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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. What are you trying to do?
  2. Infiltrator


    I guess being certified is one thing, but if you really want to get a job in the pen-testing field, experience is going to count a lot.
  3. Yo X492, Don't know if you have tried this website or not, but it should be able to detect and report any throttling activity by your ISP. Snubs did a segment on this website before, so it should give you a clear picture, of whether your ISP is throttling you or not. http://www.measurementlab.net/measurement-lab-tools
  4. Apparently Yahoo is going to be moving their server infrastructure to IP6 scheme. As result millions of users could be unable to access any web resource from Yahoo. http://www.networkworld.com/news/2011/011911-yahoo-ipv6.html
  5. I can already see some good use, where all that storage might be useful. Rainbow Tables, HD Movies, Music files, Surveillant Camera Footages and TV Shows.
  6. These kind of people will never learn. They always rather to be spoon fed than to try harder.
  7. Error 800 usually means, The VPN server may be un-reachable, or security parameters may not be configured properly for this connection. Try to do the following: 1) if you have firewall, open TCP Port 1723, IP Protocol 47 (GRE). 2) make sure you can reach the VPN server by using ping. Sometimes, poor connection can cause this issue too. 3) You may need to updated firmware on a router or firewall if other OS (win9x/nt/me/w2k) works except XP. 4) The VPN server may not be able to get IP from DHCP for the VPN client. So, you may want to re-configure VPN host networking settings. For XP pro VPN host, go to the Properties of the VPN>Network, check Specify TCP/IP address and Allow calling computer to specify its own IP address, and uncheck Assign TCP/IP addresses automatically using DHCP. 5) Make sure no other secure software blocks your access, for example, if you use Norton secure software, you may need to add the remote client's IP so that the client can access. 6) If your VPN running on a Windows RRAS with NAT enabled, you may want to check the NAT settings. 7) If you can establish the VPN from the desktop at home but not from the laptop. Make sure no security software like Microsoft OneCare software that blocks the GRE.
  8. I think turning on moderator approval, must have made a difference. I don't see any spam at all.
  9. Umm, very well said. I really hope this is his router. First of all, you will need to figure out what the administrator username is. By default the userID on most consumer routers is admin or administrator, unless it has been changed to something else. In order words, just brute forcing the password field is not enough, you still need to know or guess what the administrator username is. Unless you specify a username file in Hydra with random administrator usernames, you won't have much luck.
  10. I wonder if this template has been developed by some Russian Mafia. That could explain the reason why we receive so much spam from Russia.
  11. I'd say that too, better backup functionality, in addition more security features and above all a larger file system and storage footprint.
  12. Apparently I clicked on one of the links and Google Chrome reported that the link was a forgery. Nothing major happened, but it could've been worse, a Trojan Horse.
  13. Not a bad idea, I think Darren should consider advertising some moderators position. Or perhaps promote some of us.
  14. Just out of curiosity, how come with the old forum skin we never used to get this much spam, now with this new skin, we are getting a fuck load of spams, of all kinds.
  15. I have found something that's worth reading about cascading two routers. http://www.corenetworkz.com/2008/02/router-to-router-cascading-simple-guide.html Secondly I would advise, connecting the second router, to a standalone PC and disable the DHCP from there. Don't forget to change the ip address of the router as well.
  16. Sounds good, but the only issue I see would be that depending on your hardware configuration, other users may experience hardware compatibly issues, because of the hardware difference between the system. Unless you don't install any drivers at all and let windows do all the driver assigning.
  17. Since you are planning on having two internet connections, you could run some kinda of load balancer, splitting the load onto the ADSL lines and optimizing your application speeds and performance in general.
  18. I am still using the 2003 version and have played very little with 2008. I think its too early to start using 2011. But I would definitely give a shot and see if there are much differences between the 2008 and 2011 version.
  19. If you plan to learn other languages, like ASP, PHP and Javascript. W3Cschools would be a good starting place to learn. http://www.w3schools.com/
  20. Will give it a try and see how it compares with Backtrack.
  21. The thing about IT is to have interest, be self motivated and willing to learn. From experience I know, IT is very challenging and very dynamic (very hard to keep up to dated). So it always comes down to the individual and their ability to learn new things. If not sure about something, or you want to know more about it, ask people who knows the subject like Hak5, but before doing so you might want to spend some time researching so you don't sound too noob when asking the question. Books, Videos and Google are a very good source of information as well.
  22. Get to know people in IT, join them in discussions or listen to what they talk about. Visit hak5 forums frequently and don't forget to watch the videos. Research and read about various informations on IT on the internet. Go to courses and don't forget to practice and learn even more.
  23. Or better yet, you could potentially sniff the credentials used to login. Provided the traffic is not encrypted.
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