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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. If you really want to take down an army of zombies, this is what you really need.
  2. If you want to watch a good TV show watch, "The Big Bang Theory". Its very funny.
  3. Hi all, Its quite amazing to see what this guy in Russia did: http://englishrussia.com/index.php/2010/10...rage-for-70-tb/ Regards, Infiltrator
  4. If you plan on taking a CCNA course, you might also want to look into GNS3, which is a virtual router lab. Very handy and most of the stuff you do in a real cisco lab like configuring switches and routers, you can do with GNS3 as well. http://www.gns3.net/
  5. You can also try Easeus, it does all the basic tasks. 1. Back up all you data 2. Restore all you data 3. Does a complete image of your system 4. Restore your system with the created image. And lots more.
  6. Infiltrator


    there are two websites you can use to download exploits from http://www.exploit-db.com/ http://www.packetstormsecurity.org/ However if you don't want to compile exploits, just head over to http://www.metasploit.com/ and download the metasploit framework, that should get you started with pen-testing.
  7. Very impressive, if it was a DVD collection I would join the bidding since I am not much of a gamer, not that much appealing to me.
  8. Hi guys, Have you ever needed a database system to keep track of things you lend or let your friends borrow from you, well I found this quite useful free online service, that lets you just do that. http://returnmypants.com/ Enjoy! Regards, Infiltrator
  9. The tool has been created to bring awareness of what it can do. However there are people who might use it for the wrong purpose, I now understand why that Professor said it wasn't illegal.
  10. It worked, I turned off the modem and left it turned off for 15 minutes, turned it back on and it got a different ip address, totally different.
  11. Whenever I turn off my modem for the night, and then turn it back on on the next day I always get a different IP address, from the ISP DHCP pool. Would that be sufficient?
  12. Barracuda Networks Tuesday announced it will pay more than $3,100 to anyone who can hack into its security products, saying the bug bounty program is the first ever from a pure-play security vendor. "This initiative reflects our commitment to our customers and the security community at large," says Paul Judge, chief research officer at Barracuda. The security firm lists its Spam & Virus Firewall, Web Filter, Web Application Firewall and NG Firewall as products in its bug bounty program. Google last week launched a bug-bounty program to pay for vulnerabilities, and many other vendors are willing to pay security researchers for information about vulnerabilities they'd like to be able to fix as soon as possible before these flaws are exploited as zero-day attacks The Barracuda Networks bug-bounty program will pay as high as $3,133.70 -- an allusion to the slang "leet" number-related spelling of 31337 for security "elite" --for "particularly severe bugs," according to the company. But the starting reward is $500. The following bugs and attack types are said to be excluded: use of automated testing tools; social engineering; denial-of-service attacks; physical attacks; attacks against Barracuda's customers; attacks against Barracuda's corporate infrastructure or demo servers. Acceptable bug types include "those that compromise confidentiality, integrity or authentication," with examples given of "remote exploits, privilege escalation, cross-site scripting, code execution and command injection." The company asks that vulnerabilities be reported via e-mail to BugBounty@barracuda.com using the PGP key at http://www.barracudalabs.com/bugbountypgp.txt. To qualify for the bug bounty, the bug must be disclosed only to the company, Barracuda specifies, and once the "issue is fixed, you will be able to publicly disclose the issue." Source: http://www.networkworld.com/news/2010/1109...ty.html?hpg1=bn
  13. I do that very often, my modem gets disconnected from the wall every night when I go to sleep. Now for the Mac Part, how do you change your modem mac address. Edit: Just out of curiosity what modem brand do you have?
  14. Do you have any other security certifications and other books to recommend at all.
  15. I never use the CD, when I am configuring my routers or Modems. The only time I use it is for reading the manual, however there are instances when you have to load the software, but most of the time its not required, if you know what you are doing.
  16. Infiltrator


    why don't you create a virtual machine and install windows xp from scratch and then install some buggy applications, instead of installing on your computer.
  17. Are you sure the person who did this, didn't specify what files he wanted to copy. Like for instance, excel documents, word documents, pdf and so on. That would be possible but coping the whole system and files would require a HDD instead. In addition if you want to do such thing, you could write a batch script and then use an autorun file to execute the script.
  18. Exactly, if you know what you are doing, and know how these tools operate, then nothing can stop you from using them, doing it at own risk of course and taking precautions when using them very important.
  19. That's the problem with certain services, they always require root privileges in order to execute.
  20. He wanted to make the public aware of the implications of using this tool and now Microsoft responded their way, by adding detection signatures to their security software. It was obvious that someone would sooner or later do something about Firesheep.
  21. I found this free web-based server monitoring utility, I think it does what you are after http://www.serverscheck.com.au/monitoring_software/
  22. Computerworld - The security researcher who created the Firesheep snooping tool defended his work today, saying it's no one's business what software people run on their computers. He also criticized Microsoft for adding detection of Firesheep to its antivirus software, calling the Redmond, Wash. company's move "censorship." Eric Butler, the Seattle-based Web applications developer who released Firesheep more than a week ago, took to his blog Tuesday to counter claims that the tool, or more precisely, using the tool, is unethical and perhaps illegal. Firesheep, which was released Oct. 24 and has been downloaded nearly 550,000 times since, is an add-on to Mozilla's Firefox browser that identifies users on an open network -- such as a coffee shop's public Wi-Fi hot spot -- who are visiting an unsecured Web site. A double-click in Firesheep gives its handler instant access to the accounts of others accessing Twitter and Facebook, among numerous other popular Web destinations. Legal experts have split over Firesheep legality, with some believing using it to hijack accounts violates U.S. federal wiretapping laws while others see it differently. All agreed that the law is "unsettled" before the courts. Others have said there is virtually no chance that Butler would face charges for distributing Firesheep, since creating tools like it are not illegal. Butler said essentially the same thing today, although in much stronger language. "It is nobody's business telling you what software you can or cannot run on your own computer," he said, noting that Firesheep can be used for legitimate purposes, including security testing. "A much more appropriate question is: 'Is it legal to access someone else's accounts without their permission?'" he wrote. Butler again argued that he built Firesheep to raise awareness about sites that don't encrypt all traffic between users and Web services. "As I've said before, I reject the notion that something like Firesheep turns otherwise innocent people evil," said Butler. In the eyes of the law, Butler's rationale is misplaced, said Joe DeMarco, a former Assistant U.S. Attorney and now a partner with the New York City-based law firm DeVore & DeMarco LLP. "Motive, as distinct from intent, generally is not an element of federal crimes, including federal computer crimes," said DeMarco. "You can't rob a bank, give [the money] to the starving, and then claim you are not guilty of robbery," he said. "By the same token, you can't help others commit cybercrimes and escape liability. If you make software which enables unauthorized access to other people's accounts with the intention of facilitating that crime, you may very well be liable for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act under established principles of aiding and abetting and conspiratorial liability." Motive does, however, come into play when it comes to what DeMarco called "prosecutorial discretion." By the latter, DeMarco meant that prosecutors may not chose to go after Butler, or the maker of any other hacking tool, simply for engaging in that activity even where they believe that a crime was committed. They haven't so far. "I'm not aware of any federal prosecution for the mere creation of software that enables you to log on to other people's accounts," DeMarco aid. "There's almost always something else at play." Butler also took Microsoft to task for adding Firesheep detection to its antivirus software, including Security Essentials, the free-of-charge consumer software, and its various enterprise-grade security programs. Butler argued that Microsoft is violating users' trust by detecting Firesheep as malware. "By installing antivirus, you grant a third party the ability to remove files from your system trusting that only malicious code will be targeted," he said. "Microsoft and other antivirus vendors abuse this trust and assert what they think you should or should not be doing with your computer." Butler also blasted Apple's App Store as another example of what he called "censorship." "Code is a form of speech, and the freedom of speech must remain protected," Butler asserted. "If Microsoft wants to improve security with censorship, it would be more appropriate to block the insecure Web sites that are exposing user information in the first place." Microsoft's Firesheep detection listing is extremely terse, and includes no technical information or details on what its security software does when it sniffs out the packet sniffer. But Jeff Williams, a principal group program manager with the Microsoft malware center, filled in some of the blanks. "Microsoft's anti-malware packages assign an alert level of 'Medium' to hacker tools such as Firesheep," Williams said in an e-mail reply to questions. "[That] rating applies to programs that might affect your privacy or make changes to your computer that could negatively impact your computing experience, for example, by collecting personal information or changing settings. Medium-rated threats aren't scrubbed from a PC, Williams added, but are instead quarantined. Users are then asked whether they want to delete or retain the file. "Nearly half of our customers are choosing to remove [Firesheep]," said Williams. As for Butler's assertion that software code is analogous to free speech, some of the people who added comments to his blog agreed, others did not. "What Eric [butler] has done is publicly expose and drive awareness to an important security flaw that many large Web sites have knowingly ignored for years," said someone identified as "swindsor" in a comment posted Tuesday. "Sometimes it is the government's business what software you run on your computer, if the sole purpose for something happens to be illegal, then it's a valid point to say that the software itself should be illegal," countered "instrum3nt." Butler and his colleague, Ian Gallagher -- the two led a Firesheep presentation at the ToorCon security conference on Oct. 24 -- have declined Computerworld's requests for interviews in the past. Instead, Gallagher said in an e-mail last week, the pair plan to use Butler's blog to answer media inquiries. Butler did not responded to another request for additional comment today. Source: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/919...mp;pageNumber=1
  23. Infiltrator


    You could try exploiting these services and applications. Apache, Adobe, IIS, FTP, Firefox and IE. And can also use Nessus to run a vulnerability check on the target machine.
  24. That's why third world countries never develop, because the politicians are so lazy only thinking of power and money.
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