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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. You get that in every school you attend to, they think they are more knowledgeable than others just because they can do something cool whereas others can't. Back in my high school a college of mine thought he was really cool, because he found a way to view other students screen. He used to show off his new semi-acquired skills to everyone in the room.
  2. Would be interesting to see, how this project is gonna work out in the end. There is no way you can translate a text from one language into another language accurately enough. It will still need someone reviewing the articles to ensure there are no grammatical or spelling mistakes.
  3. If I was managing a network with 10 or more computer, I would set up box with Untangle and configure Kaspersky on it, to give a bit of protection. On the other hand, I would still install an AV such as Avast on the individual machines, just to give them a bit more protection.
  4. See for everything there is a manual instruction, all you have to do is follow it. There is nothing difficult in it, unless you are too lazy to read or just want to be spoon-fed.
  5. Prof of concept I like that!
  6. I do agree with that concept, however you can buy gear that will have the same quality and type and could last you a lot longer for a less price.
  7. A podcast show would be nice. What type of microphones are they?
  8. I guess they just want you to spend more money on expensive cables, claiming that will make a difference, when in fact you are getting the same results across the board.
  9. Interesting, I've read magazines on Home Entertainment Systems and I swear they recommended anyone investing more into the cables.
  10. Is this a hype or is it true, that expense cables can in deed offer a superior video quality?
  11. I wouldn't mind burning the episodes on a DVD for you but right now I am in the process of upgrading my computer, and the parts I have ordered haven't arrived yet.
  12. Theoretically speaking having a 1Gbps or 100Mbps switch won't make any difference to your internet connection speed. The reason to go with a gigabit switch is to improve the overall network performance. So if the school does a lot of file transfers having a gigabit switch will be a benefit, as you can move the data a lot faster. A core installation basically means that, there won't be any GUI or user graphical interface to interact with, everything you do will be from a command prompt, just like Linux. A big advantage to go with a core installation is security.
  13. I thought these forums were here in order to help out users needing assistance with a particular issue not to charge them.
  14. Or if you really want to have a secure server, you could do a core installation, instead of a full installation. Of course that will involve formatting the severs hard drive and reinstalling everything again.
  15. I wasn't suggesting you in buying a Microsoft product. There was also some mentioning of "Message Passing Interface", on the that Microsoft article. And it was also mentioned on one of the articles Sparda suggested to you. I was just trying to give you some ideas. One thing can lead to another, if you know what I mean.
  16. School and studies can really drain you mentally and sometimes its good to do other things other than school work to relief your mind off that pressure. Accessing Facebook, chatting, or doing other things you are not suppose to can help alleviate your mental stress.
  17. If you have not enabled port forwarding than that could be what is causing the issue. Try enabling port forwarding on your router and then try again.
  18. Since each student will have their own AD accounts, making them limited its important, as not only will it prevent users from installing crap, but minimize any chances of virus damage. It would be a good practice to lock down the machines with group policies, that should prevent students from not only installing, but from modifying settings on the computers as well. To prevent outside intrusions and viruses infections, I would upgrade from Smoothwall to Untangle it offers IDPS (intrusion prevention system) and the best antivirus on the house (kaspersky). And then I would use deepfreeze as suggested by Sparda to heal the machines.
  19. You should give Backtrack a go.
  20. You can pretty much perform this attack with Ettercap, but you will need to be on the same subnet as the victim you are planing on attacking.
  21. ConverXtoDVD supports multi-threading which can take advantage of more than one core, but it won't work on a clustered environment. If you are going at programing you could try using Compute Cluster Pack http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc136762(VS.85).aspx
  22. Just have one switch per bench and then have them branching off to the core switch. I wouldn't worry about setting up a VLan, not really that important on a Lan Game. And the wireless you could connect it up to the core switch. Thats what I would do anyway.
  23. Kevin Mitnick was and still one of the greatest hackers I've ever seen. He deservers a round of applauses.
  24. The question is really simple, do they have any relative or family members already living in the country? If yes than that explains how they get into the country. Here in Australia is the same thing. If for instance I want to bring my cousin from overseas to Australia I can sponsor her and she gets her permanent residency.
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