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The Sorrow

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About The Sorrow

  • Birthday 12/11/1991

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    Las Vegas, NV

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  1. OP should post the configs for both switches (exempting the password information of course)
  2. just install bind or some similar DNS service on a local linux server. I ran a Bind server for a year or so before i made a Windows domain in my home. Linux based DNS can be challenging but it is very effective.
  3. if the NAS has vlan tagging you could trunk a port and have two VLAN IDs with two network addresses.
  4. The Sorrow


    So i want to make a proxy-like system that i can set as my default gateway which will then forward all traffic it sees to my real default gateway. This way i can monitor traffic with wireshark or similar. I know this can be done with IPTables (did something similar but very different). Any help for a guy like me?
  5. No, its returned from IMAP. MySQL is only being accessed by the email server to query for mailboxes. Not by the users.
  6. Alright new stuff! So i followed THIS tutorial only slightly tweaking the setup for a separately hosted MySQL server. when i try to connect to the server via thunderbird i get the following log messages Aug 31 22:19:31 InternalMAILSRV pop3d: Connection, ip=[::ffff:10.x.x.x] Aug 31 22:19:31 InternalMAILSRV pop3d: Connection, ip=[::ffff:10.x.x.x] Aug 31 22:19:31 InternalMAILSRV pop3d: LOGOUT, ip=[::ffff:10.x.x.x] Aug 31 22:19:31 InternalMAILSRV pop3d: Disconnected, ip=[::ffff:10.x.x.x] Aug 31 22:19:31 InternalMAILSRV pop3d: LOGOUT, ip=[::ffff:10.x.x.x] Aug 31 22:19:31 InternalMAILSRV pop3d: Disconnected, ip=[::ffff:10.x.x.x] Aug 31 22:19:31 InternalMAILSRV postfix/smtpd[3794]: connect from unknown[10.x.x.x] Aug 31 22:19:31 InternalMAILSRV postfix/smtpd[3794]: disconnect from unknown[10.x.x.x] Aug 31 22:19:31 InternalMAILSRV postfix/smtpd[3794]: connect from unknown[10.x.x.x] Aug 31 22:19:31 InternalMAILSRV postfix/smtpd[3794]: disconnect from unknown[10.x.x.x] Aug 31 22:19:37 InternalMAILSRV postfix/smtpd[3794]: connect from unknown[10.x.x.x] Aug 31 22:19:37 InternalMAILSRV postfix/smtpd[3794]: improper command pipelining after EHLO from unknown[10.x.x.x]: QUIT\r\n Aug 31 22:19:37 InternalMAILSRV postfix/smtpd[3794]: disconnect from unknown[10.x.x.x] Aug 31 22:19:37 InternalMAILSRV postfix/smtpd[3796]: connect from unknown[10.x.x.x] Aug 31 22:19:37 InternalMAILSRV imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:10.x.x.x] Aug 31 22:19:37 InternalMAILSRV postfix/smtpd[3796]: lost connection after CONNECT from unknown[10.x.x.x] Aug 31 22:19:37 InternalMAILSRV postfix/smtpd[3796]: disconnect from unknown[10.x.x.x] Aug 31 22:19:37 InternalMAILSRV imapd: LOGOUT, ip=[::ffff:10.x.x.x], rcvd=24, sent=464 Aug 31 22:19:38 InternalMAILSRV imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:10.x.x.x] Aug 31 22:19:38 InternalMAILSRV imapd: LOGIN FAILED, method=PLAIN, ip=[::ffff:10.x.x.x] Aug 31 22:19:43 InternalMAILSRV imapd: LOGIN FAILED, user=user@domain.org, ip=[::ffff:10.x.x.x] [/CODE] I also installed a postfixadmin instance to manage the users and virtual domains instead of the suggested one. SMTP and all the sql integration works fine. I create users and domains, they populate in the SQL database no problem. I try to get connected via thunderbird i get the above. However if i use squirrelmail i get this: [CODE]Aug 31 22:29:11 InternalMAILSRV imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:] Aug 31 22:29:11 InternalMAILSRV imapd: LOGIN FAILED, user=user@domain.org, ip=[::ffff:] Aug 31 22:29:16 InternalMAILSRV imapd: LOGOUT, ip=[::ffff:], rcvd=60, sent=332 [/CODE] Id would like to narrow down what the issue is. My guess is its courier's POP3 and IMAP not working correctly with the SQL integration. Not sure. OS is Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS. Any gurus got any ideas? I really want to get this to work!!
  7. Alright. So i fillowed the above walkthrough to the best of my abilities and ive come across a bit of a rut. It seems like the postfixadmin doesnt update and create users in the MySQL database. heres what i get fom /var/log/mail.log Aug 22 09:53:46 MAILSRV pop3d: Connection, ip=[::ffff:10.*.*.*] Aug 22 09:53:46 MAILSRV authdaemond: received auth request, service=pop3, authtype=login Aug 22 09:53:46 MAILSRV authdaemond: authmysql: trying this module Aug 22 09:53:46 MAILSRV authdaemond: SQL query: SELECT username, password, "", '5000', '5000', '/home/vmail', "", concat(quota,'S'), name, "" FROM mailbox WHERE username = 'user@domain.org Aug 22 09:53:46 MAILSRV authdaemond: zero rows returned Aug 22 09:53:46 MAILSRV authdaemond: no password available to compare Aug 22 09:53:46 MAILSRV authdaemond: authmysql: REJECT - try next module Aug 22 09:53:46 MAILSRV pop3d: LOGIN FAILED, user=user@domain.org, ip=[::ffff:10.*.*.*] Aug 22 09:53:46 MAILSRV authdaemond: FAIL, all modules rejected Aug 22 09:53:51 MAILSRV pop3d: Disconnected, ip=[::ffff:10.*.*.*][/CODE] so since there is maybe ten very long config files, i was hoping you guys could continue to help me pinpoint the issue. Thanks ahead of time!
  8. I keep getting a "[mntent]: line 16 in /etc/fstab is bad" heres the line /opt/The\ Lair\ FTP/Videos/ nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0[/CODE]
  9. so to add my video share all i need to do is: /mnt/Videos /opt/vsftpd/FTPServer/Videos nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0[/CODE] yes/no?
  10. yes, im trying to make the server work on intranet at first then NAT the ports to the internet. Which language are you asking about?
  11. i have a TON of files on my NAS. Can i use NFS to mount the shares on my FTP server root? eg my FTP root is /opt/vsftpd/FTPServer. can i set my nfs shares to load in /opt/vsftpd/FTPServer?
  12. More random stuff here guys! I want to make an email server for personal use. Just like the idea of using my own domain for an email address. Anyway. Ive been trying to find a good howto on making a POP3/IMAP server with SMTP encrypted with SSL. What else interested me was using MySQL as a backend. Makes me want to make a SQL server to hold all my database stuff when its all said and done. But i digress. The few howtos and tutorials always seem to end up leaving me very confused and not sure why something is not working. I always get to the point where IMAP/POP and SMTP work, the web client i use detects the settings, but the user cant authenticate. Can i get some references or some direction from sone of you leet guys that have probably done this already? So far ive tried Postfix, Dovecot and courier with MySQL and Postfix Admin. Any other ideas?
  13. Well i got it figured out. Essentially what has to be done is you have to enable write and select a guest account. then i made the directory /opt/vsftpd/FTP i set /opt/vsftpd to chmod 444 because the new security rules require the root to be unwritable. then i set the FTP directory to chmod 764. created an ftpadmins group and set that as the group for the folder recursively so all new subdirectories and their containing files will mirror those permissions.
  14. i cant allow anon logins... i have stuff ive bought and wish to distribute between my friend and not amoung the public.
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