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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Interesting idea... So many mods, so few episodes. I'll shoot this by Wess and maybe we'll see it come to reality on Hak5.
  2. Yes. We realized that it cannot be defined. It is different for every individual.
  3. If anyone has a copy of the commercial I would be interested in seeing it.
  4. Not that I know of, but I do know of one that sync with Winamp 5
  5. Now when you say Hak.5 theme, do you mean the one Ashley Witt did for us that's be used since episode 4, or the RJD2 song we used prior to having our own theme?
  6. I got one of those a while ago. I deleted it. Probably a phishing scam.
  7. Know what else is awesome? http://www.sydlexia.com/goodies/Heathcliff%20-%20Intro.avi
  8. http://www.sydlexia.com/badclarissa.htm
  9. I've only seen one episode, and that was the one with Lucky255, and only because him and I go way back.
  10. No. But I bet if I begged and pleaded I could get her to *maybe* post a "hello" comment somewhere... *maybe*
  11. Tuna in a can. Thats what got me through season one. Stupid expensive bandwidth. Need an Internet truck... What Mr. Stevens? It's not a truck? Damnit. Anyway one of my fav recipies is Tuna Noodle Casserole http://www.cooks.com/rec/search/0,1-0,tuna...sserole,FF.html Too bad I havent been able to make it in over a year. You see, when Wess moved in with me, the first night, he decided to start a kitchen fire. See, I got a call from Wess one night saying "Hey think I could crash with you for a while" and I said "no problemo dude, we're always buds, totally welcome here. I'll leave the back door unlocked for you, come in any time" And he did. At like 3:30 in the morning. And he decided it would be a good idea to make a frozen pizza. Rewind just a day or two: We just had an awesome cocktail party at hak5 studios (it wasnt actually called hak5 studios then, it was called, um, Darren's apartment). Anyway we had a cocktail party and it was awesome. And at the end of the night after all the chix0rz left the guys thought it would be nice to help me clean up. So glasses made their way to the dishwasher, passed out people made their way to the sidewalk, and for some reason, someone cleaning the kitchen decided it would be a good idea to put a plastic collender (thing you use to drain water from pasta) in the over. Why? Dunno, guess it was a good enough place to get it out of the way. Fast forward back to Wess. He's hungry. It's 3:30 in the morning. I'm asleep. And Alli and him decide to make a pizza. So he pre-heats the oven like anyone would do. But little did he know, the pastic collender was inside. About 5 minutes later I was waking up to the smoke alarms going off, and black smoke coming from my kitchen. If Wess were telling the story he'd mention the part about me screaming like a little girl, but I'm leaving that part out. so there I was, in bed, screaming like a manly man, when wess and alli bust in telling me to STFU. Long story short (too late), Wess puts out the fire, saves a few kittens, and puts the Earth back into orbit, just in time for me to call him a farking n00b. No hard feelings. anyway, that was a year ago. and I *still* dont have a working oven. Wess tried to clean it a while ago, but "hasnt gotten around to it" since then. So if you see him on IRC, tell him Darren wants his oven back. It's Tuna Noodle Casserole time!
  12. I hate spektormax's avatar. But he's banned from IRC and the forums so I probably wont be seeing it for a while
  13. Awesome. The server is noob.hak5.org Pre-show game is already going.
  14. Where is the fun in that? Oh look, another teaser shot :)
  15. Hak5 is taking on Computer America after the show tonight! See http://www.hak5.org/archives/125 Tonights game will be UT CTF. Signup for the event in this thread. We'll be playing on the noob.hak5.org UT server a bit past midnight eastern (-5 GMT).
  16. I wont be changing mine for a long time I think. And computer kid, I've seen you around a couple forums. Always know it's you when I see the avatar. Most of the time I recognize people from their avatars. I believe the only one who throws me off is melodic, who changes his avatar like a valley girl getting dressed for the first day of junior high.
  17. Filming finished today. As you can see it's almost there. This will be the first time I can remember where I'll actually have a few days to polish this sucker before it goes out the door. I am VERY proud of this new season and I can't wait for you guys to see it.
  18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life
  19. I cant wait for you guys to see 2x01.
  20. I was using the latest version of broadcast machine, but i think i may have borked the update going from version 20 to the latest. not positive. for the first few hours i had 3 servers pushing out 2 MBps each until they had to stop seeding. um. they werent my servers. :(
  21. and now the direct downloads are available on the homepage. this bandwidth bill is going to hurt. =/ grumble
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