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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. You need to be ssh'd into the pineapple for the opkg commands to work. It also needs the internet to work. So the first thing you need to do is get the pineapple tethered to either your computer, or your wifi in client mode. A sd card is preferable, since the pineapple doesn't have that much available space. Wait, what are you trying to do???? That command doesn't make sense. I didn't know the hacking exposed books had the pineapple in them.
  2. Plug it back into your computer then hold down the reset button for about 10 seconds, the blue light will go off, then start flashing again. Wait another 30 seconds or so and unplug and replug, start the setup process over again.
  3. I think the only one that doesn't is T-Mob. Everybody else wants their double dip money.
  4. Use a second usb wifi adapter attached to the pineapple. ICS with Macs is a pain in the ass. Someone will get the script fixed, then a software update comes along and breaks it. Maybe some day (doubtful) Apple will get their heads out of their asses and let us specify the ip range of their ICS implementation.
  5. Works for me. If you still can't do it, just compile a new one with the many different script generators.
  6. Been geeking out over this between tornado warnings all afternoon!
  7. Here you go. I adjusted all the holes to the nearest mm, my calipers aren't the best. So the hole sizes should be slightly oversized.
  8. Don't think so. It expects to connect over the usb connection, I can't use it with the nano because I can't do tethering, not going to pay At$t more money for the same data...
  9. genpmk -f wordlist.txt -s Linksys -d Linksys-Table
  10. This is Purehate's old build log for one of their hashcat machines. https://tools.question-defense.com/2010/03/18/the-tools-server-gets-a-fat-upgrade/#more-466
  11. GPU would be the way to go. Picluster would be just about useless for anything but learning about clustering. Personally I'd just use an online service. Let them pay for the hardware and power to run the thing. https://tools.question-defense.com/hash-crackers/
  12. It took mine a couple days to show. There's only a couple people running the shop, and they can get overrun sometimes.
  13. That's last years. They won't go on sale until this summer some time.
  14. Derbycon, as usual. That's really the only con that's worth it for me. Defcon is just too damn big, and Shmoocon is too hard to get tickets for.
  15. They could be turning off wifi when they get to work. Have you tried scanning for bluetooth?
  16. That's why you don't use default ssid's, use random character passwords with no real words in it, and change it every now and then. Also never enable wps, what a load of bullshit that was. Freaking worse than wep!
  17. That's every character, plus every CHARACTER, plus every number, plus every usable punctuation to the power of 63 minus the same to the power of 8, which gives you every possible character combination within that keyspace. If you really want to know what this means, check out this page. https://www.acrylicwifi.com/en/blog/is-a-wpawpa2-wi-fi-network-secure/
  18. The problem is that particular miner is programed to do bitcoin math, which is nothing like password hashing. You would be better off selling the miner on ebay and using the funds to buy a couple high end nvidia video cards to use for oclhashcat.
  19. Those would be the closed source parts most likely. You could try to pm Seb to see if he can point you in the right direction.
  20. You linked to it in your first post... http://wifipineapple.com/mk5/source.tar.gz
  21. Or, you know, buy a real repeater, that was designed for this purpose.
  22. Try this, make sure it's the right card first though... http://www.yourownlinux.com/2015/04/how-to-install-nvidia-346-59-stable-graphics-drivers-in-linux.html
  23. Yea, log into whatever you're trying to crack and just change the password.
  24. Pretty sure mine is running twin duck. You have to hit caps lock 4 times in a row to get it to tire off the payload. It doesn't have to be twin duck specific payloads either.
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