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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I will head to my virtual lab and see if I get the same results, if I don't I will let you know.
  2. I am not 100% sure, how you would rig up your laptops camera to a USB. I guess what you could do, is hit Darren at feedback@hak5.org and ask him that question. He may be able to shed some lights, since he is into the whole electronic stuff.
  3. I kind of have the same opinion. But I will wait for the film to come out first, before making final judgement, like you said. But have to say, that the graphics does look awesome.
  4. That reminds me of when I was still in my childhood, i used to gain lots of presents. But now I just buy my own stuffs. I like expensive things.
  5. What's your website URL, so I can see if there is anything that may trigger a DDos against your site.
  6. Correct, it does require a whole box, the same goes for the other firewalls Smoothwall, PFSense except Comodo.
  7. OK, I over exaggerated that one, but somehow he will need to gain access to the server, in order to view the logs. Which could be a difficult and illegal thing to do. So contacting Facebook will be his best bet.
  8. Will keep on searching, thank you for the info much appreciated.
  9. There are tons of firewalls out there. The really good ones i can suggest are, PFsense, Smoothwal and Untangle. They are all Linux based firewalls. If you are looking for something more, stand alone like a personal firewall, you could try Comodo Free Firewall.
  10. Unless you have physical access to the Facebook servers, it will very difficult to impossible to trace back the ip address of the person who created the profile.
  11. Is the victims machine fully patched? Also make sure that, UAC is not being used in Vista or Windows7, as it could be blocking the attacks. And resulting in the erros you are receiving. I also did a big of Googling and found this http://www.backtrack-linux.org/forums/beginners-forum/32848-unable-dump-hashes-win7-meterpreter.html
  12. CCleaner, Eraser (http://eraser.heidi.ie/). Also when cleaning the registry make sure you are deleting the rights keys, as deleting the wrong keys can have catastrophic impact on Windows and it may even prevent Windows from booting up again, resulting in a full Windows installation. So I would not recommend performing a registry clean up, if you are not sure. Don't forget to do a full defragmentation and disk clean up as well.
  13. Thanks Digip, I think I did run into that scandisk option before when I was installing Windows 7. I think that should do it.
  14. I am not sure, but I think you will need to some kind of USB controller circuit board, where you can solder the laptops camera to it. I am doing a bit of research on the net, to see if I can find anything.
  15. Have you noticed how much DDOS attacks have been occurring this month.
  16. Very true, but you can still find a lot of solutions for issues on the internet for Apache.
  17. Hi Guys, I would like to know if there is a way to, increase the physical range for one of this wireless cameras. http://www.ozspy.com.au/products/1-Hidden-Spy-Cameras/121-CCD-Covert-Hi-Resolution-Wireless-Button-Cam/ I am thinking on mounting a couple of those, on my RC remote control car and drive it around my neighborhood. Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance
  18. Are you kidding me, you asked your mom? You funny!
  19. Wikileaks is currently under heavy attack. In order to make it impossible to ever fully remove Wikileaks from the Internet, we need your help. if you have a unix-based server which is hosting a website on the Internet and you want to give wikileaks some of your hosting resources, you can help! Source:http://wikileaks.ch/mass-mirror.html I am sorry, but I won't do it....
  20. You right, will do that thank you again.
  21. Wikileaks is basically a whistleblower website that is serving unauthorized contents/information that is classified as top secret. Somehow, Julian Assange (the creator of Wikileaks) has managed to get hold of government confidential information and is now making it available to the public. You can read more about it at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Assange http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WikiLeaks
  22. Thanks for the reply, but i was looking for a Live ScanDisk Utility. You know, like a live distro that I can boot it off a CD or something.
  23. Thank you for sharing, its does look pretty handy. Especially if you have to always retype the same command over and over again.
  24. Hi All, Just out of curiosity, what Linux tools do you guys use for checking errors on a HDD. I can't use my Windows 7 one, due a to bug that consumes all the available ram and thank you Microsoft for not addressing this issue. Anyway, the other day I tried scanning one of my disks for errors and i noticed all the available ram being sucked out by the scan disk process. In a matter of 5 seconds, all my 8 gigs of available ram, went down to 500MB. Likely I was able to kill the process in time before the system went hay wire. Anyway, what tools do you guys use. Thank you very much
  25. Same here, I haven't actually deployed one yet, but it would certainly be a very useful tool to deploy and also to help us understand, the techniques and methods used to break into a system. And from that, to learn what they do once they have compromised a system.
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