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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. You can use Kismet to try and search for that non-broadcasting wireless. But I am not 100% whether you will be able to find your friends Vodafone wireless, since its a different network altogether. But it would be nice to see, what happens I've always wanted to try this.
  2. Infiltrator

    Gaming Rig

    I own a GTX 480 graphics card, it can get quite hot sometimes, the temperatures in my room can rise quite quickly, so I have run an A/C quite often to compensate for the heat. I also have a 24 inches screen which causes another thermal issue as well, contributing more to a hotter room. In order to reduce power bills, I am planning on going green and build a solar battery system, since I run my gear 24/7 with the aircon on, that should help maintain the bill spikes to a minimum.
  3. Could it have been an insider, or they somehow overlooked their security and someone managed to break in.
  4. Infiltrator


    Saw a college of mine playing GT5 at his place the other day, really loved the game, I am thinking in buying one logitech Racing Wheel and turning my PC into an Arcade Machine
  5. I am plan on buying this one http://usa.asus.com/product.aspx?P_ID=WzU7IKA6SWdBvaRd It comes with I7, 8Gigs or Ram, Full HD screen, BlueRay and THX Certified.
  6. Infiltrator

    Gaming Rig

    The nice thing I like about the new Nvidia GTX 580 graphics cards, is that their power consumption its a lot less than the former generations. They new ones consume around 250 watts compared to 500 or 700 watts. So if you are planning on running crossfire or Sli a 850 or 900 watts power supply should be enough. Raid 0 is not a bad option at all, if you are a performance freak like me, but make sure you keep a backup of all your data, if you don't want to pocket money for the data recovery, which can be quite costly.
  7. Parada dos viados, que isso cara!!!! To brincando!!! O Brasil e um paiz maravilho, mais o problem todo ta com o governo, em nao saber como administrar o pais. E uma pena morar num pais assim, doi muito no coracao e ter que ver muitas pessoas sofrendo sem motivos nenhum. Quando eu vou ao Brasil eu fico com muito medo de sair pras ruas, passo o tempo todo trancado na casa da minha tia. Agora aqui na Australia nao, tem nenhum desses problemas e outra, voce pode sair pelas ruas sem ter medo de ser assaltado. Trocando de assunto, como voce fala bem o Ingles, ja pensou em vim para Australia, aqui tem muitos Brasileiros e o que nao falta e outra, pessoas com qualificacoes na areas de Engenharia, Medicia e Enfermangem e o que mais tao precisando aqui. Eu termine ou Bachelerado aqui em Darwin e agora trabalho na area de Engenharia na Informatica. Back to English, I think Darren briefly did a segment on installing Smoothwall and Untangle, you might want to watch it, if you want to know more about it. I will see if I can find those episodes and will post them in here. In between, you may also find some vides on youtube.
  8. Nao precisa traduzir nada, te entendo perfeitamente. Eu morei em Alagoas por 9 anos, agora to morando aqui na Australia. Eu gosto muito do Brasil, mais infelismente tive que mudar pra ca. As condicoes sao melhores, sem offensa nenhuma ao Brasil. Now going back to English, that's one of the reasons why I rather use Untangle over other Linux firewall distributions, it has Karpersky antivirus as a paid add-on.
  9. Untangle is still opensource and most of all free. Just some features like AV and a few others you have to pay for. If you don't want to pay, and want something totally free, then you could use Smoothwall, has almost all the features provided in Untangle. Edit: Desculpa em perguntar, vc e Brasileiro or ja mora no Brasil por muito tempo.
  10. I've only used Smoothwall and it really does a decent job. However I can't really comment on how good/bad the others are, since i haven't tried. Moreover I know from a fact and also from reading reviews that Untangle, its a very good firewall option to have. Its powerful, flexible, offers good performance and comes loaded with security features. Please note that, some features must be paid for, in order to be used. http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r20031539-Untangle-Firewall-in-Review http://www.brighthub.com/computing/smb-security/reviews/44809.aspx I would recommend Untangle, even Darren uses it for securing his network.
  11. Yeah I wouldn't use Root accounts over the internet, just create a non-privileged account and you should be fine. You don't want someone else managing to get root access to your machine. I am not saying it will happen but its always good to take pre-cautions than waiting for something to happen.
  12. I don't know if Mac OS work on non-mac hardware or not, since I haven't tried. I reckon you should have a Mac and a PC, that is if you are not tight on budget. Moreover you could run a VMware fusion and have a Windows VM Guest running on it, if budget is the issue. In my case, I would definitely have both. It would be certainly a very good experience to have.
  13. If you really want to protect your personal data from preying eyes, just encrypt the HDD and set a complex password. Now encrypting the system won't prevent anyone from gaining access to it, that's is if they have physical access to the computer, in the first place.
  14. My suggestion would probably be to create two separate arrays, one for storing the "Usernames[]" and the passwords "Passwords[]" values as it reads the text files. And then have two "for loops" for each corresponding array for writing the credentials back to file. Don't know If that makes sense to you.
  15. What a coincident, I read something similar on Quantum Cryptography a while back. However I read an article, that stated that its virtually impossible to crack Quantum Cryptography, but on the other hand, the device used to encrypt the message, apparently has a flaw in it and with the right equipment you can intercept the keys, used to encrypt the message. I see if I can find the article.
  16. Does the text file already contain all the usernames and passwords or just the passwords.
  17. Usually a wireless network could be set up with an IP address in one of the following ranges, to .255 to .255 to .255 or .255 Just a matter figuring out what range of IP address the network uses, just like Digininja suggested.
  18. It needs to be redesigned or rewritten to be able to work with Macs.
  19. Thanks for all the input guys, I will take all legal issues into account as well. As for the camera set up, I will be using an Ethernet HD Camera, with a built in mic, that should give me a very good picture quality and good audio as well. I will also be installing a third screen up in my room, so I can monitor each individual camera closely. Each camera will be configured to record and take snap shots of anythings that trigs its sensors. I will also buy a Qnap NAS device that will be used for storing all the pictures and videos. Thanks again.
  20. Yo Hak5, I am thinking on installing some surveillance cameras inside and around the outside of my house. Since I live in a neighborhood area there may be other neighbours that may not approve it or dislike the idea of someone installing cameras, I seriously don't find any problems with that, since I won't be using it for recording the neighbour's daughter or wife, simply for incident purposes. Has anyone done this before or what are your insights/thoughts about this. Thank you very much
  21. Unless you isolate it from the network and the power, and place it inside a safe than it will be 100% secured.
  22. That's one of the problems with content filtering systems, it can be easily by-passed. If you know what/how to do. This approach may not be very efficient, but you could keep an eye on what he does to bypass the restrictions. For instance if he is using an outside proxy to bypass your network restrictions, you could block it.
  23. Must be someone else, I only lurk around mainly in the Hak5 and GovernmentSec forums.
  24. I've always been a huge fan of virus writers, its very interesting and amazing to see, all the length they go to design a virus. It can take weeks or even months of preparation and planning to design a virus. And then comes the fun part, hiding their tracks, encoding the virus and driving all the virus examiners insane. Apart from Security, Virus analysing its also another area the interests me in IT. Do you know any website you would recommend for reading.
  25. I'm gonna set up a virtual lab and get to the bottom of it. Will try to post the results in here in due time.
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