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Whinging at Microsoft


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I dont hate microsoft either. I just hate ... and their attempts to seize every market available.
really I love that look at what we have a uber 1337 gaming system (360) and new features and functions for the iPod (wireless song buying anyone?)
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microsoft wouldnt get so much hate if only they would make a OS that actually worked

instead of focusing of adding eye candy, they should work on improving the speed and performance of it

would you upgrade from a geforce 8800 ultra, to a geforce 6200?

when we upgrade, we do it for the fact that we will get more speed and performance.  it the 8800 ultra was the same speed as the geforce 6200, would anyone  upgrade from a 6200, to a 8800 ultra? and what if the 8800 ultra was slower?

i understanding going from 98, to XP  since it added support for more memory and more cpu cores larger hard drives and ntfs  so we coule have those 8GB iso files we love so much

but going from XP to vista offers nothing new to the user other than  some crappy visuals which everyone will get tired of

every benchmark out right now shows that vista is much slower than xp,  if it was faster  then everyone would be more willing to upgrade 

but  since it is slower most  gamers and businesses wont get it because  most businesses will see slower speed as  less productivity

and gamers will just see  slower boot times, sluggish UI and lower frame rates

what most os makers need to learn is that  faster speed and performance sells more than crappy visuals that are only cool the first 5 times you use them

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ok, everything you pointed out is true. However, vista is designed for new machines. If you're getting a new machine, get vista. Nearly all hardware on new machines these days is fully supported by vista. Vista has some good security features and some terrible ones, but in the end you have to be a competant user to be secure on your machine. And some people value good looks. What do you think the appeal of Apple computers is? Basically, Vista isn't perfect but its nowhere near as terrible as everyone tries to make it out to be. So if you don't like the GUi in vista and your current machine is too slow to run it, don't. And don't complain about it.

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@ hyp0dermik - Im sorry, but I just do not understand this thread, its topic, or its point. Please explain.

Whining about MS for what reason? Don't like it, don't use it. Same goes for any OS, software, etc.

What would you gain by sending a 1GB message to MS, even if you could send that much data over an email connection?

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Post all your whinges at Microsoft here and I will cut and edit them into one big email to send at Microsoft. 1GB email message anyone?

Funny how that post turned into an anti windows/vista rant.....

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ok, everything you pointed out is true. However, vista is designed for new machines. If you're getting a new machine, get vista. Nearly all hardware on new machines these days is fully supported by vista. Vista has some good security features and some terrible ones, but in the end you have to be a competant user to be secure on your machine. And some people value good looks. What do you think the appeal of Apple computers is? Basically, Vista isn't perfect but its nowhere near as terrible as everyone tries to make it out to be. So if you don't like the GUI in vista and your current machine is too slow to run it, don't. And don't complain about it.

my pc runs vista with no problem  the only problem i have with vista is that  it is not  an improvement. it offers no new real functionality  and it doesnt seem any more secure, all of the pc's i have been fixing lately were users who had their vista pc's infected with  trojans and spyware to a point where  (on one of the pc's ) it wouldn't even  go into any user account, it  just auto logs into 1 of the accounts automatically and fills the screen with ads that don't close (even in safemode )

even with all of the UAC nag screens  they still get their pcs in such bad condition 

and whats even worst is that they are usually infected but don't do anything about it until it gets to a point where i am called to fix it.  and to make things worst. when backing up their  files and taking screenshots to make  the reinstall look just like how it looked before, many of these users run banking software and other programs like turbotax and many other programs that deal with private info.  (not the best idea when  a scan with avg on many of them  (that are able to log in and actually run things)  will find around 500 infections

what is the point of microsoft making this crap enabled by default? 

it is like me walking up to a random person on the street and asking them  "can I do it?" , what use is it to them if they don't know what i am going to do? they will most likely ask me  "do what?"  but too bad you cant ask vista "do what?"  and expect it to tell you something like " would you like to install this trojan that logs all of your keystrokes and sends  the recorded info to a person who will use it to possibly steal money from you"

it just basically gives them a yes or no answer. and the reason why  many users get their pcs in such bad condition is because they click yes to everything with out even knowing what it is  and vista  just asks you the same questions over and over

and what makes things even worst is that every computer that i have fixed in the past 3 months had nortons running  but unable to function properly, (auto protection did not do  the job of protecting the user, and to make things even worst, these users  in many cases paid for  the nortons software because the sales person tricked them into buying it)

vista is not any more secure than windows xp  because  theres no way to secure a os more than xp is already secure.  if you give the user control  over the pc then the os is only as secure as the user  and the only solution to the security is


and for vista performance, getting a faster pc is not the answer

because on many overclocking forums and gaming forums, many users with  quad cores and 8800 ultra SLI    are moving moving the windows xp and many that build them self,  are buying copies of windows xp because they get higher benchmarks (those users  generally also overclock  in order to get the highest score possible )  (a upgrade is not a upgrade if all it does is slows you down)

when car makers come out with a new car that doesnt have any new features compared to their older model, you will generally see changes like more of the car being carbon fiber to reduce weight  in order to make the car faster and reduce under steer

even on the microsoft website and any ad they have and any presentations they have,  they generally only talk about the  new UI and it's eye candy

if you disable all visuals you will find that vista looks almost  exactly like windows xp  just with the  settings  located at harder to get to locations requiring you to go through more windows and clicks to get to a setting  where you could et to  in 3 clicks in windows xp

and also  everything acting more sluggish

vista is simply less efficient

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Your users are idiots, they have no idea how to use a computer. I've been using XP for years and I've never had an infection or malware. Instead of taking there money maybe you should educate them on how not to use a computer. Norton is a pile of shite, and its been known for years. But if your users are going to open a hatch everytime someone knocks on the side of your tank, an M1A2 isn't going to offer you any protection.

and for vista performance, getting a faster pc is not the answer

because on many overclocking forums and gaming forums, many users with  quad cores and 8800 ultra SLI    are moving moving the windows xp and many that build them self,  are buying copies of windows xp because they get higher benchmarks (those users  generally also overclock  in order to get the highest score possible )  (a upgrade is not a upgrade if all it does is slows you down)

when car makers come out with a new car that doesnt have any new features compared to their older model, you will generally see changes like more of the car being carbon fiber to reduce weight  in order to make the car faster and reduce under steer

even on the microsoft website and any ad they have and any presentations they have,  they generally only talk about the  new UI and it's eye candy

if you disable all visuals you will find that vista looks almost  exactly like windows xp  just with the  settings  located at harder to get to locations requiring you to go through more windows and clicks to get to a setting  where you could et to  in 3 clicks in windows xp

and also  everything acting more sluggish

vista is simply less efficient

Win2K was faster than WinXP when it came out.

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Vista is okay for media work. The only issues I have with Microsoft is that Windows Vista ultimate/business for embedded systems is bloated and I wasn't a big fan of XP embedded. Windows embedded CE 6.0 and Windows Mobile is nice, so it's not all bad.

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Im sticking with my Leopard  :P :lol:

I used XP since 2001 when it came out and I never had a Virus or Spyware etc. XP (and vista if never used) work fine if you have it set up securly.

I used norton for One day (it came with my broadband) and it took up 87% Resources on a Pentium M 1.6GHz. AVG with ZoneAlarm works fine.

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Stick this in your whining email:

Thank you Microsoft for all your great operating systems.  I love XP, you did exactly what an OS should do with XP, and provided a great system.  Win2k is also a great OS.  Vista is muddy waters, but I still definitely think it has potential.  You have been a leader in innovation, and in refining processes.  In your success you have obviously gained a lot of enemies (look at this thread), but let the haters hate, because at the end of the day, they all are posting this from a MS OS (and if not I can assure you that almost everyone of these tools has a MS box they frequently use).

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