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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. This module hasn't been updated in a long time. I doubt it is your pineapple. Try the command line.
  2. Nope. You'll need to get another card for this type of stuff then..
  3. Let me get this straight: You are using the Pineapple's built in WiFi card to Jam? If so, that is why it crashes. Jamming needs to take control of the interface and will kill anything running on it. You want to use a USB wifi card connected to the pineapple.
  4. Well, download the network manager module, connect the pineapple to the AP using wlan0, connect to POE/LAN port on the pineapple, don't set your ip to .42 but something else and set your route to be if it isn't already. That will do the trick!
  5. It would be possible, yes - but very unlikely in this scenario. Instead of being repeaters they are actually networked Wireless APs. The main reason for this is to not degrade the connection much. If you keep repeating you'll have a horrible connection in the end.
  6. Yup, you sure can. You simply create a link from /dev/null to.. wait: ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules Reboot and you are done :)
  7. I went back to Arch. It got a lot better since I used it a while back. Works great on thinkpads.
  8. Hey headros, you shouldn't need to execute those export commands - we have already included the /usb/ into the path as long as it is present. In general, you should always install bigger programs to USB as you will quickly run out of space on the Pineapple itself! Best, Sebkinne
  9. Hey dor_g, To answer your questions: Yes, you can make your own. Yes, you NEED a serial cable. Amazon and ebay carry them in most countries I have checked for. USB serial UART (3v). No, you cannot use just the Ethernet port. You will however need to use it while connected over serial. Finally, yes, you can flash the hornet-ub with the Pineapple firmware. I saw you posted a link to the jpgottech website - I have heard in other threads here that they have gotten scammed by that website. Just something to keep in mind - just in case. In regards to the step by step guide, our website has that or as Mr-Protocol posted, he explains it well there too. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  10. Sorry about that, we did indeed go down for updates. Sorry for any inconvenience that caused! It should work fine now though on our end, so if you are still having issues we will need to debug that :) Wiki wise, we are moving to a new platform. Won't take too long I hope. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  11. Hey KingHackR and welcome to the forums. First of all, your profile isn't disabled but you don't have enough posts to have the active member status. I bumped your status up so that you can connect your accounts. Anyway, to your Rubber ducky issues, I suggest you make a post on the rubber ducky forum. I saw you replied to a topic there but if you think it is appropriate, I suggest you make a new topic specific to your issue. If you have issues, you can always contact the hakshop. About the Pineapple - you are right, we need to update the book. However as I am sure you have noticed, the port change information is easy to find :) I am sorry you are having a hard time getting your tools to work - I hope that any issues you may have now get resolved asap. Worst case, the hakshop is the official route for support or returns. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  12. Brazzmunk, If you attach a USB wifi card to the pineapple, you can make it be a client to an AP. If you then know it's IP (usually given over DHCP by the AP) and you connect to the same AP, the pineapple can have internet over said AP and you can reach it over <IP>:1471. In terms of wireless, you can run it stand alone (and connect to the pineapple over wifi to manage it), over 3G (best using a reverse SSH tunnel), over a relay or over android tethering.
  13. Brazzmunk, To edit a file, just SSH into the pineapple. Then use your favorite command line editor to edit the files. I prefer nano for simple editing as it is very fast and easy to use. Others prefer vim. The "i" refers to VIM input. We don't offer the possibility to edit files through the advanced option menu. Some specific files are editable through the interface but far from all. The 3.0.0 UI will most likely have an editor built in but it isn't very high on our to-do list. Best, Sebkinne
  14. Yup, that would be the latest one for the MK3. Please note that the MK2 will be a little slow running the MK3 firmware.
  15. Well, you kind of answered it yourself ;) Adblock is for ads. It is updated regularly to ensure all those pesky adds dissappear. It doesn't stop potentially malicious scripts running. Just ads. Notscript on the other hand just disables all scrips except for the ones you have allowed. That way, if you visit a new page, you first need to allow scripts before they run. Using notscript is a great idea. Add Adblock if ads annoy you ;)
  16. Ipbhost.com is the host we use for these forums. Not sure why you are suddenly getting error messages. In regards to SSL, we have discussed this a couple of times and are (iirc) doing this in the near future. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  17. Ipconfig, To crack WEP you can use the aircrack suit. This is included on the pineapple and is accessible over the CLI (via SSH). This would probably be a neat infusion to have too but it doesn't exist yet. To crack WPA, you can either capture enough data and then attempt to crack (don't do this on the pineapple - it would take forever). Or, if the WPA ap has WPS there is a good chance you can crack it using reaver.
  18. Nice to have you back! Personally I am more focused on the new UI than this module right now - but I'll put out a new version soon as lots of people seem to want it. I'll have to talk to Digininja a little before that though. Best, Seb
  19. Aminter, The main concern is that once the kylin development are trusted, it is very well possible that they submit things upstream. If that happens, it would be possible for something to slip through.. This has happened in other OS projects - trusted developers aren't checked that closely.
  20. The schematic isn't open source as far as I know.
  21. the wp.sh script has nothing to do what ports infusions allow. It is just for ICS.
  22. Hey everyone, While we value everyone's opinions, we aren't changing the rules. Not right now anyway. We hope you understand and accept this. Best Regards, Sebkinne
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