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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I found that Ccleaner does somewhat a good job of not leaving traces behind, but in a forensics website I read Eraser should be used after Ccleaner has been ran, just to stay on the safe side.
  2. I would recommend watching these videos. http://www.hak5.org/episodes/episode-404 http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/procmon1
  3. I am not much of a programmer but you could implement some arrays and a for loop to make the code more efficient.
  4. Here are the episodes, check them out. http://www.hak5.org/episodes/episode-717 http://www.hak5.org/episodes/episode-718
  5. There could be a lot of things, affecting your internet speed. 1. Telephone line 2. Modem (update the firmware or buy a new modem) 3. Faulty Filter Line 4. The computer itself, (try optimizing your TCP Stack) 5. Defrag your compute, if you are using Windows 6. Check if you have sufficient ram 7. Get your ISP to run a test on the line, to determine if there are any issues 8. Try upgrading your internet plan to see if that makes a difference 9. Do you share your internet connection with anyone else (might want to check P2P software is running) Watch this Hak5 episode, Snubs suggests a tool that can pinpoint root cause of your slow internet speed. http://www.hak5.org/episodes/episode-726
  6. Facebook is a huge waste of time, people should invest their time into something that is beneficial for them or the society around them.
  7. Are you sure the python file is in the correct directory. Might want to try reinstalling it again.
  8. I've been there myself once, I was just hopping out of the shower and the room was all dark, so I went to switch to turn on the lights and because I was all wet and the switch wasn't isolated properly and to make the situation worse I wasn't wearing any foot protection, in addition the floor was all wet. Finally I went to turn on the lights, Bang got the biggest shock on earth. My hands went all numb and burning, the shock went through my hands and all way to my right foot and by the way it wasn't 110 volts it was 240 volts. So yeah! water and power does not mix.
  9. You are correct, once you place yourself on a DMZ you are exposed to the internet you have no protection whatsoever, all ports are widely opened, so port forwarding won't be necessary for you. However it will be very difficult to exploit a victims computer if she/he is behind a firewall. You best bet would be to get the victim to accept an infected link, that contains a reverse shell, just like what Mr-Protocol suggested.
  10. I've been using Chrome for a while and have to say, it never let me down. My current internet speed is 1.5Mbits flat and have made many large downloads and never really experienced any performance issues with Chrome, thats one of the reasons I switched over from FF to Chrome. Chrome seems to load the pages a lot faster than FF and most of the time its very stable. I used to use download accelerator for FF and that used to crash FF all the time. With Chrome everything runs smoothly. On a side note, have you made any upgrade or modifications to your computer lately?
  11. It took the authorities a long time to capture him, that's what makes a hacker so great. the ability to remain stealth and uncaught.
  12. I am really sorry, this is the right article https://calomel.org/firefox_ssh_proxy.html
  13. Whenever using a proxy or a SSH server to tunnel your Firefox traffic through, make sure you have the following configuration in Firefox enabled. network.proxy.socks_remote_dns This option will force Firefox to use your own SSH server, to perform DNS look ups instead of your schools dns server. Edit: This is the correct URL: https://calomel.org/firefox_ssh_proxy.html Give that a shot and see if it works.
  14. This article should be simple enough. http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/05/19/how-t...ders-in-ubuntu/
  15. Looks funny, will check it out later. Thanks for sharing...
  16. Thank you so much Mr-Protocol will give that a shot.
  17. Hi, Does anyone know of any Freeware or Opensouce application, that will allow me to view a local webcam over the LAN? For instance, computer A has the webcam attached to it and I want to be able to view from computer B. Thanks in advance. Regards, Infiltrator
  18. You could take a look at Untangle, it may be what you are looking for. http://www.untangle.com/captive-portal
  19. That is an awesome idea, I could re-design it in a way that it doesn't use my hand but the wind to generate more power, so I could use it not only to recharge my phone but my laptop battery as well.
  20. I've never really used it and the company I work for deploys the patches via group policies, when they are available.
  21. In addition, I don't know if VLans would cause any performance hit. So better off making it a simple Lan Game design.
  22. Nice tool, hope they can implement that in Metasploit or Backtrack as well. It would make capturing WPA keys so much easier.
  23. I sort of did the same thing, when I was in High School. I formatted the hard drive of all computers, in the Lab leaving after hours students unable to use them for studying. I did it for a very simple reason, I was very fed up for paying international student fees. The fees they charged for every international student was ridiculous and the school really had a crap teaching system.
  24. Not a bad idea, I could catch my neighbors daughter in action.
  25. I think he wants the whole Hak5 seasons, as mentioned on his original post. I am hoping I can get the parts today, so I can finish upgrading my computer.
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