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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. +1, not that I don't like IIS, but I find Apache a lot flexible to work with. It gives me a lot more options and tools to work with, where IIS doesn't do so much.
  2. Yep, they will be in direct violation of the terms and agreements, if they host up Wikileaks content.
  3. When deploying a honeypot, you want to ensure that it does not make any direct connection back into your network, or the attacker will use this weakness to exploit your network. You want to ensure that the attacker stays inside that box, so securing the box will be very important. There are a few websites that, sort of walk you through the whole process of deploying a honeypot, I would also recommend watching their videos, they should give you more ideas. www.irongeek.com www.pauldotcom.com
  4. Ohhh I got it, so if someone asks you who's that girl I saw you with last night. You say, I took her out on a penetration testing and was fun.
  5. Hosting a website is fairly easy, I normally use Apache (web server) on my XP box, you can also use a Linux distro like Ubuntu. You will also need to sign up for a domain name, that is if you want to have your own domain name, like www.bbsreaper.com or if you are cheap like me go with Dyndns.com, its only a matter of signing up and creating a hostname that will point to your ADSL IP address and that only takes you matter of minutes to be set up and running. You can own your domain by buying it from mydomain.com or do what I did sign up with dyndns.com. For example this is my subdomain. infiltrator.dyndns.org. Let me know, how you go!
  6. What was that for? Were you having a few too many, my friend?
  7. Well, it depends what you want to use the server for. If I had a similar server, I would install Windows Server 2008 on it, so I could turn it into a domain controller. Then I would install services like, webserver, ftp server, mail server and a couple of VMs. There are lots of things I would do, if I had a server.
  8. If you restart the computer with the HDD plugged in and then log back in, does it show up in My Computer at all? Another thing you can try, I know this is not necessary and Windows should very well detect it. But its worth a shot, go to the Manufacturer website and see if there are any drivers/software available for that particular HDD.
  9. Just use an Iframe, it will save youself a lot of time and you won't need to mess with any scripting language. You should use the example Digip provided, it really does make a lot of sense, instead of experimenting with thousands of pages.
  10. I was watching the first movie of Tron last night. Can't wait for The Legacy to come out at the cinemas.
  11. Of course, I read some articles about static code analysis before, but that was on how to reverse engineer a computer worm. But I guess the principle remains the same, if I am not wrong.
  12. Ummm, you have a very dirt mind!!! Just kidding... I am a security oriented user, so i am most of the time performing attacks and penetration testing against my virtual machines, and its fun too. Plus there are so many things you can do with an old thread computer. You could contribute to scientific research or other related research activity by offering some of its idle power.
  13. By the way, here is a list of compatible hardwares that is supported by Smoothwall. https://support.smoothwall.net/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=280&nav=0,22 Ideally you want to go with small form factor mobo, like a mini or micro-atx board. You don't want something, that is taking up to much room and consuming lots of electricity.
  14. For the time being, not even the Chinese supercomputers can crack this key. It would require massive amount of computational power, like a quantum computer for instance. Its safe for now.
  15. I tell you the vampires would love to have a case like that, especially when they are thirsty.
  16. Yeah I know you can't really prevent 0 days attacks yet, the vulnerability needs to be discovered first by someone, and then a patch worked on, so it can be applied on the flaw. Is there a software that can find vulnerabilities inside a source code of a program? Or the only way to discover a vulnerability is through reverse engineering and looking at thousands of lines of code.
  17. Found a couple of articles, that shows how to restrict local admin access via GPO http://www.grouppolicy.biz/2010/01/how-to-use-group-policy-preferences-to-secure-local-administrator-groups/ http://www.frickelsoft.net/blog/?p=13 http://www.windowsecurity.com/articles/Using-Restricted-Groups.html
  18. I think a Captive portal is what you are after. Untangle currently supports it. So users must log in first before they can surf the net. Edit: from a security point of view, an open wireless is like inviting a stranger into your house, very bad idea. Also check out this link, I think it has you are looking for. http://www.personaltelco.net/PortalSoftware
  19. Infiltrator


    What does Mechanical damage do? Is it suppose to damage your car, or make your car super fast or something.
  20. For security and legality purposes, I would never offer my computer as a web server for hosting Wikileaks. Its not that, I don't like Wikileaks, but with the Authorities now watching and monitoring you never know, they could come knocking on your door without you realizing and arrest/charge you for complicity or whatever legal issue they may want to throw at you.
  21. We're in the process of investigating the compromised host and will provide additional information if and as it becomes available. Source: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_name=alpine.DEB.2.00.1012011542220.12930%40familiar.castaglia.org I hope they take that as a lesson and learn from the incident and their mistakes. So to prevent future attacks from happening again.
  22. No problems!! We'll keep on looking if I find something, will let you know.
  23. I think this may be what you are after. http://code.google.com/p/phpvirtualbox/
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