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Everything posted by Rkiver

  1. Hi there, Every device Hak5 makes has it's own distinct section. You asked for the USB Rubber Ducky: https://forums.hak5.org/forum/56-usb-rubber-ducky/
  2. Hi there, Every device Hak5 sells has it's own distinct section. You asked for the Packet Squirrel: https://forums.hak5.org/forum/94-packet-squirrel/
  3. Just to confirm. You are flying from Vienna, the capital of Austria, in Europe, to Italy, in Europe, and you are asking about the American TSA? The TSA has no authority within Europe. Depending on the tools, just make sure you have nothing bladed on your carry on luggage and you should be fine.
  4. Hi. 1) We have a welcome topic for introducing yourself. 2) Turn off caps. 3) Each device has it's own subsection in the forums, you need to go to : https://forums.hak5.org/forum/92-bash-bunny/
  5. As always patience is the key. The store is run by a VERY small team of only a few people, and they do get quite a lot of emails. If you've sent it in, they will get to it, don't worry about that. I can understand your frustration but all I can advise is patience.
  6. Dead simple, grab and install Belarc System Adviser, save the file it generates. It has your key on there. Obviously double check it before hand to be 100% sure. https://www.belarc.com/products_belarc_advisor Tada!
  7. Your best bet is to look in the Bash Bunny section itself as it goes into a lot in a huge amount of detail. Also look at the videos done on the Bash Bunny on the hak5 channel itself.
  8. https://www.maketecheasier.com/see-pc-startup-and-shutdown-history-in-windows/ First result I pulled from google. https://www.google.ie/search?q=windows+7+logs+shutdown+restart&rlz=1C1CHBD_enIE760IE760&oq=windows+7+logs+shutdown+restart&aqs=chrome..69i57.4659j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  9. I plan on stocking Bunnies and Duckies. I do not plan on doing field kits.
  10. Rkiver

    Hak5 pineapple

    Very first topic in here. Check out the Nano and Tetra forums and see which suits you best.
  11. Settings show Euro only on the back end. I'll check it out via a UK proxy during the week, see if it shows up as pounds, because it should not. Just to be sure, you are going into the site in my signature?
  12. https://forums.hak5.org/forum/56-usb-rubber-ducky/ Whole section just about the ducky down there. Also the ducky is not storage, it's HID. If a keyboard works, then the ducky will.
  13. There's a great topic available that is kind of well, everything. It covers quite a lot, so might find something useful in there?
  14. One Euro is not one British Pound, And I can assure you my site does not say pounds. I am looking at the interface price setup right now, and it is Euro.
  15. Experimenting on lunch break for me tends to result in me forgetting to eat. Don't forget to feed yourself!
  16. https://forum.xda-developers.com/general/general/installing-twrp-rooting-asus-zenpad-10-t3612693 First result on google. Can you install Kali on it? A quick google seems to say no. You want to learn wireless security, there is actually a topic in the forums here about learning. But the first thing to do, and I don't say this unkindly, learn how to search on google yourself. It is a key skill that everyone should learn.
  17. Looking at both in front of me, depending on the situation would define which I would use. I know many a comms rack where a lan turtle would have questions asked, but a squirrel would not. And I know many places where a USB to ethernet adapter is perfectly fine and no one would question it. Know your deployment area.
  18. Rkiver

    WPA2 - Broken

    I know Seb said he is looking into it, and Patrick mentioned it on DTNS yesterday too. I am looking forward to seeing what comes now in new firmwares.
  19. ... Stop. Just stop. You are paid to do a job, they don't have to pay you less due to leaving out part of an AUP. At this point I am convinced you are lying, and are a student trying to get around a firewall in your school by having us write a script for a USB Rubber Ducky for you.
  20. Bull. Absolute bull. They can have an AUP that covers everything, and then give you a letter of marque to let you do your job, like they do with EVERY OTHER PENTESTING JOB EVER.
  21. Really? So if a student breaches your schools security, and in such breaks the Acceptable Use Policy that you would have gotten them and their parent to sign, you cannot confiscate the equipment they used to do so, even if by their actions they could be breaking data protection laws? While I am not based in the US, and am not a lawyer, I do work with schools, and we have had similar attempts. I am EXTREMELY sceptical of your statements here...
  22. Normally I'd have orders going out today. Normally we don't have hurricanes hitting Ireland. All infrastructure is currently shut down across the country until this passes so there will be delays in dispatches until this has passed. Apologies for anyone eagerly awaiting an item, but hurricanes are well outside of my control.
  23. Unifi can do cloud key, or an installed controller on a computer on the network. I rather like it as it makes my life easier in some places.
  24. Kerby, not Kirby. And Kerby was a lovely cat. I was fortunate enough to get to meet Kerby when I was over years ago. Good kitty. Nice kitty. Condolences to all the Hak5 and Tekthing crew who knew that awesome kitty.
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