
  21. you forgot ultimate doom, the one with the 4th episode. i think it was called thy flesh consumed or something.
  22. rotoscoping. now thats something I'd truly love to try. What was the name of that recent film that was all rotoscoped. Did I miss it? Is it even out yet. Damnit, had some good actors in it too... The hardest part about the gun shots is keying them with the action. if the camera is panning left and the motorcycle being shot up is driving away the bullets cause sparks which need to both move with the camera and get smaller. Armadaender, thanks I have a lot of fun with it. Take 100 and keep 10 :)
  23. Agreed. For me phreaking has become another survival skill.
  24. The point of pandora is that it's a services that learns your musical interests and builds unique playlists, exposing you to new music. If you want to pirate music your barking up the wrong tree.
  25. This is a story I always liked from the scene by a friend DelphianQ: There is a moon out tonight, a full moon. It's hanging low in the sky, barely above the mountain tops. One night that same moon will rise full and bright as ever, but something will be different. One night the moon will rise and the last analog trunk will be replaced. One night the moon will rise and give light to all those in the night, but that night there will be no more blue boxes. The world is totally unjust, but I don't know what to do about it. Somewhere, at some point, something went terribly wrong I think. Things are not as they should be. Once upon a time I read a small story that was contained in the bits of a text file. I don't know how many times those bits had been copied. I don't know who's computer system they had passed through before mine. The story was titled the secrets of the little blue box. I was completely fascinated. Do you like to stare up into the stars at night when its cold; when the wind is blowing softly. Does it make you feel on the outside as you do on the inside. 3am and in the middle of a large, almost empty parking lot. Lights that create large circles around the base of their poles that fade slowly into darkness over the asphalt. All the stores around the shopping center are empty. There are payphones of course. A few of them anyway. But that's not what holds the attention. It's the cold. The cold and the quiet blackness that surrounds. It is wonderful. Does looking up into the stars make you feel important... romantic... phone phreak... Once upon a time there was a man and a woman in the most wonderful garden on earth. There were no telephones. There was no technology. There was a tree, and on the tree a fruit, and in the fruit knowledge. What makes you better. What makes you important. Is it what you know? All our life we learn, and learn, and learn. Facts, figures, statistics, properties. Telephone systems. 100 years ago man kind could not even fly, my how far we have come. Look at how great we are. Look what we have done. Look what we can do. Look what we know. So why is it so cold? How can what you love so much leave you so cold and empty? Trunks made of light, yet give no warmth. Why doesn't my knowledge comfort me? One night the moon will rise full and bright and the wind will blow softly. But that night won't be like others, that night you will understand that all you have learned, all you have been taught, all the knowledge you have sought after with a passion, is totally worthless. --DelphianQ, 1997
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