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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Yep, just like the Fastra in the vidoes above.
  2. Before you try reinstalling the OS again, I would suggest to disconnect all the cables inside the case and only connect the ones that are important. For example, if you have more than one hard drive only use one that you are going to install the OS on. Secondly, don't occupy all the ram slots just install 2 modules for the time being. Thirdly, if you have any expansion cards (eg sound, tv tuner) remove them and only leave the important one eg Graphics card. Make sure all power cords are properly connected to the connectors on the board. Make sure the CPU fan is spinning and nothing is obstructing its blades. Reset the bios by removing the battery from the socket on the motherboard, switch on the computer for 5 seconds, then power it down and back up again with the battery on the socket. Re-enter the bios. Adjust only the important settings, like Time, boot sequence (1. CD-rom, 2. Hard-drive), save and exit the bios. If you are still getting blue screen, try replacing the sata cables.
  3. I've never seen that error before, what happens if you use the command line interface cracker. Do you get the same error as well?
  4. Have you tried turning off the UAC? I've read in other forums that, with the UAC turned on most of the exploitation won't work very well.
  5. A simple method would be to craft a non-malicious website and get the end user to visit it. And then place some Javascript code on the website, so that it can record the ip address when user visits it.
  6. If you are just building a normal cluster system with traditional CPUs, you don't have to use the same hardware. But if you are using GPUs, it would be a good practice to have the same brand for compatibility purposes.
  7. What kind of errors do you receive in Metasploit framework, when you try to exploit Vista? Plus you will need to make sure UAC is not running, I found out that it can block metasploits attacks.
  8. You could try setting up a VPN connection between the two servers, but before you try that will need to make sure that the VPN ports are not blocked.
  9. To give you an idea, the new Nvidia GTX 580 graphics card supports over 500 Cuda Cores. If you can build a computer with 3 or 4 of those cards, you will have massive amounts of power, instead of clustering computers together, occupying space in you room's wall and consuming lots more electricity. You can have a very efficient and fast computer. Plus applications will need to be written for Cuda or otherwise it won't work.
  10. My office is a lot more cleaner than my Avatar. Back to the point, generating those rainbow tables, would still take a long time, you can have the fastest system, but the tables does contain all the possible hashes, its point less.
  11. I actually got myself: 1. 2TB External HDD 2. 2x Gbit Media Converter 3. 2x SFP Patch lead fibre cables 4. 2x Gbit SFP Transceivers 5. 1x 1080P Webcam 6. x1 500ml water coolant for my computer. And that's about it.
  12. Are you running any extra toolbar, try resetting the browser default settings.
  13. In general terms, what kind of services are you planning on providing, to the end user?
  14. Yo Slugman, Here is a list of freeware video converters just pick one and download. http://www.snapfiles.com/Freeware/gmm/fwvideconvert.html
  15. Yeap, that's pretty much what I would've done. Set up one computer, where you can VPN into it from the internet, and then SSH from that computer into the computer where you would be using for pen-testing.
  16. Always wanted to converter some of my FLV files into AVI. Sure this product is going to serve me well, thanks for sharing that with us.
  17. Get a lawyer to read it up and ensure everything is in place, and make sure you don't go outside the scope of your terms.
  18. For us home users, I don't see much benefits for using IP v6. For the moment, IPv4 is good enough as long as you have NAT enabled you shouldn't have a problem. Its not like we are going to be connecting billions of devices to our network at home. I run Win7 on my computer at home and to be honest I've turned IPv6 off. Not that I don't like but I just don't need it for the time being. I think you should stick to ipv4 for the time being.
  19. And there is that option too, if you don't want to buy something expensive, you can also download an electronic copy of some book. Torrent will be a nice place to download and its economically free too.
  20. Government should never control what people see on the internet. I find it a waste of time, resources and most of all they don't know what to do with the tax payer's money.
  21. I don't know if you have heard of Ninja Hacking, but it has been recommended by some website I can't remember, its name.
  22. Those links I posted has a direct link to what you are looking for. Like this one, its not hard at all http://www.hackingspirits.com/eth-hac/tools/brute_force.html
  23. It explains very well, why your computer wouldn't boot up. CPU was overheating, but I wondered why it didn't beap. Normally when a cpu fan is not properly set up, the system halts and displays a message, saying that you fan speed is too low or not working. Glad you got it working.
  24. Would be interesting to see what kind of results one would get after running this script. Obviously I would run this script on a VM.
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