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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I can't remember any good books from the top of my head. But there are certainly good websites where you can watch videos on exploits or related topics www.pauldotcom.com www.irongeek.com www.securitytube.com
  2. Your router by default comes with a built in DHCP server that can lease IP addresses. But since your university network already have its own DHCP server, you might just better off disable DHCP server on your router altogether, to avoid conflicts.
  3. Las Vegas, Hotels, Girls and Money, one day I might come your way.
  4. Yeah you still get viruses from torrents as well, sometimes when I download files from torrents my AV flags a virus, I guess it really depends what you download.
  5. Yep in deed, just like Kazaa, Murpheus they were all canned by the authorities now Limewire. I couldn't believe at first but then when I visited their website, there was that legal notice on the site. OH Well, I am using torrents now.
  6. That's what I was referring to, Linux has all these native built in tools, that can make our jobs so efficient and Windows on the other hand, can make our jobs quite frustrating sometimes. But both Oses have their advantages and disadvantages, that's what make them so unique in what they can offer.
  7. That's really amazing stuff, I am so jealous right now. I am thinking in building one myself, not as powerful as Fastra II but will be powerful enough. Thanks Digip.
  8. And make sure you have a complex pass-phrase and not something like "hackme" that's what a lot of people do nowadays. WPA2 by is strong, but if you have a weak pass-phrase than it will be easy for someone with the right gear and wordlist to crack your wpa key.
  9. Yeah I do realize that, but why can' t Microsoft do a better job just like Linux OSes does.
  10. If you hold the reset button for more than 10 seconds and then turn it off and then back on again, are you able to access the router via its ip address?
  11. Man why can't Windows be like Linux for once.
  12. Which would be the problem, since most wordlists does not contain all the clear-text passwords. Unless you can compile one yourself, which would take a very long time and lot effort. Edit: Even then it may or may not contain all the clear-text passwords, which I would in turn convert to traditional brute forcing, using several Nvidia Graphics cards, perhaps in a clustered environment to speed up the process. But again depending on the size of the hashes it could take a long time to crack.
  13. I agree with you, but it would take a lot of hardware to build a really super faster computer, that's where NVIDIA Cuda graphics cards comes in reducing the costs of hardware and possibly the power bill.
  14. I used this website to decode the image. http://www.opinionatedgeek.com/dotnet/tools/base64decode/ Have fun. Regards, Infiltrator
  15. Job opportunities are pretty tight in America. If you want to be able to find a job come to Australia. It will be a bit easier to find a job, plus Australia is not as big as USA but you can have fun.
  16. Never mind it was my mistake to have asked, I should have never asked. Keep it to yourself it won't do any good for me. I find myself another way.
  17. It can be script kiddies or hackers, but if we can learn real stuff from them, stuff that could one day help us, that's all the matters.
  18. "Cryptohaze GPU rainbow table program I can find hashes in the rainbow tables within seconds thanks to the GPU/SSD combination" http://pauldotcom.com/2010/10/your-passwor...ing-system.html
  19. That's why Script Kiddies they don't go too far. Only the real hackers will go that extra mile if it worth for them.
  20. I am just downloading their videos, to watch later. As Digip mentioned, there is a segment they did on wireless devices, I think will be worth checking it out.
  21. I know some freeware mail server, that could allow me to use it open relay.
  22. Are you able to share you program.
  23. No need to build a computer cluster system, if you can afford some of the latest Nvidia graphics cards, you can build a system with over 2000 cores, plenty of cores to generate rainbow tables in no time. Link to the rainbow table generator http://a2480f25.blogspot.com/2010/07/crypt...l#axzz13qGYfQ9q And this link contains information about, D3ad0ne's Nvidia Cuda Rainbow table Generator System. http://pauldotcom.com/2010/10/your-passwor...ing-system.html
  24. I haven't actually tried Konboot, so I don't know how good it really is, that's why I want to hear from someone who had experimented with it.
  25. A simple firewall has no way of knowing what traffic is good and what traffic is bad, unless you specifically configure it to recognize the traffic. Firewalls that incorporate IDS gives it the ability to detect a bad traffic or for example will alert you of intrusion attempt, and it is therefore up to you to deal with the problem. On the other hand, IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) as opposed to Snort which does only detection, it has the ability to detect and at the same time block the attack. If you want to give your home network a better protection against attacks, I would recommend Untangle if you are on a tight budget and want the best free firewall available. Hope this helps
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